
I Have A Notion blog and store have moved to:

the store can be found at

There is a much easier to navigate store, with new items. The blog has its own page as well... new content too.

The blog is now at

Please come and visit!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween and It's All About Kids Blog Hop

BOO!  Happy Halloween from the very large child that lives inside of me to the child that lives inside you!

Isn't Halloween all about the kids?  It is in my life because I was never a big fan of Halloween but my children love, love, love dressing up and begging for candy.

Just a reminder that the "It's All About The Kids" Blog Hop has been happening all week long.  There are lots of prizes and tutorials for having fun and inspiring all of us to continue to create with the children in our lives.

I had hoped to get the time to post more creative projects I've done with my children over the years but the day has gotten away from me and it is now time to help the boys dress for Halloween. 

 Make sure and visit each one of these blogs and have fun!

Monday, October 27th
SewCalGal - Event kick off
Tuesday, October 28th

Wednesday, October 29th
Thursday, October 30th

Friday, October 31st
Jacquelynne Steves, The Art of Home
What's Coming Next?

Have a wonderful and safe evening!

Scary Smiles,

Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's All About The Kids- Day 4

Thank you SewCalGal for including me in the "It's All About Kid's Blog Hop."  This has been a lot of fun to hop around and read the wonderful posts.  If you have not been out hopping, may I suggest you get your fingers clicking....there are lots of ideas and prizes too.

When I first became a Mom 15 years ago my favorite thing was showing my daughters how to make boxes using chipboard and art paper.  Then we made beaded Christmas ornaments for gift giving and of course there was scrap booking and sewing back then too.

Fast forward a few years and we added two boys to the IHAN clan.  Sewing these simple aprons helped keep food and art supplies off of the kids clothing. 
Aaron was 3 years old in this photo and he is wearing an apron I made by laminating cotton fabric.  The iron on vinyl comes in a Glossy and Matte finish.  The laminated aprons were perfect because I could just wipe them off.  We used them as "big boy bibs" when the boys thought they were too big for regular bibs.
 Zach at 18 months old standing on a chair in the kitchen helping Mommy make some cookies.  Where does the time go?
These aprons were made for my "Gentleman Diners."  The boys always got the sweetest comments when we went out for dinner and I would put on their "big boy bibs."

These simple little aprons are so easy to make, your kids can even make them for themselves and as gifts.  The best part is they last for years because they are adjustable.  My boys wore their aprons for art until they were in 2nd grade.  

I've taken photos for a tutorial and Mr. McSteamy created a PDF illustrating the process.  If you have any questions at all, please feel free to send me an e-mail at and I'd be happy to explain anything that is not clear for you.

Supplies list:
1/2 yard of fabric
27-30 inches of macrame cording (or a cording / rope of your choosing)
Optional: Iron On Vinyl and it comes in Glossy or Matte Finish

Start by cutting your fabric to the dimensions given in the PDF below.   Feel free to change the measurements and get creative with embellishments, pockets and machine embroidery. 
 The PDF can be downloaded or printed by clicking HERE.
After you have cut your fabric ,serge or zig zag the edges.  If you prefer, you can cut your fabric 1/2 inch larger on all sides and fold over twice to give a finished edge instead of using a serger or using a zig zag stitch on the edge.  Above you can see I have serged the edges of this very cute fabric.
Next I turn the bottom edge up 1/4 inch pressing as I go.  Do the same for the sides and then fold down the top 1" and press.
Last is the angled arm/side and I turn that edge under 1 1/4" and press.  This will create a casing that the cording will go through.
I begin by sewing along the bottom followed by the sides.  Since I've turned the fabric under a 1/4" I just stitch along the edge using my 1/4" foot as shown above.

When I finish the sides and the neck, I take the cording and lay it under the fabric casing I have made. 
Then I fold the fabric over the cording and stitch along the edge.
This step keeps me from having to thread the cording through the casing when I'm finished.  I tie a knot at the end of my cording because I use macrame cording and it will fray.
Since this is for a gift, I embroidered the child's name on the apron.  You can use denim, duck cloth, or any other fabric of your choosing and embellish as desired.  Pockets are fun for supplies and provide a great hiding place for sticky treasures.

Here are some other aprons I have cut out and have ready to go when I need a quick gift.
Now for the giveaway! 
One lucky person will win a pre-cut apron from the fabrics of their choice pictured above, cording and 2 yards of Iron on Vinyl in the Glossy finish.

