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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Point, Click, Quilt by Susan Brubaker Knapp Book Review & GIVEAWAY

This post has been edited to include a GIVEAWAY too.  See the bottom for details :)

Admittedly I'm a book worm....and always have been.  On any given day you will find no less than 6-8 books next to my bed and my chair...yep over 16 books....I'm insatiable.   I LOVE BOOKS and I LOVE Susan Brubaker Knapp's latest book, Point, Click, Quilt.

Point, Click, Quilt was the first book I grabbed when I got to review the newest releases at Checker Distributors .  I sat down and went through each page and gobbled it right up.  If you have been a long time reader of the IHAN blog you already know how much I adore Susan's work.  Believe it or not, I actually am fortunate enough to own one of her pieces...true :)

Look at how beautiful the Introduction page is to Point, Click, Quilt. The colors, stitching, and design just grab me....and that is just the beginning!

 Susan shares how to take great photos for translation into an art quilt. Then she discusses design and composition before she moves on to the process of translating that photo into a great art quilt.  After reading through her book I felt so much more confident and encouraged to create more art quilts of my own.

Did you know Susan also has DVD's....she does and I own both of them and have to say they are excellent...I highly recommend not only Point, Click, Quilt but also her DVD's - Master Machine Quilting and Master Machine Stitching

If it were not for watching Susan's DVD's I don't think I would have ever even considered doing any thread painting.  I thought that was for artists and clearly I'm not an artist (I know we are all creative...but honestly there is a real me:)

 This is "Red Eyed Tree Frog" my treasured Susan Brubaker Knapp (Blue Moon River) art quilt.  It hangs in my kitchen and I absolutely love it.  Go check out the Gallery at Blue Moon River...I promise you will really enjoy yourself.  After your visit, I'm sure you will then completely understand why I  highly recommend Point, Click, Quilt and Susan's DVDs.
Susan  would love to giveaway an autographed copy of Point, Click Quilt to one very lucky IHAN blog reader.  Isn't that fantastic?  Make sure you leave a comment by Friday August 26, 2011 on this post and a winner will be drawn by random number generator.  Best of luck to everyone....this is such a wonderful opportunity.  THANK YOU Susan....this is terrific!!!



  1. Enjoyed your review of her book....I would love to take better photos....and I so love the quilt you have of hers...

  2. I could certainly have some lessons on taking photos but what I can't master is uploading them onto computer. Think I would like her dvd on Machine Quilting. Thanks for the review. Sandra

  3. I love Susan's work and would love to win a copy of her book.
    Her work is amazing and would love to learn her techniques and machine quilting on art pieces.


  4. What a fabulous give away. I am sure that her book is fantastic. Thanks for the review and a chance at the giveaway.

  5. I would love to win that book! It is on my to-buy books. If I win it on my son's birthday, I am not even going to give it to him but maybe he will be the recipient of a quilt after I read the book :-)

  6. I love books too and this one looks fabulous, what a great giveaway.

  7. Oh, I just LOVE Susan Brubaker Knapp--I recently watched her episode on The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Timm. She was so informative and wonderful! You are SO lucky to own one of her quilts! I would so love to win this book--this is exactly the direction I am moving to and want to start with my corgi! Thank you so much for the chance!

  8. I'd love a chance to win this book. Thanks.

  9. Would love to win this book, Thanks for the chance!!

  10. I'm a long time traditional quilter but I really want get into art quilting, the finished pieces are so amazing! Thank you for the giveaway. kcarlson1152[at]

  11. You always have the best giveaways even though I never win but Mr Random and I have had a great talk so many that will change. hehe

  12. Oh my gosh, this is the coolest thing ever! I mean, WAY COOL! :oD


  13. I am finally getting into art quilting, just wetting my toes really. So this would be excellent for me. If no one comments before I finish this, I will be lucky number 13.
    My fingers are crossed!

  14. I've been wondering how those awesome quilts are made - I'd love to win this book!

  15. I have your blog on my Google reader and check it every day. I'm glad to get in the pot for a chance at the book. Thanks!

