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Thursday, February 18, 2016

It would be nice to drop a fat quarter

I'm not talking about giving away fabric....although I've recently given tons away....I'm referring to the "mo-jo breaks" I've been taking during my sewing.

Here are some of my favorites:
Uptown Funk
Double Dutch Bus
Brick House

After these three I was quickly reminded why I have refrained from busting a move in the last few left ankle was hurting big time.  Chronic pain is a very ugly reality not only in my life but in the lives of so many of the people I know.  No fun!

My broken ankle was the biggest reason I slowed my blogging and then stopped all together.  I'll share more about that soon.

After taking a long break from sewing I finished two projects in one week....can I get a high five....just one will do you can stop all the party dancing now...LOL.

This is the wall hanging I made for George, Mary Jane's brother.  He is in a nursing home recuperating and I thought it would add some color to his room.
 This is a cheater panel that I picked up from our guilds free table. (Thank you Barb for donating it :)

 I just stitched the outlines...simple.

The other project I finished is a tote bag for Cloe, a gal we are going to visit in France soon.

This is a lined tote bag and I don't like it when the lining goes up to the top so I stitched the outer fabric to the top of the lining fabric.

I did this because I don't like it when the lining fabric shows at the top of the tote.

Naturally my rotary blade was dull and this was denim I had to pull out my handy rotary blade sharpener.
This is the only sharpener I have found to really work on my rotary blades.  If you don't have one and need can find it by clicking HERE.  Since blades are expensive I do my best to sharpen and reuse the ones I have before purchasing new blades.

Hope your day is a dandy one!


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I discovered a few things today

Most days I discover things....I practice "noticing" frequently....and today....

I discovered that I want to accomplish something....I want to finish a wall hanging I am making for Mary Jane's brother George,  who has been ill.  I don't want to get up to eat or even get a bottle of water.  I just wanted to sew.  In and of itself...that is absolutely amazing for me because I've felt the need to be "quiet" and a desire to grow roots out my bum (a visual here: deep tree roots connecting me to a comfy spot with very little movement).

As I am sitting and sewing on George's wall hanging....I'm thinking....I need to move my body more....this body deserves some zest.  At the same time....I don't want to stop sewing.  Then it came to me....if every hour or so I put on a song that really gets my mo-jo up....I can turn it up loud and dance like no one's watching (and they aren't)....I bust a move for 3-4 minutes....then I can go back to my sewing.  Do you know how many minutes of aerobic exercise that adds up to be?  I don't know either....but I can tell is a hell of a lot more than I have been getting and I'm heading in the right direction :)

Photo Credit Click Here

You know what else I discovered?  While dancing like a wild woman I saw at least 6 pins I have dropped on the floor and never noticed before now.  I added some dance moves that included bending down and picking them up.  Now....I'm begging you....please don't tell my husband because he will suggest I play music upstairs and clean the house.  I must draw the line somewhere!!!

BTW....I can guarantee you with 100% certainty the only similarities between my dancing and the photo of the female dancing above (found by Google-ing wild dancing) is that I am a female with  two arms and two legs...oh yeah....and I was vertical.

Giggles and Smiles,


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