
I Have A Notion blog and store have moved to:

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nancy Lee's Machine Embroidery

I am fortunate enough to know a a few women who really know what they are doing with Machine Embroidery and they have been educating me since I  became interested in ME.  Both of them told me their first preference for stabilizers and thread is Floriani.  After hearing about how wonderful Floriani products are, I did some investigating and became a Floriani Dealer last November.

Today, I'm going to introduce you to one of those really smart ladies...this is Nancy Lee....Nancy Lee, I'd like you to meet the IHAN Blogifers. 

Nancy Lee has been sewing all of her life.  Over the last 20 plus years, she has been doing machine embroidery and the last 5-6 years she has been quilting.  With all that experience you know when Nancy Lee tells me  to put my metallic thread spool upside down on my thread holder...I do it... without even a slight hesitation! 

Nancy Lee allowed me to visit her home and photograph some of her projects in December.  All of her projects shown here were made with Floriani Embroidery Thread and I've noted the designers beneath the photos.
(Embroidery Design by Smart Needle)
 These sandals cracked me up.... it makes me want a swimming pool and a margarita for sure.
(Embroidery Design by Momo-Dini)
Nancy Lee took a third place ribbon in the Tote Bag Category at the Kaleidoscope of Quilts this past year.
I really like the close up of this design...didn't it come out nice?
 (Napkin ring Embroidery Designs by Advanced Embroidery)
These napkin rings are snowflakes and Nancy Lee had made several that were just beautiful. 
Thanksgiving napkin rings...aren't they just perfect for Thanksgiving?  Nancy Lee even embroidered her napkins...
Neat ay?  Now we just need an invitation for Thanksgiving Dinner!!

(Embroidery Design by Zundt)
This bag is a ribbon winner for Nancy Lee.  She received a 2nd place ribbon at the American Embroidery Conference in 2011.
The butterflies are three dimensional and really make this bag take off...pun intended :)
 (Embroidery Design by Julie Hall)
I thought this wine bag was really cute.  When I give people a bottle of never has a bag...I think this just may need to change.
 (Anita Good Designs)
A book mark is a nice personal little gift or treasure to have.  My boys are always looking for their book marks...I think I should make some with their names on it so they'll know who it belongs to.

Time for a confession....yes...another confession!!  I have this thing for dish towels and bath towels.  I love dish cloths with embroidery.  I've received a few as gifts and I'm telling you they are so much fun.  Perhaps because can make me smile when I have to do a dreaded chore.
If this doesn't make you giggle....well...just giggle will ya?  It won't hurt a bit!
Loralie has some very fun designs too.  Nancy Lee took the time to show me how nicely the Floriani Stabilizer tears away from the design.
Look how nice and clean the back is.
This pix is enlarged a bit to show you the centers of these lace snowflakes.  Nancy Lee used Floriani Wet N Gone Stabilizer and Angelina Fibers (center)....they really are so beautiful and the addition of the Angelina really pop these snowflakes, don't ya think?
(Jenny Haskins Designs)
Nancy Lee has made so many beautiful things that it was difficult to pick and choose the photographs for this post.  I thought I'd end with this one because I'm so impressed with how fine these flowers came out. 

Beautiful aren't they?

I'm going to leave you with some of the things Nancy shared with me about her experience with Floriani products:
"Floriani thread is my preferred thread because it shines beautifully like rayon and it glides through the needle.  Rarely does it ever fray or break and if it does, that usually means I need to change my needle.

Floriani Stabelizers are the best and I've never been disappointed.  The outcome of my projects really shows how nice the stabilizers are.  Everything comes out beautifully."  
Nancy Lee White, OH Dec, 2011

I have been using the Floriani Thread and Stabilizers since November and I've been more than happy with the results.  My needle never once got sticky when I used the Perfect Stick Stabilizer and when I used another brand my needle was covered in a gummy substance...not good.  The Floriani Thread is absolutely beautiful no doubt about I've been very pleased.  Time has been limited with year end inventory and book keeping with IHAN so that stuff gets in the way of having fun with Floriani of recent.