  16. This would be a wonderful win. Count me in.

  17. What a wonderful giveaway. I do so love your tree frog and agree that Susan is so very talented. Would love to win a copy of her new book. I have also heard rumors she is working on a new DVD for FMQ.


  18. Looks like an absolutely wonderful book! Great review too!
    amanda (at) amandamurphydesign (dot) com

  19. My picture taking skills have much to be desired and those art quits are amazing!

  20. I take lots of pictures, but I need the help translating them from photograph to fabric/thread!!!! I'd absolutely love more help from SB-K!!!

  21. Hello,

    Susan's book looks so interesting. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Happy days.

  22. I'd love to win this book!
    Have a nice day.Adél

  23. Her work is wonderful. I would love a chance to win her book. Thanks so much.

  24. Susan's work is awesome! thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  25. Thank you so much for previewing this book. Art quilting is such a rewarding form of creative expression. I'm a beginner, but each time I visit Susan's blog I get smarter. I love your blog. Keep up the good work of making us all on our toes!
    Hugs from Mary

  26. Hi Kelly, thanks for making this possible. I have always wanted to do this type of work. It looks so difficult to do, so I hope this book makes it easier. Sam

  27. LOVE that frog - I've so been wanting to do this, if I don't win I'm going to have to find her book!

  28. Thanks for review and the chance to win this book! I admire Susan's work very much.

  29. Love your tree frog quilt. I can see why you have it in your kitchen where you can see it several times a day. In my family, most of the artistic genes went to my youngest sister - here's her blog:
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. Art quilts are on my list of things that need to be conquered, but they are pretty intimidating. Thanks for the chance to learn from the best, it may just move up to the top of the list.

  31. I love Susan's work and would love to win a copy of her book.
    Her work is amazing. I can only imagine trying to do it myself. Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. I'd love to win this would definitely get me outside my comfort zone and creating something of beauty. Thanks for the opportunity!

  33. What a nice giveaway - thanks to both of you!

  34. Kelly,
    I look forward to your reviews but this book review really caugt my attention! I hope I win, but if I don't, I'm sure to add this one to my collection! Thank you for all the information you share. I truly hate to waste my money on notions that disappoint!
    Suzanne Burke

  35. I have dvdS, very well done. Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity, Kelly. I would love to have this book. A whole new world for me. Judy C in NC

  37. I would love a signed copy of her book. I like to take lots of pictures but had never thought about making a quilt out of one.

  38. Susan's work is fascinating - first learned of her thread painting via Quilting Arts. Her photography is wonderful (the Silver Springs Parrot is a favorite as Susan captures the essence of the attraction's birds). Thanks for the review and the added giveaway. My photography stinks so I know this book would help me.

  39. Would love this book. Thanks for the give away.

  40. Thanks for a great review and chance to win the book, love the tree frog :)

  41. I would love to win this book!

  42. I would love to win a copy of this book. Susan is such a wonderful fabric artist. Hugs

  43. Here's Auntie again. Never win but what the heck! This book would suit me to a in Terrific. I need some inspiration to get the creative juices back and into my sewing. I haven't made anything in a year. Yeeks..ashamed to admit it. Stamping has taken over and it is a shame. I have so many UFO's. Guess I shouldn't even concsider starting anything new....but...I would if I had the inspiration. Love art quilts so this would be something I would love to read and try. Love ya...keep the smile Kelly as it comes through in your blog.

  44. I definitely agree that there is a difference between a creative person and an artist. Susan's book looks wonderful and she is most certainly an artist. Thanks for a chance to win.

  45. I love your frog! Susan does such wonderful art quilts! I've not only been one of your followers, but hers also, and her work is incredible. I would love to win her new book! If you haven't seen it, go check out her "Space Between" quilt.

  46. I also have both of Susan's DVD's and have really learnt alot from them. I would love to win her new book and learn even newer techniques.

  47. How marvelous to get help like this from some-one like Susan, I'd love to use my camera to capture and translate some of the immense beauty that is all around us. Thank-you.

