Lauren, the mail carrier, has been good to me, really good to me this weekend!!! Look at this amazing hand dyed batik table runner that was made by Abigale in Kenya. Rosemary sent it to me as a thank you for helping her raise the money necessary to take the Nolting Mid-Arm quilting machine to Africa several weeks ago.
Look at these batiks. They are absolutely lovely and I am so awed that I can't stop touching the table runner. I'm afraid my co-workers would not have the same reverence for this gift so I'm going to ask Mr. McSteamy to make a special wall hanger so I can hang it on the wall.
It is 5 feet 10 inches long too. Every time I touch it....I think about it being made in Kenya and know I'm a little closer to Africa and my dream of visiting. I am so moved by the gift, Thank You Rosemary!!! I am also moved by the process by which this treasure has arrived here in my home. The "chance" meeting and the "chance" phone exhaustion and hesitation at doing "one more thing" and then at night thinking about the women who have learned to sew so they can feed their families and care for themselves.
The gift of sharing a skill, the gift of friendship, connection to those near and far......extending the human chain of kindness, compassion and willingness.....a Quilters Dream.....and the grace by which all of these amazing events have given me a gift.....I live for experiences just like this one....this is what nourishes my soul and gives me hope and joy. (the entire process....not the material gift itself)
I thank everyone who contributed and you all know who you is only because of your care, concern and generosity that I was able to be a link in the chain....we all made the chain and I hope your lives are touched by what we were all able to accomplish together!!
Two packages arrived......this one was full of some fun fabric from Linda Poole.
I know I'm busy and I don't know weather to wind my butt or scratch my watch ....however, I had to squeeze in this one little project because I believe it will help keep me centered in doing what I love and also allow me to nourish myself by accomplishing one of my goals. You may have noticed the button on the right sidebar of my blog that says, "My Plan For Self Care." I'm making a quilt for me!!! I have wanted something to put in my screened in porch that is colorful and bright that enhances the feeling of being outdoors. What better challenge than to make one with Linda's new "Iridescence" fabric line. If you have not joined in the challenge.....I'm inviting you to join me....together we can encourage one another to finish our projects and take better care of ourselves :)
I have to get off of this bot and get over to my serger to serge the edges of this fabric so I can wash it. Before I go, I want to know if anyone is considering the Electric Quilt Cruise? I can't make plans to go unless I know I'll have some cronies with if you are even thinking of going please e-mail me,
Joyful Smiles,