Floriani has a Year End Sell Out Promotion going on until the end of January so if you want to take advantage of Floriani Thread at 50% OFF and other excellent here for all the information to order from I Have A Notion :)

Thank you Nancy Lee for sharing your time, projects and insights with me!


Monday, January 16, 2012


We are all winners...but you didn't need me to tell you that.  I feel like I win the most because I have the good fortune to meet so many interesting and wonderful people.

Speaking of Interesting is Martin Luther King Jr. Day here in the US.  I hope everyone stops today, if even for a moment, to remember THE DREAM.    In the photo above you mostly see people with black skin....but THE DREAM is for all people, ever where, no matter their color, religion or socio-economic status or education.  We are ALL important, we ALL matter and I Have A Notion that each of us have our own important tasks in continuing to bridge the gap between all people everywhere.

I've witnessed many stitchers and quilters stitch beautiful relationships across all the gaps and wrapped one another in love and beautiful quilts without concern for any of the politics, religions, finances or education of one another.  I'm proud to be a quilter  :)

Quilters need tools to do those jobs and speaking of which...we have some announcements to make....

For those of you who had not heard of Famore Cutlery, you can't say that any more!  Famore Cutlery makes scissors for several different companies.  The stamping on the scissors will have the other companies logo. Perhaps more people are familiar with Simplicity's Jackpot Scissors or Floriani's Machine Embroidery Tools...both made by Famore

BY THE WAY:  I noticed several people have ordered Famore Products and the Postage Calculator on the IHAN website has overcharged you for shipping.  You will be credited for the postal worries :)

Congratulations Pam!!! 

The Winner of Learn To MAKE A QUILT from start to finish is

Congratulations Penny!

And the winner of GARDEN PARTY Stitchery is.....

Congratulations Diane H.!

Pam, Diane and Penny please e-mail me your full names and addresses so I can send out your gifts.  (

Now I have to run over and see who won the other Famore Blog Hop giveaways! 


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Sunday

I drive by this scene each day on my way to the Post Office.

I laugh or smile every day because these Flamingo's change position and different props are added depending on the weather.  Here they are trying to stay warm by the fire.  They had an umbrella over them when it was raining.  There is even a "black sheep flamingo" isn't that just hysterical?  Definitely my type of humor!

Isn't keeping order in the house with kids tough?  If you have or had children you probably had times when you wanted to gather up every toy and paper airplane and toss it into the trash.  

Back in Nov or Dec this phrase popped into my head: "Are we being good stewards of our belongs?"   It was so easy for me to see all the stuff that belonged to the kids that needs to go and some old things that I didn't know what to do with....but that was as far as it went....UNTIL

I took a look at myself....what do I have that I'm not being a good steward of?  What do I have that is holding up energy in my life?  I've already gotten rid of all the excess clothing and shoes a year or so ago.

I didn't need to look to hard to find that I've  been holding up tons of energy in stored fabric.  Perfectly good, fun, and quality fabrics....and here they sit...and sit...and a dam to the flow of energy around me.

I'm quick to tell people, "What you own, owns you" and this stuff is owning me. The one day projects or fabrics I might need.......really? I already have favorites that I have not had time to get to....

How much time and energy was spent gathering all of this? Then folding it, organizing it....  Sure, there was the time I made things with these fabrics  and I did use quiet a bit of what I bought....but there is always left overs and pieces I don't exactly love...if you know what I mean. 
I feel energized by just going through and letting some of these things go...less for me to care for and what I have left are fabrics I really love and will be excited to work with.

The co-workers have been busy playing in the little bit of snow we have had.

