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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Raise Your E-Notion IQ - Sewline Product Reviews-EditedX 2

Edited to add photos that did not show up yesterday...Sorry for the delay! Second edit....can you believe they disappeared again....I'm not even going to go into my frustration....just go and try again...thanks if you are still looking.  I would not blame you one bit if you didn't!!!

Yep, it's Wednesday again!  Time to raise our E-Notion IQ here on the IHAN blog.  Before I go on with my post I thought I'd let you know that I do these reviews independently, they are not sponsored by anyone other than me, Kelly Jackson, and no one pays me to do them.  Ok, so on to my review :)

Sewline has some excellent tools and today I'm going to tell you about three of them that I use frequently.....Sewline Fabric Pencil White and Black, Sewline Fabric Glue Pen (and Glue Pen refills), Sewline AIRerasable Fabric Pen. 

Don't ya just love my fancy photos?  They might get dressed up a bit at the end of this post.

Before I get into the descriptions of each of these, I want to say that I really like the way the Sewline tools fit into my hand.  They are made with nice grips, easy twists and tight fitting caps that don't come off when they are rolling around in my sewing bag.

The Sewline Fabric Glue Pen has a nice twist up lipstick (but please don't put it on your lips!).  You can see I put a little bit on my fabric to hold it in place. 
Rocket science it is not...but what I like is it isn't messy, it doesn't get on my hands and it dries clear...yes clear.  Perfect for applique or if you don't want to use pins you can use the Sewline Glue Pen to hold your fabrics together or your binding in place before you stitch them.  Nice ay?  Another excellent feature is that it is don't throw it away...that is very appealing to me...Green! :)  The Sewline Glue Pen Refills (2 per package) are inexpensive....and that saves Green in my wallet....another GO Green :)

The Sewline Fabric Pencil (here in White also available here in Black) has a very nice finger grip-the clear part at the end feels like rubber and has angles so it stays put between your fingers.  I really like the weight too... it feels like a expensive desk pen.  The chalk tips don't break off easily like some marking pencils do.  You can see where I rubbed my finger lightly over the comes off pretty easily.  If I had rubbed even harder it would come off completely.  You can dab it with a bit of water if you need to  remove the line even more if it stays on your fabric.  The Sewline Fabric Pencil comes with a package of chalk refills so you won't be tossing this into a landfill either :)

I saved the Sewline AIRerasable Fabric Pen for last because I started playing and couldn't stop. This marking pen also has a nice feel and weight to it.  The cap has a snug fit and it stays on when it is in my sewing bag.  That is important to me because I don't like it when they dry out as some of my other brands have because the cap slides off to easily.

The Sewline AIRerasable Fabric Pen has a nice dark fine line and it disappears in a few days (package says 2-10 days but more typically 2-3 days).  When you want to trace your embroidery designs or applique designs and you won't be getting back to your project until later....the AIRerasable Fabric Pen is perfect.  I'm one of those that prefers a dark fine line....following lines I can barely see or that disappear quickly drives me nuts.  The tip is a ceramic roller ball so it glides over your fabric.  Ok so you want it gone now...water removes it immediately.   

A paintbrush dabbed with a little water and look how quickly the line begins to disappear.  Literally immediately.  Once this happened I thought I'd show you another example (I was having way too much fun) by writing my name and then just removing the "ell" so you could see how clearly it disappears....but...

The very second I put a dab of water on the center letters the water bleed over to the K and the Y and see how quickly the letters began disappearing?

I took the photo below about 3-5 seconds later....

Check this out....this is not even me putting watter on the K and the is the water lightly painted over the other letters and this is disappearing the entire name...almost.

So what would happen if I put water over the remaining K and Y?
This is what completely disappeared.
Next I ironed the area to dry the wet part. If the ink were there I'd be heat setting it right?

The Kelly had disappeared but the rest of the leaf I had drawn did not get wet so it was still visible ....all were drawn on the same piece of fabric.

You can see where I pressed the area that says Kelly but not the area with the leaf, right? Kelly was written in the center.

Into the freezer it went for 30 minutes. Why put the fabric in the freezer? Because I have learned that there are other making pens on the market that actually come back when they are put in the freezer. I know we don't store our quilts in the freezer but heck I don't want them getting cold in storage one day and then lines showing up everywhere....who knows? (I'm not saying this to make you paranoid....because I'm aware of it....I just wanted to test it...and remember I'm not a scientist and don't have a lab here at IHAN....just wanted to play a bit.)

The leaf is still there....the Kelly is completely gone...can't really see that part in this photo...but you will below.