We appreciate your stopping by, please continue to visit those bloggers who are participating in the hop.  The links to their posts are below.
Monday, October 27th
SewCalGal - Event kick off
Tuesday, October 28th
Wednesday, October 29th
Thursday, October 30th
Friday, October 31st
Jacquelynne Steves, The Art of Home
Wendy Sheppard/Ivory Spring

 Happy Hopping!


Monday, October 27, 2014

It's All ABout The Kids

Monday, October 27th
SewCalGal - Event kick off

Tuesday, October 28th

Wednesday, October 29th

Thursday, October 30th

Friday, October 31st

Yes if it were not for KIDS.....there would be no grown ups!  True :)  So join us in celebrating ways to inspire the children in your life or the child inside of you to come out and play with us this week.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Lovely Saturday Afternoon

I was invited to join my sister (above) and her girlfriends for an afternoon of crafting.  I had no idea when I accepted the invitation that the host's partner is a gourmet cook.  Our lunch was a 4 Star meal and my socks were knocked into the next county.

The stew was so delicious, I enjoyed every single bite and savored the experience of such an unexpected treat.

But wait....there's more......
This gadget, I have absolutely no clue what it is, however I saw it entwined with some pears.  No idea what that machine is or does....interesting isn't it?

I saw Charlie, the chef,  pull a real whip cream gizmo from the fridge and then we were each presented with on of these:
A single perfect red raspberry in the center, pound cake tornado floating on the Chambord syrup, an amazing pear that had cavorted with that gizmo pictured above and drizzled with homemade caramel sauce topped with a scosche of sea salt.  Wham Bam, thank you Charlie!!! 

The gals were spraying rice paper and other textured papers with ink sprays.  I've never seen anything like this so I was fascinated to see what they created.
 Just like quilters, these paper artists had every kind of gadget you could imagine and enjoyed playing with the possibilities.
The ink spray bottles said they were fabric and textile appropriate. about a whole new way of thinking for me....a whole new world I know nothing about.
Yes, I have more projects going than any twelve people could finish in the next year....and I won't be taking up a new hobby at this time.....AND I had a ball watching them and learning about their process.

Debbie was the host and she has been applying her artistic abilities to making greeting cards since she retired.  With each card that was added to my pile I thought of dear friends who I knew would treasure the card....I had no idea I loved so many people!
I'm only showing this ONE card....because I'll be sending them so many of you and I don't want to spoil the fun.

What a delightful and much needed joyful afternoon!


Friday, October 24, 2014

Patsy Thompson Designs Blog Hop Announced

Patsy Thompson is an amazing free motion Quilt Artist, Pattern Designer and now she has her own line of Machine Embroidery and Pre-Cut Applique shapes.  I count my self incredibly fortunate to call her a friend and enjoy every opportunity I get to talk about her work and designs.

One of Patsy's stunning quilts that includes her Pre-Cut Shapes, Machine Embroidery and her gorgeous free motion quilting.

IHAN will be hosting a Patsy Thompson Designs Blog Hop starting November 10-14, 2014 and here is a schedule of the places you won't want to miss :

I Have A Notion Blog November 10th
Jean Creates November 13
SewCalGal  November 14

I hope you decide to hop along with us and are inspired by our projects.  Please share the information about this hop with all of your friends and readers....we would love that!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Its Not Caving In....It's Just Falling

I've been told that when things feel like they are falling apart.....perhaps they are just falling together!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!   Mr. McSteamy has been out of the country for 3 weeks, we had a co-worker change schools and all the normal activities of daily living (some how they seem like a giant mountain....I need new glasses :)

 The beautiful Fall leaves help keep everything in perspective. certainly is an intoxicant!  Zach was so tickled to be about to go out into a field and pick a "real" pumpkin....not just one purchased from the store.
Naturally where there is a pumpkin....there is pumpkin guts.
Aaron started a new school yesterday.  I tried to capture his beautiful smile....but it looks like I pressed the camera too late.  Darn!  Can you believe how tall this fella is?

What else is going on in my life.....Waldo....naturally. Waldo is working on a new quilt using Kaffe Fassett fabrics (many of which I gave her from my stash...what are friends for if they can't use your stash :).  The pattern she is using:

We loosely laid out her blocks to get a look at how the quilt will look.  I may just have to have one of these myself....I just love it!
It is really tough to get an idea about this quilt when we laid it on top of this quilt:
Yep....that's Waldo's bed quilt....a eye popping Kaffe Fassett quilt.  I've warned her more than once to sleep with the quilt tucked under her feet....because I could just break in and snatch it right off of her!

Giggles and Smiles,


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