Here's a bit of  proof it doesn't take much to have a good time and be happy :)

There are two giveaways that will be announced I hope you've taken the time to leave comments for the Famore Cutlery Blog Hop and the book reviews I did earlier this week...just click here to leave a comment to win one of the books.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Famore Blog Hop

I hope everyone has had an opportunity to stop by each of the 5 blogs in the Famore Cutlery Blog Hop this week.  Today SewCalGal is reviewing the Famore Micro Fine Tweezers so hop over and visit her today.  Just in case you've been taking a break to re-set or you've been a human being and not a human doing...I'll list all the blogs for you :)

Wednesday Jan. 11th   –

Friday Jan. 13th –

Brint, Kelly, Mikki
I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone at Famore Cutlery and specifically Mikki and Brint, owners of Famore Cutlery,  for supporting this Blog Hop.   If any of you would like to say thanks to Brint and Mikki, you can send them an e-mail at and make sure you put Thank You in the subject line.
Can you believe my "rapping" made Mikki laugh?  I haven't the slightest idea how to rap...the only rap I hear is from my nephew, Nick aka Da Hamstah.  His rap is edgy and typically vulgar...I like to think of my rap as "Gerber Rap" it is easier to swallow!
Another HUGE THANK YOU to Patsy Thompson Designs, Green Fairy Quilts, Happy Cottage Quilter and SewCalGal for being willing to indulge me in testing out Famore's Cutlery and participating in this blog hop.  THANK YOU Ladies...I so appreciate each of you.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Life Imitating Art?

There is nothing quilty about this post....

You know those folks who have the plastic deer in their yards?  I guess it could be considered an art form....of sorts...right?

 I'm driving through Maumee, the next town over....and I see a plastic person (Santa in the background)  standing in a yard with real deer ...go figure!
 Just as comfortable as they could be walking down the sidewalk....moseying along as though they have nothing to do but watch me.  I loved the tables being turned for a change.
Those were some very fun moments....seeing the deer walk through town.  I loved it.  There is a park nearby and that's where they live...well...most of the time anyway. 

Believe it or not...I used my IPhone to take the photo too.  If I were really spanky, I'd be able to take the photo and post it to my blog in two clicks.  I'm not there yet.  I had to e-mail the pix to myself, come home to my computer, download and save, open in Picasa, Export, and then Upload to Blogger.  See all the steps I could save if I had a clue...LOL.

I rounded the corner to find Aaron skating in place holding on to the refrigerator door.....I cracked up laughing.  He was going no where....I can see where I might benefit from this new form of would be difficult to get the door open while skating....he may just be on to something here. 

I hope you got a kick out of this pix....otherwise it may be one of those things where ya just had to be there.

Hope you are having a wonderful day too.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Famore Blog Hop - Seam Rip and Stiletto Review and Giveaway

Be Bop Zippity Dee Bop
My name is Hanna
it rhymes with IHANNA
Snip it
 you gotta zippity clip it
 and if you mess it
you gotta rip it
Be Bop Zippity Dee Bop

When those threads aren't a budgin'
you gotta start fudgin'
get up in yo ghetto and grab yo
Then ya start to watchin'
and you'll start seein'
those threads start runnin'
like you never seen dem run befoo

SOOOOO....I won't quit my day job I PROMISE!!! 

See what talking about one of my favorite subjects does to me?  I get all zippity-clip-it and my body starts dancin' ....oh there I go again...someone smack me....OUCH....not that hard!!!
 It is my pleasure to introduce you to Mr. Famore Cutlery Seam RippahThose unwanted stitches don't stand a chance with this baby.  No more pokin-in with the old style seam rips and trying to catch a thread....then every third or fourth thread...not any more.
 Just look how beautiful the blade is....and baby oh baby it is sharp. 

I know what you are thinking....and don't tell me you aren't because I've heard several people tell me they were afraid to use the Famore Seam Ripper because they thought they'd slice into themselves or cut their fabric.  As long as you are not psychotic, I don't think you will do either of those things.  I've never once cut myself with my seam rip.  I guess it is like being afraid of drowning in my cup of coffee in the morning.  Technically there is enough fluid in the cup to drown....however I have a healthy respect for that cup o joe :)

Remember my pretty Prairie Point....well....I've decided she is going to meet her demise. 
I tucked the end of the seam ripper parallel to the fabric just inside the fold where the fabrics are joined.

