Pat Smith and Carolyn Snyder, Up The Attic Steps, have made some absolutely beautiful dolls. They were kind enough to let me show them to you.
I met Pat here in Perrysburg. She was having a garage sale last summer and we have crossed paths a few times since then.
Their dolls are so much fun. I love you know the Frog delights me.
(This frog looks like me....really....check out the feet!!)
Their dolls have been been exhibited in the Museum of Folk Art in New York City and in the Toledo Museum of Art. Can you believe they have over 70 different designs. I can't even imagine having 70 designs....perhaps 70 Tim Tams but 70 doll designs....these gals are very talented. Their dolls have been in Doll Crafter Magazine and in the Ann Arbor Travel Host too.They do custom work as well. Do you think I should order Aaron and Zachary inspired dolls? Wouldn't that just be the best?
Thanks Pat and Carolyn for letting me show my friends your work. The dolls are just beautiful.
So cute!!