Remember the leaf was wrinkled before? I heat set the Sewline AIRerasable Making Pen by pressing it with my iron...see the fabric is now perfectly flat.
If you are still with are a SAINT.... (X 3 now)
I put some water on the leaf to see if it disappeared. You might notice the dark points where I stopped leaves a darker point because that is where I stopped and picked up the pen.

I'll be dipped if the ink did not begin to that is impressive by my standards.

 Here is the entire piece of fabric can't see any of the marks.  I do see a shadow on the left and that is a shadow not ink.  I'd be glad to send the pix to anyone who wants to examine them closer.  I'm not hiding nuttin' honey!
Can you tell I love what I stitching notions. Not very polished and I don't have a fancy Marketing Department for those photo is just me and my BBF (bride booger friend :)

Before I close I want to remind everyone that there are still weeks and weeks left to win some incredible prizes in the Wantobe Quilter Campaign.

I wish everyone the best of luck in winning some great prizes....including myself!!! :)

By the way...the white fabric is a white Kona Cotton for those of you who are wondering.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Green Fairy Quilts is going back to Romania

What do quilters want?  FABRIC...that's and easy one!!!  Beautiful fabric is even better....and Free Beautiful Fabric is BEST...and I right?  You bet ya I am....100% right and I beg any one of you to differ with me...LOL.

What would you do with this jelly roll if you could do anything at all?  Wait...don't answer that just yet....

 What about this Charm Pack? what pretties could you create with this? 

 How about this big beautiful Fat Quarter Stack? what would you do with all this lovely fabric?
Don't tell me....go tell Judi and Clint from Green Fairy Quilts....they are the ones to tell....especially if you want to win it!!!  They are hosting this giveaway....nothing but a comment is required.

Most all of you know Judi and Clint from Green Fairy Quilts (and if you don' might just want to go over and introduce yourself to some very fine people....some of the finest I know).....they are headed back to Romania to deliver 50 quilts and purchase food, clothing and school supplies for children and families who are in desperate need. 

My 2 Cents......

I can speak for myself and say I am always happy to help with cash but getting on a plane and going to see those hungry faces is more than my soul can handle.  I know I would not be able to come back and continue life as I know it.  (If you don't believe me....just ask and I'd be more than happy to tell ya how I know...privately).  Judi and Clint have 4 beautiful their own business and take their precious time and money (they pay for 100% of their own expenses....not even one postage stamp is purchased with donations...impressive isn't it?) to go to Romania each year.

Here is their last trip's video....

What can we do to help?  Too late to send a quilt for this year....there's always next year though.  You can donate so when they arrive they have money to buy food, clothes and supplies for those they meet who are in need.  How much is enough to donate?  Anything....any amount at all....join me in supporting an impressive young couple in pursuing their lives calling. 


Monday, August 15, 2011

A Visit to Jean's House

I stopped over to my friend Jean's (Overmeyer)  house on Friday night for some brainstorming and she had some new finished projects....and she said it's OK to share them with here you go :)
I'll show you the pattern first....doing my due diligence :)

Check out Jean's I-Pad Bag...I love the colors she choose!

She used Texture Magic on the front and did some free motion quilting on the back.

This is the back....beautiful isn't it?
Jean credits watching Patsy Thompson Videos for her success with free motion quilting...I gotta get every one of those and practice so I can do this too :)
Recycling and re-purposing is one of my most favorite things to do.  When Jean told me what she used join the straps....I was tickled.   Can you guess what she used?  I'll put the photo of what she used at the end of this blog post.

The last time I visited Jean's house she had only one UFO (can you believe it?  a quilter with only one UFO..I didn't know they existed) and this time....she has no UFO's. 

This Yellow Cone Flower hangs in Jean's sewing studio....100% finished!!
Look at the variety of quilting Jean used ....I think it is so cool.

I love the feathers and leave combo...and the binding...that red just finishes the piece beautifully.
This is the pattern Jean used.

Ok...are you ready to see how the straps on the I-Pad bag were joined with?

This was a chain that used to hold a chandelier gotta love at its finest :)
I hope you enjoyed the post...I know I certainly enjoyed my visit to Jean's on Friday night!

Friday, August 12, 2011

501 Quilting Motifs Book Review

I love reviewing books and Friday is a perfect day for these posts...don't ya think? 

