Before I get to the Patchwork part....I think many of you will want get some Olympic Updates.
I'm not sure if these are "Official Olympic Results" ...I'm just reporting what I saw!
Yesterday morning brought an awards ceremony. I stopped to congratulate the winners. I'm guessing these are the Olympians from the weight lifting and gymnastics team ...from last report.
Fierce Flamingo Fencing
A mini-Dream Team
Flamingo Beach Volleyball....isn't this incredible?
I'm so grateful to the couple who put so much time, effort and money into giving us a smile each day.
I just figured out why quilting is referred to as patchwork. Some of us are not as sharp as others sometimes....LOL I finished the UK quilt top yesterday and this is what it looks like:
It needs to be pressed etc....but it is finished and it doesn't look all that complicated does it? A quilter would just draw out a scale and write down the dimensions, cut the fabric, sew the pieces together...right? This quilter just so happened to draw up no less than 8 pattern options....then draw out the dimensions....I measured and measured and measured....cut. Wrong....the blocks were not the same size. After a few more attmepts...I call in the National Guard....Mr. McSteamy. Yep....he had to do it twice too! ROFL
Then I changed where I put the one border and it was therefore not long I did some PATCHWORK :)
How this happened is beyond me. This was supposed to be a quick little project for my son-in-law as a sofa throw. Now the border looks nothing like my plan....but hey....the top is finished and I'm guessing no one on earth will really give a hoot. Now to baste it ....wish me luck.
By the way....I've decided I do have an expertise. I'm going to give graduate level courses at the Quilt University. The title of the class? Un-Sewing....only for experts....are you going to take the class? I'll need to know because there is a limited number of seats available. ROFL