Moving straight ahead and keeping the ripper parallel to the fabric I move the ripper through those threads and lickity split....look what you get....
I now pronounce those two pieces of fabric officially separated....just like that. blood :)

Many of you know I've started doing some machine embroidery.  I made this apron for my youngest co-worker for Christmas.  The problem was....I walked away and didn't see that the bobbin thread had come to the top and I had an entire sentence straight across the design that was not so pretty.  If you have ever done any ME you know that there is some crazy something that happens to the thread once hangs on for dear matter what.  Being the patient person I am (not) I sat and used my Famore Seam Rip to remove every last thread....and yes I also used their Micro Tip Tweezers (SewCalGal will review those on Friday) to pull out any tiny threads that would just not let go.  When I showed my tear out job to my girlfriend, Diane (years and years of ME experience) she was impressed and said she had not seen a tear out job that looked that nice.  Keep in mind, I have not washed the apron yet....I'm thinking that after it is washed it will look a whole lot better.

The Famore Seam Ripper comes with 3 blades....yes I said 3...and I've been using my seam rip for 3 years and still have one blade left to open :)   Oh comes with a  safety cap too.
 You twist the little screw on the side and slide the old blade off and a new one on and you are good to go again. 

 When you first see Mr. Geppetto Stiletto in the package he looks like he got into a fight and lost....
 His head twists off (oh geez is that twist his head dark side is showing once again...sorry...sort of) and you can see the Famore Stiletto has a built in safety jacket.

You turn the tip around and screw it back into the handle and you have a beautiful Famore Stiletto for your sewing needs :)

Sewing needs? If you don't have a Stiletto you may wonder what you do with one....and I will tell you....there are lots of things I use my Geppetto for.....

 When I'm feeding fabric under the foot of my machine there are times when I want to hold the fabric on the front or close to the side to keep it going straight.  I know this picture isn't really the best example but you get the idea.
 I use it when I'm feeding fabric into the tip of my Simplicity Bias Tape Maker tips...and it can be used for the Clover Bias Tape Maker tips too.
 Ever have a tiny piece you are working on and you need to use one of those tiny burn your fingers off irons?  (I use my Kandi Handi Iron so I don't burn my fingers off any more)  You can use the Famore Stiletto to hold your fabric in place so the iron won't burn your fingers.
I also use Gheppeto for pulling out a few threads when I don't want to cut the threads.  You can see in this photo....I was able to slip Gepehetto under a thread and pull out just one thread.

Are you starting to get the idea that I think very highly of Famore Cutlery's products?    I do because for the money, I don't think you can find a better value....AND the best customer service and care out there....which is just as important to me...if not important than price. 

For a chance to win a Famore Seam Ripper and a Famore Metal Safety Stiletto just leave a comment on this post telling me if you own any Famore products and what your thoughts are on the items you own.  If you don't own a Famore product....let me know why you want to replace your current tools with these fabulous Famore tools :)

You must be a IHAN blog follower and leave your comment by Sunday, January 15th because Mr. Random Number Generator will choose a winner and the winner will be announced on Monday, January 16th.

The Famore Blog Hop is going on all week and here are a list of the wonderful places you can visit for your chance to learn more about Famore Cutlery and hopefully win even more wonderful sewing and quilting tools.

Wednesday Jan. 11th –
Friday Jan. 13th –

I wish you all the luck of the Irish this week...and speaking of the Irish...if you're still with me...
Did you notice the beautiful quilt that I used as a backdrop above?