  48. I don't think any of my photos are worthy of quilting, but I sure do admire your little froggy!!

  49. Think book looks great, thanks. Ive wanted to try incorporating family photos into quilt projects but havent yet looked into the necessary fabric / transfer materials.

  50. I LOVE Susan's work. I don't have any expectation that I could ever do work as nice, but I would love to win a copy of her book and try!

  51. Looks like a wonderful meld of photography and quilting! I love her work, the book looks fantastic.

  52. Great interview! Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  53. I would love to win this book! Thanks for a chance!

  54. Oh my goodness I so have everything crossed to win!!! Thanks for the excitement in my day.

  55. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. I've never made an art quilt, but this could be just the inspiration I need to try something new!

  56. Love the book! Have been looking for it in my LQS since I watched their copy on hand get bought as I walked in the door! Would be thrilled to win an autographed copy! I have wanted to interpret a photo thru whiling for a long time now, but am intimidated. This would be a great help to me. Thanks to you and Susan for the opportunity to win it!

  57. That is supposed to say- "interpret a photo thru quilting"! I hate autocorrect! :)

  58. Kelly, I love the frog quilt! and I'd love to read about new ideas on thread painting!

  59. I'm a big fan of Susan's work. She's very talented.

  60. I love Susan's work, follow her blog. Susan is having an influence on my present work. I would love to have a copy of her book.

  61. I love to take photos of nature, so this book
    would help get me started sewing some of the
    things I see. Looks like a really great book.
    would love to win it and the frog is great. Judy

  62. I want that book to make my work look just like Susan's! Isn't that how it works? Then you know that I just have to be the random winner!

  63. I would LOVE Susan's book! It is a work of art in itself! Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  64. I love Susan's blog. Her work is amazing!

  65. This is definitely not chance. I am supposed to win that book! LOL I just had another blog say that they would like to do a post on one of my quilts, but the pictures were too dark, or too far away, etc. I need to learn how to take the photos! (And I'd love to try her tips on making photos into quilts!)

  66. What a great book! I'm going to recommend it to my guild librarian! Hey - it's guild TODAY!! Sure hope I win!

  67. What a perfect book at this time. I am now ready to combine my camera skills with my quilting skills. I would love to read this book.

  68. Beautiful Give Away! I could really use this Book please enter me in the Give Away!

    Thanks, Nancy

  69. I was lucky to have Susan be a guest at the retreat that I hosted in April of this year. Up until then I had never seen her work but her trunk show was amazing! I would love to win her book! Thanks for the review and the chance to win!

  70. That really looks like an interesting book. I'd love to make an art quilt, but .... maybe this is the inspiration I need!

  71. Looks like a great boo9k, please count me in for the giveaway.

  72. well someone had to be 74!
    thank you for being so generous and giving away a great book. what a way to share inspiration around the world ! thanks again for the chance,perhaps i'm just not lucky in love alone!!

  73. I admire Susan for her thread painting.
    I would love to win this book.

  74. I love Susan's work, too! Number 75 seems appropriate since that's when I graduated from high school! Hope I win =)

  75. GREAT review - THANK YOU Kelly for this post and for the chance to win it.

  76. Oooo, I'd love to have Susan's book! I really enjoy her skilled work.

  77. I've wanted a copy of Susan's book ever since I saw her on The Quilt Show!

  78. I would so love to win that book! I hope you are willing to send to Australia - I'm happy to pay for postage!
    Thanks for the giveaway and best wishes from Brisbane,

  79. I would love to win a copy of Susan's book!

  80. Thanks for the review & opportunity to win the book!

  81. Susan's work is wonderful! Winning her book would be awesome! And ... I have piles of books everywhere, too. Just can't get enough!!!!!!!

