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Showing posts with label Flamingos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flamingos. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm Putting Out An APB on my Dovo Solingen Scissors

Do you remember that song...I'm putting out an APB on the one I love?  I need an APB on my Dovo Scissors.  I've misplaced them and it has plagued me for 3 days now.   You know this pair of scissors rival all others if I refuse to cut without them.  I"m not typically that fussy but I'm telling you there is a HUGE difference.

I just so happen to have this Bandana Panel from Michael Miller Fabrics and I want to cut out the center medallion.   Why you ask?
Because I found this small quilt at a thrift shop for 3 dollars.  It doesn't have any backing so I thought I would give it some pizazz and then donate it at my guild meeting.  The colors are fun and bright but the center looks like it is begging for something.  I dug in my stash and found the Michael Miller Bandana Panel...and BINGO....the colors match very well.

Most folks I know would have cut a circle around it and stitched it down.  Why on earth do I think it needs to be fussy cut?  I don't know either!

The only way I know of to fussy cut around the design resulting in smooth lines is to use my Dovo Hardanger Scissors...BUT...I can't find them : (  
Check out the point on these beauties.  IHAN® carried some Dovo Solingen Scissors but I didn't sell very many.  I think it was the expense....these are very high end scissors.  This pair will set you back approximately 55 dollars.  Yep, I know they are expensive but I'm telling you they are worth every cent. 

Do you have a pair of scissors that do for you what no other pair do?  I'd love to hear about them.  Please leave a comment below as I must know that I'm not alone here :)

I may consider picking up several of Hardanger Scissors if there are others who want to experience the Dovo difference let me know and maybe IHAN® will start caryrying them again.

 This is for the Flamingo Flock Fan Club Members...LOL

It appears their Flamingo-mobile  is back in operating order....such good news ay?


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hoffman Fabrics "Sushi Roll" Winners Announced

How about this photo to put some pizazz, zip, punch and pow into your day? 

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to leave a comment as I so enjoyed reading them.  Now I feel like I had a few hundred friends there with me for the tour...that's fun.

The "Sushi Rolls" (given their name by SewCalGal....she's so smart :) are made from the samples from Hoffman Fabrics.  I'm not much of a seafood fan....but I'm telling you this is one "Sushi Roll" that I'd jump over a hurdle for.

As promised, today the winners of the Hoffman Fabric "Sushi Rolls" are being announced.  If you are one of the winners, you have one week to e-mail me at with your full name and shipping address.  If you don't claim it....I choose another winner.

Congratulations Brita!

Congratulations Debbie!

Congratulations LesQuilts!

Congratulations ANudge!

Congratulations TheMuddlePuddle!

I'll be sad to see those beautiful rolls of Hoffman Fabric leaving my desk....AND....I'll be tickled to see what people make with them.

Since each of the fabrics are different in the "Sushi Roll" they are really nice for making some fun gifts.  How about making some of MJE's Bag Tags?  The tutorial is right on the side bar of my blog.  Those always make lovely gifts.  Bag Tags are great not only for luggage....they are great when you need to label to any personal belongings.  I keep on on my computer bag ....just in case :)

Do you have a tutorial that you have written that you would like me to add to the IHAN ® blog?  Feel free to e-mail me at  :)

OH Yes...I almost forgot....the Flamingo Flock Fan Club probably want to see what they are up to here's your fix:
When I stopped to take the photo I was first I thought the Flamingo had been hit by a car.  Then I noticed the car is up on blocks and that's the mechanic working on the car (I can be a bit slow sometimes :)
Who would have known Flamingos were so handy?  I do need my oil changed....think I should pull up on their lawn?

Just in case you have been out of town and are not caught up with the latest on the Flamingos......
1.  They are not my Flamingos
2.  The folks who own the Flamingos have given me permission to post their address for those of you who would like to send some Flamingo Fan Mail.  You will have to GO HERE and then click on the link that says "CLICK HERE" to get the address.  I know it is a bit hidden but I thought it best to not put their address on my blog post.  I have heard of Flamingo-Nappings and I would be very sad if they went missing.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

I've Adopted a Little/Big Girl :)

Here is a photo of her just as the midwives delivered her on a floral blankey.  She was the child of a lovely woman in North Carolina and I have adopted this beautiful baby :)

I picked her up yesterday and she sat in her play house until today when I had the time to put her on her perch.  She is a Babylock Elegante and she's 4 1/2 years old.
I couldn't help but put a hoop in just to see how she looked....sort of like a bonnet on a baby :)  After much research I decided the Babylocks are the most user friendly and their user manuals actually make sense.  If you own an Embroidery know of what I speak.

