
I Have A Notion blog and store have moved to:

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Monday, January 16, 2017

A Surprise That Made Me Smile

Ya just never know when something will arrive in your e-mail that will tickle you.  This morning I took the time to open an e-mail from Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts.  I have lost contact with Edyta and her husband Mike over the past few years.  That's what happens for me when life bangs on my hood, I retreat.

This is what I discovered inside the e-mail:

What a delight it was to see Edyta again and tickled to see she is making videos.  I'm a visual learner so videos work wonders for me. 

Given my distress over recent events in my life, I have had little desire to create or sew.  I have done some hand stitching on my little hexies however.
I was working on this piece while Mr. McSteamy drove.  Hexies make a wonderful car project, or so I was told by Mary Jane...that's who got me started.  I'm so glad she didn't encourage me to do base jumping....ya know I would have done it...LOL.

Speaking of Mr. McSteamy, he has taken pity on me and spent several hours putting things away in my sewing area.  I know he wants to see me  get back to sewing so he cleared a path for me.  I'm guilty of just setting things down and walking away when I'm "retreating." 

On Saturday afternoon McSteamy was in his woodworking shop and he caught a glimpse of me sitting down to a sewing machine.  I'm sure he thought he was hallucinating...but is true...I turned on a sewing machine. 

Now sure if you recall how crazy I am about fleece socks.  Yes, during the cold winter months I'm a huge fan of wildly colorful fleece socks.   I've had this pair sitting on a pile in my sewing area for 2 years just because the side seam had come out.  Your eyes have not failed you, they sat for TWO years because of a simple side seam!  One seam is perhaps not worthy of accolades, however each journey begins by taking the first step, right?

Occasional Smiles,

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry and Happy

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah

 My prayer for each of you is that you embrace all whom you love , look into their eyes and tell them....what ever comes to your mind.  Just being together is the most precious gift.

This year is very different for me…. most all of you already know.  

  I have re-worded a song to pay tribute to my much loved and missed brother.

If you can't handle some racy words, do not read any further.

This is a childhood memory being shared with ya! 

We’ve heard there was a secret chord
That Cordie played and it pleased the Lord
Now he’s gone and how I miss him, do ya?

Well it goes like this –we hit the street
And found a snowy place to meet 
And off we go to ride the bumpers, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Our spirits high the air was brisk
We perched right there and took the risk
And hung on to the speeding car, booya

The baffled driver looking rear
Saw nothing in their rear view mirror
And took off down the snowy street, yahoo-ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

You glanced over with eyes filled bright
And there I was just hanging tight
Just left of that Ford tail light, lookin’ to ya

Staring back, I knew I’d see
My brother looking right at me
That shit-eating grin was looking right thru ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Once that driver hit the gas
We’d crouch low and freeze our ass
Our boots would fill with dirty snow, screw ya

Our hands would grip that bumper tight
Two young foolish kids were taking flight
Like two wild animals raised in a zoo-ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Thick as thieves we ran the streets
Frozen hands and frozen feet
Chasing dreams of downhill flight,  so what’s it to ya

For snacks and treats just up the street
None to share, for us to eat
Wrappers lay around our feet, nothing for ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Back outside into the cold
Barely 10 and 12 years old
Our guts filled tight we’d spent all of our moolah

We would search for our next new tow
With burning hands and a dripping nose
No time to stop and shoot the breeze to ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Because we knew it was time to flee
We nestled behind the tree,
Hiding there and trying to fool’ya

Time to book or haul some ass
Escape with drivers, please hit the gas
Their failed attempts to capture us, screw ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

The moonlight shone so bright and clear
The snow filled streets we held so dear
Anticipating the next hitch, hallelujah

Any direction would be great
How flippin’ long now would we wait
It was never hard for us to stray comin’ to ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

We were smart if only in our own heart
Taking risks that gave us a start
Our mother’s at home drinking beer, cheers to ya

So we had nothing more to fear
It was just you and me hiding here
Two crazy kids what a blast, whooo hooo hoooo hooo ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Bumper hitching in the snow
Very dangerous yes we know
Were told so many times so what’s it to ya?

My friend, my brother I held you dear
Those time as kids come back so clear
With tear streaked cheeks I’m blowing a kiss right to ya

There’s a smile right on my face,
Please take me with you every place
My heart and spirit are still right here with ya

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Many thanks to my much loved husband, Mr. McSteamy, for helping me maintain the melody....something that is far beyond my reach.

With Deep and Sincere Gratitude,
OK and a Smile and Giggle too!



Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Different Kind of Christmas

 Different Kind of Christmas by Mark Schultz

I thought some of you would appreciate this song....I know I do.


Friday, December 2, 2016

Trademark Infringement

Please be advised, I Have A Notion is a Registered Trademark.  

My registered trademark is being violated.  As you can imagine, my patience is running thin.

I've not been posting recently due to the sudden death of my brother.  He was killed by a hit and run driver on October 3, 2016.  One hour at a time, one day at a time I am coping.  My sincere thanks to everyone who has extended their condolences.  I will be writing my letters of thanks soon.  Still reeling from this nightmare. 

Not Smiling So Much,

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

So Very Thankful!

I am so thankful for my family and for the joy, entertainment and opportunities they bring to my life.

I am so thankful for all of my friends who have provided so much support, companionship, tutelage and humor.

I am thankful for all the years I have spent with those that I have deeply loved and are now passed. 
I am so thankful for nature and the beauty that surrounds me daily.

I am so thankful for the lessons I have learned thus far in my life.   I am forever changed and I hope for the better

I am so thankful for the resources that are available to me each day: food, shelter, clean water, oxygen, electricity, heat and air conditioning, appliances that make my daily chores so easy, a reliable vehicle, a safe community in which to raise my children and health care.  

OH YES....and I must not leave out how THANKFUL I am for the joy of sewing and my wonderful sewing machines, amazing fabrics and those oh so handy NOTIONS!!  

I am thankful to own I Have A Notion, Inc as it has provided me so many opportunities to meet and connect with amazing and talented people.

I'm certain there is a long list of things I have not written here....but know I am THANKFUL to be able to recall some of the things on my list :)

I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to share publicly my thoughts, opinions  and experiences.

I am THANKFUL for YOU....for the internet being able to connect us....for your kindnesses and support over the last 6 years!

May you be healthy enough today to enjoy what this day brings your way.  I have learned over and over again that without our health, it is difficult to enjoy the other gifts we are given.  OK, now I'm starting to sound like my I will shut up!  How did I get so old so quickly?

Hugs and Smiles,

Friday, November 11, 2016

THANK YOU ...the words seem so small sometimes...

The words Thank You can seem so very small in comparison to the years of hard work and never ending will to succeed for those who serve in our military.    I'd like a much bigger word and a bolder that would convey imminence gratitude for the freedoms and rights we have as Americans. 


My Father....Thank you Dad!
My brother, Thank You Matt!
Our Daughter, Thank You Maddy!

I'm proud to be an American and very appreciative of my right to speak out and against those things I feel are unjust....and I can celebrate those things that are Great about this Land too!  I don't forget, it is a freedom protected and provided by the many Men and Women who serve us daily in our Military.

With Much Gratitude,


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