Believe it or not, I received this beautiful wall hanging as a Christmas gift from dear blogging friend.  Not only was I totally and completely blown away by such an amazing gift of love....but it also reminded me of another dear blogging friend Micki, from Ireland.  Many of you will remember her blog, Irish Muses.  The blogging world has brought so many wonderful and loving people into my when you are out hopping around....remember .... quilts provide warmth....and so do wonderful friends you will meet in your blogging's not about the prizes you will win....(although they are great) it is about the amazing and wonderful people behind the products and quilts you see and meet in your blog hopping journey. 

Giant Smiles,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Book Reviews, Giveaways and More :)

Is everyone having fun on the Famore Cutlery Blog Hop?  I sure hope you get to visit each of the 5 blogs and leave a comment for your chance to win !  Tomorrow is my you know I'll be up late writing that post.

Do you recognize this guy?

I know many of you know exactly who he is....and I'm telling you I'm feeling more and more akin to Uncle Martin every day.  I now have an Apple I-Phone 4 (as if I know what the 4 relates might as well be 4000) and I'm working on accepting the change from my "old" phone.  I guess this is just another "sign of the times" where old folks like me have to work hard to get their old mouse traps to work again.  For 2 days I didn't know how to answer the phone...that's pretty bad.  I have only today realized this gizmo is not a is like an I-Pad with a phone in it.  That's sort of like riding a bike with jet propellers on it.
If I had PhotoShop and knew how to use it, I would put a propeller on this jobbie.

So any of you have one of these gizmos...and if you do....can you clue me in to what aps a person should/might need?  Aps, in my vocabulary means appetizers....obviously I waited tables for years while in college.  Now an Ap is a virtual piece of air that you pay for and expect it to do things for you that you couldn't do with a piece of paper and pencil?  I guess I'll be finding out.

On to Quilty Related Subjects :)
I have a big stack of books here on my desk to review and give away.  Today I've chosen two books that have been published by Clotilde.  The first is, "Learn to MAKE A QUILT from start to finish" by Carolyn S. Vagts.  

I know most of you don't want nor need a book on Learning to Make A Quilt....however....this isn't just any beginners book!  Learn To MAKE A QUILT from start to finish is an excellent reference book for new and experienced quilters.  Carolyn covers patterns and fabric selections, notions, how to use a rotary cutter ( construction AND documenting your quilt.   I don't think there is anything she left out.  This book would also make an excellent gift to anyone you wanted to inspire to begin quilting. 
Carolyn has used lots of great photos and her explanations are clear and I can understand them...which says a lot! 

Learning to MAKE A QUILT from start to finish is such a "modern" book ...Carolyn even recommends using Wonder Clips.  You know my eyes were locked on that page...I love my Wonder Clips and if you have not tried them yet....well....I'm thinking it is time you did.  Everyone I know who has tried them has loved them.  They order 10 then re-order the 50 pack....they are sort of like Lays Potato (10) just won't do...ya want more.

The next book is GARDEN PARTY Stitchery by Pearl Louise Krush.
Pearl has included 27 Redwork designs and that are featured in 7 projects including, Floral Bouquet Wall quilt, Garden Party Sampler, Set of 7 Seed Packet Hand Towels, Good Morning Sunshine Pillow and Wall Quilt, Bouquet in a Jar Table Runner and Place Mats.
GARDEN PARTY Stitchery has all the individual patterns that can be used in the projects Pearl has included or in any project you like.  The designs are cheerful and fun.  One of my favorites is Good Morning a pattern for a wall quilt but I'd love to see this design on place mats for breakfast.  Wouldn't you like to sit down to the breakfast table with a place mat that read, Good Morning Sunshine?  I know I would.

If you have never done Redwork...there are basic instructions in the front of the book.

I really like both of these books a great deal....however, I also want to share them with two of my blog followers.  So, if you would like to win one of these wonderful books, leave a comment on this post telling me which book you would like to win and why.  I'll let the "Evil Mr Random Number Generator" select two winners, one for each book, on Monday, Jan. 13th.



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