  82. Beautiful book - I need one in my collection - to help me make more beautiful quilts.

  83. I love Susan's work. And I am addicted to books as well. Susan will teach in The Netherlands next year. And yes, I will be one of het students. Sure, I hope to win this book of her.
    gr. Marjolijn

  84. Excellent review! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the book!

  85. WooHoo. Giveaways are awesome. I love Susan's work and follow her blog.

  86. I never win anything so would love this book being new to quilting its just what i need

  87. I have seen the book and would love to own a copy.

  88. I'd love to have a copy of Susan's book. Thanks for the opportunity.

  89. Thank you for a chance to win this wonderful book--so inspirational!

  90. This is a great giveaway. I love Susan's work!

  91. LOVE Susan's work and I would love to win this book! Thanks for the chance...

  92. I'm very into photography and anything textile related. I'd love to own Susan's book. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  93. Thanks for the book review. I just purchased Susan's machine stitching dvd and would love to have her book to go along with it.
    Helene K

  94. Your review left me hoping my name is picked. If not I may buy it anyway. I haven't played with photos for way too long.

  95. The red eyed tree frog is so darn adorable.

  96. I hope my name is pulled. I've been wanting this book for quite a while. I can see possible quilts in photos but have little idea how to reproduce it in material. My fingers are crossed. =!=

  97. This book is on my wish list. It would be so cool if I WON it!

  98. I'm a follower on Susan's blog and would love to win her book.

  99. I have recently discovered both your blogs....amazing creative ladies! Have new camera and would love to know how to use it for better effects for my work....thus would be thrilled to win the book.

  100. This looks like a great book. Thanks

  101. My fingers are crossed! Thank you for hosting this giveaway! If I win, I will send it to my dear daughter in Sweden -- an art grad who takes fabulous photos!

  102. Hi Kelly,
    I love Susan Brubaker's work as well! I am amazed at how creative she is. She can take every day common objects and make them look fantastic! Hoping for a copy of her book as well.
    Ruth Q

  103. I love Susan's work. Thanks for this chance to win her book. Please enter me in this give away.

    Vicki. :)

  104. I just finished viewing one of Susan's DVDs. The book looks great, too.

  105. I would love to add this book to my collection. I recently discovered Susan's work through one of her CDs, it's great!

    Angela in Barcelona

  106. I am so interested in Susan's book and hope I'll be entered in the drawing. Thanks for all the reviews you do. They are so helpful.

  107. This looks like a really neat book and would love to win it!

  108. I love Susan's work and would gladly add this new book to my library.

  109. I can get great photos from my new camera, and I can imagine what great quilts they would make. But I don't know how to get them from the photo, through my head, and onto the quilt! Sounds like Susan's book is just the thing!

  110. I'd love to have that gorgeous book!

  111. love her work, took her surface design class in june, she's a great teacher. i would love this book! thanks for the opportunity.

  112. Susan is awesome - I really want her book her work is amazing!

  113. Almost last but not least! I am a real admirer of Susan's work and would love to win an autographed copy! I will most certainly buy it if I don't win but having it especially autographed for you takes some beating! Thanks Kelly, you are the best.

  114. I know Susan and have taken a couple of classes from her. She is a talented lady and I'd love to have this book in my library. Thanks for the review.

  115. I love photography and I love Susan's book. I rarely win anything but I would LOVE to win this book. How nice of you to offer it on your blog!


  116. Fingers crossed as I'd love to win a copy of this book to add to my library.

  117. I would love to win that book! Thanks for the opportunity!=)

  118. I love Susan's work and would love to add her book to my library.

    P.S. Those in Irene's path, be safe!

  119. There is something so intimidating about art quilts. I hope her book takes some of the mystery out of it.

  120. I love her work and follow her blog. Thanks for the review, would love to win the book. Bernie

  121. This is the perfect combination of quilting and art. I have never accomplished the art part. Thanks for the chance to win.

  122. I would love to win a copy of her book. Susan's work is truly amazing:) I haven't done anything with photos yet and that is an area that I want to explore.
    Laura T

  123. Oh my word--I would love this book. It combines my two great loves, photography and quilting, which also happen to be the two areas in which I dearly want to improve.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net


Thank you for reading the IHAN Blog. I love getting and reading every comment that is left here; however I may not be able to respond to all comments left during giveaways. There are times when I am juggling many tasks at one time and may not reply to all comments. Please e-mail me at if you need a reply quickly. I thank you for your understanding and-
More Later-Beth


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