Her name is Maddy Jo.  I know a few of you are going to want to know how she got her for those of you who don't care....have a great day :)

For those with inquiring minds:   I met with a friend for lunch about 15 years ago.  During the lunch we talked about our dreams and I said I want to have a child and if she is a girl I'm going to name her Madeline Elizabeth.  I love the name Madeline and Elizabeth is the middle name of my best friend since 3rd grade.

A few months later I met Rick (Mr. McSteamy) and we were married in 2000.  Guess what his youngest daughters name is...yep...Madeline Elizabeth.  So I have a Madeline Elizabeth and I'm absolutely in love with her.

I just so happened to be having lunch with a person by the name of Joe when I was talking about my I'm calling her Maddy Jo....not to be confused with Madeline Elizabeth :)

If you can believe it....I've only had 30 minutes to myself since yesterday so all I could do was get Maddy Jo set up.  I'm on the road now....and I won't be back to play with Maddy Jo until after 8pm this evening.  If this old girl has any energy left....she's going to go play with Maddy Jo....I can't wait.

For those of you who need a Flamingo you go:
The Flamingos were having a party this past Monday.

 On Wednesday this week they were guarding the front porch and the others were.....
watching the road.  Now....if I were a paranoid type....I'd be thinking they are making sure the nutcase doesn't come into their world and add any props.  Since I'm not paranoid.....I think they are waiting to have their photo taken :)  I'm not sure everyone noticed that the people who own the Flamingos have given me permission to publish their address for those who want to send a note to them or to the Flamingos.  I've added a tab to my blog and if you look there you'll find the link to the address.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Nah....that rumor isn't true!

The rumor about me falling off the face of the earth is just plain not true!!!  We arrived home safely on Saturday night :)  Sunday I had to get the boys supplies for school ready, hair cuts etc...and I came home with a nasty sinus thing (yucky crud). 

I had all those orders that came in while I was out and about having the time of my life, a Dr. apt....and my in-laws arrived today.....SOOOOOO...that is why I didn't get back to that post about who those folks in the photos are.  Trust me...I'll get there ....ya just have to have a wee bit of patience with me.

In the meantime......lets check in with the Flamingo's....

Sniffley Smiles,

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's Not Sewing....

It's thread painting...or so I told my 17 year old nephew this morning.  His new job doesn't start until the end of next week and I figured he needed something to  fill his time.  This morning I suggested he learn to use a sewing machine.  To make it a little more appealing...I called it thread painting.

I gave Nick a short lesson and set the machine up for free motion quilting and let him go.  Here is his first piece:
 He's getting the hang of it....
I even saw something that looked like a bird.
Once he got the feeling for the machine....he just took off...
 There was no need for that "suggested glass of wine" to relax....he was cool as a cucumber...zipping along...
While I was upstairs working this is what he made.....
He's not even finished yet...but I had to recommend he stop sewing for awhile....the machine had been going for a few hours and I thought it might need a break!  I've never sat with my BSR going for 2 or 3 hours.....I'm so jealous!

I do want to encourage him and his art....but I may have to consider dipping into his college funds to replace some of my thread....I still can't believe how many times I had to wind bobbins for him.  He was using my Aurifil thread ....I guess I'm a pretty nice Aunt :)  

What he needs is more he can make a quilt.  I think I'm going to hook him up with a collection of fabrics and let him his words, "I'm just  "improvising."  I wish I had learned to sew with his method....he seems so much more relaxed that I ever was.

All the while he was creating his art....this is what I made:
 A mess...that's all....just a mess.  Paper piecing is not a very clean sport ya know.  

What?  Did I hear someone ask about what the Flamingos are up to today?  Well....just by chance I did see them...
I think they are relaxing and discussing what their next adventure will be.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Bowling Anyone?

 It's a Bowling Party....well....sort's really more of a Hop than a Party :)

No balls necessary...although I did use pins.
(yes I mean bowling have a terrible mind I tell ya!)  

Bowls with Borders Blog Hop starts today and I'm telling you I've already seen so much variety and fun...what a joy to see what others have been making.

On August 17th you'll be able to see the Bowls I've been working on.  Here is just a little sneak peak for ya......
I'm not very good at surprises anyway....I'm the one who always wants to know.  If you have not already been Bowling today...just Click Here to begin your Bowling Trip.