Books are one of my favorite quilting tools....I get so many ideas and information from all my quilting books.  I've noticed recently that I don't have a large supply of Quilt Reference Books.  Books that I can go to for either block designs or quilting designs or basic how to stuff when I'm stuck on something.  So, I've been adding to my Quilt Reference Library and one excellent book that I have found is 501 Quilting Motifs - Designs for Hand or Machine Quilting from the editors of Quiltmaker Magazine and published by Martingale & Company

Rarely if ever do I even think about the quilting design when I'm making anything that will be quilted.  That is the last step for my brain to compute.  I spend all my time and energy focused on the fabrics and making sure I've done the design/pattern correctly....then when I'm finished I go into a blank stare when it comes to designs to be quilted.

Ya know, I've seen some pretty basic quilts...nothing fancy....but then when they have been quilted with an amazing pattern the entire quilt is just a masterpiece.  Do ya know what I'm talking about?  I think one of the ways those folks transform their work is by choosing quilt designs that dance on top of the quilt or enhance the pattern and fabric.
In order for me to know what would make a quilt dance....I need lots of ideas and that's where the 501 Quilting Motifs book is a perfect tool to help me take that next step.  There are tons of quilting designs (501 to be exact) and they are categorized by sizes so you can check out the area you need filled and flip to that section of the book.  If there is a design I love and it is smaller....I have a printer that enlarges so I just enlarge the design before I transfer it.  There are flower designs, foods, geometric shapes, hearts, seasonal/holiday, vines and leaves, circle and angle patterns, children/teens and feathers too. 
501 Quilting Motifs is spiral bound as you can see...don't you wish all quilting books came spiral bound?  I love spiral bound books because they are much easier to manage and they lay nice and flat on the table.  Ok, back to my book review....I got sidetracked a bit...that happens sometimes.

Check out the Fleur-de-Lis pattern above...not only do you get the pattern but on the side of the pattern there are several lay out designs to give you ideas about what would best enhance your quilt.  Since I'm a visual person that really helps me see how the designs will look once placed together on a quilt.

That's not all either....they also cover tips for choosing your motifs and how to adapt the designs but also the variety of  methods of transferring the designs and  marking tools too.  That's always the sort of information that helps me.  Even thought we all have a method that we use for marking our designs this books also has a table that lists all the different products (generic not specific-pencil, chalk, soap etc).  The table includes advantages and disadvantages of each of the tools.  So many things I don't think about and they've thought of it for me...gotta love that. 
Do you need an addition to your Quilt Reference Library?  If you do, I highly recommend 501 Quilting Motifs....and if you are a IHAN blog follower....I've given it a special price at IHAN (for new followers IHAN stands for  just for you :)  Enter IHANBlog in the coupon code box on the order check out page and you will get a nice discount :) when you order 501 Quilting Motifs (the offer expires 8/31/2011) if you type in the code and you have not ordered this book I will not honor the discount.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Many Hats We Wear

Here at IHAN sometimes we need to dig deep to find our creativity.....which may just require a change of hats.  Ya just never know where or when your inspiration will hit....for example......

Perhaps you'll find it while on Safari.
If you are anything like comes from messes....lots and lots of messes as I pull out every piece of fabric I own...then I get my friends to bring theirs over too...sometimes I have to dig deep to find my creative stride.

And then again, others find may require just another creative shift.....Petals

When Petals don't do it....perhaps ya just need to light a fire under your butt.....or

 Get a little Crazy.....(wild music plays in the background...Jean said she didn't  peg me for Bobby Brown or Will wrong she was).
 Sometimes it takes a little Funk to find your stride :)
Then there's always the Super Fly Cheetah that you channel to get your mojo workin'
And just when I thought I was at the end of my creative jag....I phoned Mrs. Rosemary and asked her to bring her wild self over ....and make sure she has some "screamin" batiks in tow :)

Waldo's conundrum was wanting a spider web on a collage she is doing and she didn't know how to do it.  You know what I said....."MISTYFUSE GIRLFRIEND".....I just posted on how to make thread art with Mistyfuse and once again....Mistyfuse to the rescue.   I got her a big piece of foam and she put some pins in it and started winding a spider web....
Then I sprayed it with some starch....and dried it with an embossing gun.  (Waldo didn't know embossing guns are hot, hot, hot and she burned the first we did another one...just use a hair dryer if you do this).
And then Waldo had a spider web'ish embellishment for her project.  But wait....we need to make it stay on the you know what I guessed it.  I put some Mistyfuse on top and and pressed it very well (this time I left out the photo of me sorry but we were having fun and I wasn't being methodical...just horsing around).

Believe it or not....we pressed it in place and I didn't even take a photo....guess we were having too much fun. 
The moral of the story is....when you get stuck on a project....change wild music....and invite other consenting adults to get crazy with ya!

Smiles and giggles,



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