For those of you who are hooked on the is the latest update:

A Flamingo Olympic Soccer Game on Saturday.
Silly me...the last time I saw this I thought it was a parade....
It was not a was the opening ceremony for the Olympics and this was the closing ceremony.  Some of us are not quite a sharp as they'd like to be :)

Flamingos wearing hats....are these folks wonderful or what?

Hope this leaves you with a smile....if not....


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thats Why They Call It Patchwork :)

Before I get to the Patchwork part....I think many of you will want get some Olympic Updates.

I'm not sure if these are "Official Olympic Results" ...I'm just reporting what I saw!

Yesterday morning brought an awards ceremony. I stopped to congratulate the winners.  I'm guessing these are the Olympians from the weight lifting and gymnastics team ...from last report.

Fierce Flamingo Fencing

A mini-Dream Team

Flamingo Beach Volleyball....isn't this incredible?

I'm so grateful to the couple who put so much time, effort and money into giving us a smile each day.


I just figured out why quilting is referred to as patchwork.  Some of us are not as sharp as others sometimes....LOL  I finished the UK quilt top yesterday and this is what it looks like:
It needs to be pressed etc....but it is finished and it doesn't look all that complicated does it?  A quilter would just draw out a scale and write down the dimensions, cut the fabric, sew the pieces together...right?   This quilter just so happened to draw up no less than 8 pattern options....then draw out the dimensions....I measured and measured and measured....cut.  Wrong....the blocks were not the same size.  After a few more attmepts...I call in the National Guard....Mr. McSteamy.  Yep....he had to do it twice too!  ROFL

Then I changed where I put the one border and it was therefore not long I did some PATCHWORK :)

How this happened is beyond me.  This was supposed to be a quick little project for my son-in-law as a sofa throw.  Now the border looks nothing like my plan....but hey....the top is finished and I'm guessing no one on earth will really give a hoot.  Now to baste it ....wish me luck.

By the way....I've decided I do have an expertise.  I'm going to give graduate level courses at the Quilt University.  The title of the class?  Un-Sewing....only for experts....are you going to take the class?  I'll need to know because there is a limited number of seats available.  ROFL


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Local Olympic Heros....Sort Of....

Yes.....we saw an extraordinary performance from Phillipe Flamingo Dude-Guy on the balance beam....what a performance it was too! 

The next event was weight lifting....
Synchronized weight lifting ....a recently added Olympic Event!  LOL

Hope your Sunday is going well.


Friday, August 3, 2012

The Reliable V-50 Iron Wow's Again! Anyone Surprised?

If it surprises really shouldn't.....I've been saying this is the most incredible iron for quite some time....then Oprah caught on (I think she really needs to read my blog don't you?...Oh wait, maybe that is how she learned about the iron in the first place.  Quit laughing....ya just never know.)...and now we have another V-50 lover.....who will be next?  
 Nick, my nephew, has joined the IHAN clan.  He needed to iron a shirt and asked if he could use our iron.  (I know it is shocking that a 17 year old would care to iron a shirt and actually know is true :)  I told him there is one set up in our bedroom and he could feel free to use it.  A few minutes later he came down wearing a nicely pressed shirt and said, "JoJo, that is the best iron I've ever used in my life, where did you get it?"  ....his exact words.

After Nick's response to the Reliable V-50 Iron I asked him if he'd be willing to let me use his words and pix for a blog post....and he agreed....good kid ay?

I have to say, I still get a kick out of people telling me how much they like their V-50 and all I can says is....I told ya so....and then I giggle.  I do like being right....I know that's arrogant...but sometimes...I just can't help but indulge in a little bit of my dark side.  Does that ever happen to you?

Not much is going on around here that is new....I'm waiting to see the Dr. about this "change of life" situation.  I'm telling you it has taken the Kelly right out of me.  You may have noticed I don't blog as much and there are fewer reviews....but until someone can help me resurrect the Kelly in me....then this will just have to do.

The Flamingos do keep me going....such a fun and entertaining part of my day.  Check out their latest activities:
The Flamingo Family has a new ring-leader :)  Guess what she had them all doing?
I just know she wasn't making them march in this must have been a Flamingo Parade :)

Last night Waldo and I went to our Applique Group and on the way I spotted this car....and for a moment I was transported back to Mayberry RFD.

I didn't slip into time travel at was really sitting there....another reason to smile and be grateful for those simple joys in my every day.  While I'm waiting for the "Kelly resurrection" I might as well find some fun stuff to keep myself going.



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