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Showing posts with label Spring Quilt Market 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Quilt Market 2010. Show all posts

Friday, May 28, 2010

More Juicy (?) Spring Quilt Market 2010 Stories from IHAN

I've gotten quite a few e-mails and comments lately and people are saying I'm nuts.  Most all regular IHAN blog readers (Blogifers) already know this about me but for those of you who are new followers I think I might give you the Cliff notes on Kelly aka IHAN.

I love people, having fun, laughing, and sharing my version of the world.  I see in colored pictures and stories not words.  I enjoy sharing what I see and hearing about other people's experiences.  I'd like to leave the world happier than I found it and I enjoy pointing out the beauty and joy around me.  Kindness heals and it is a value I espouse.  I've been accused as being "real as rain" and that scares some people.  I consider myself a partner in the business of Sewing and Needle Art Notions and supplies.  I work for myself and take responsibility only for my words and actions.  I have appointed myself as a Consumer Reports of sorts on Notions and I work at actually using the Notions and reporting about the ones I find and really like.  My source of income is IHAN and do not get paid to advertise for anyone.  You can believe what I say because when I'm lying....I say so.  Ok....back to our Regularly Scheduled Programming :)

The Juicy (?) Part

This is what greeted me at the door of a Gas Station Rosemary and I stopped at while traveling to Minneapolis.  It stopped me dead in my tracks.  Have you seen these?  Oh my word, I could not stop staring at it.  Scary snakes and we are supposed to want to purchase one?  If I wanted to bite a snake having a Hissy Fit I would stay home with my 6 and 7 year old co-workers and I'm not paying a dime to endure this in a Gas about you?

Look how thick these things are.  There is a program on TV where a guy travels around the world eating interesting things.  If you know him you might suggest stopping at a Gas Station.  Between these critters and those brown shiny things that roll around in that machine hoping to entice someone to eat them.....well....needless to say....I went without!!!

Later in the day I got turned around.  Imagine that....IHAN who has a GPS and had MapQuested the entire trip (including stopping at AAA to get maps in case Rosemary was a map girl) took a wrong turn.  So I stopped at a random hotel to ask the clerk for directions.

It just so happened to be the Baymont Inn and Suites in Rockford Illinois.  Rosemary and I walk in and are greeted by a bright shiny face welcoming us to her hotel.  I thought I was being invited into her home. 
Meet Synthia!!!  She was the kind face I've been talking about.  Synthia said we could help ourselves to the computer if we would like to use the MapQuest there and she even offered us some coffee, water and a piece of fruit.  I thanked her for her kindness and told her how much I appreciated her authenticity and for extending the offer for a drink and snack. 
Here is the computer area she so generously loaned to us.  I was so moved I went back and asked to take her picture.  I loved her she had been waiting all morning for someone to ask to take her picture!!  Now that is the kind of Gal I want working for me (although I'm not hiring).  How many times do people truly extend themselves in kindness?  It is soooo easy to do.  Synthia at the Baymont Inn and Suites gets the IHAN Stamp of Appreciation.  I told her great things come to those who shine.....and she sure does shine doesn't she?  If I had Oprah's money.....I would have plopped down a cool 50,000 just to watch her smile.  I bet she is wishing I did too....LOL.  Not yet anyway :)

By now you've caught on that I carry my camera with me everywhere I go.  I have no fear of asking to take people's photos.  I take No just as easily as Yes when I don't run if you see me.

Rosemary and I were returning her wheelchair to the Security Staff and we passed this lady wearing a very cool bag.  The process looked just like the, "It's A Wrap" and "It's A Wrap II" that Rosemary and I have been working on lately (check it out here).

She made this bag to carry all her goodies in.  I loved the colors and how she blended the fabrics.

I know only a few people who saw these visitors at Spring Quilt Market.  These little bunnies just hopped out from behind a bush and were playing on the grass.  Who could resist taking their photographs?  After All, they want to get into the IHAN Hall of The Blogged too!!  LOL  I know Kaye England saw them because she was watching me take their picture.

Meet Peter and Jane Cotton Tail Babies
I hope you have not fallen asleep by now.  I realize this is not quite as exciting as the Aurifil Heist.  I just can't rob people every day.....I'd have to divorce Mr.McSteamy and marry a man named Clyde. (oh geez...speaking of Mr. McSteamy....boy do I have some photos to show in a later post....please make sure you are taking all medications prescribed for your blood pressure and heart....cuz you will need a good blood level before I post those pix...not kidding!!)
When I'm at Quilt Market I always say I don't see many "Tail Feathers."  I thought that would be a phrase everyone know Peacock's put up their Tail Feathers to attract attention?  Yes, those Tail Feathers.  But I don't see many Tail Feathers at Quilt Market and I don't know why.  I had my Camera Strap on and that was my way of showing my Tail Feathers.  The lady with the bag above had her bag.....and then I found this neat lady wearing a blouse she does not look like a Peacock....but I thought she looked great wearing it and she smiled when I asked if I could snap her photo for my blog!!

Doesn't she look great in that blouse?  I want one too....same colors.  Now why did I not follower her back to her room and pretend to be part of the cleaning staff?  I could have had that very shirt with little trouble....schuckliedo....I hate it when I come with with great ideas after the fact.

If you have not met Michelle Foster from Quilting Gallery dot com.....
Meet Michelle.....Michelle....I'm pleased to introduce you to the IHAN blog readers:)  

Michelle was kind enough to write to me and arrange a meeting while at Quilt Market.  It is always wonderful to meet other bloggers and this was a great opportunity for us to get to know one another a little better.  I learned we have a lot in common and really enjoyed spending some time with Michelle....Thanks Michelle :)
She gave me some "friendship pins" when we met.  They were pins from her city, province and country.  It was a great idea and I will wear my pins on my camera strap and smile every time I see them.  Thank You Michelle!
Now, I bet you did not know Donald Sutherland attends Quilt Market.  Yep, he does and here is proof!!!

If I were better at names I would be able to introduce him properly.  I love this guy.  He works for one of the Fabric Companies and every time I see him I just smile and giggle because he looks just like Donald Sutherland....(but more handsome don't you think?).  I know I'll get an e-mail with his name just as soon as I hit publish....but until then....I'd like to remember him as the Donald Sutherland look alike that always smiles.
Last but not least, this is a photo of a Gal who was walking down the hallway wearing a sign that read, "Ask for a Free Pattern for this Bag."  So, I did the obvious....I walked up and asked for a pattern (I'm so glad it die not say "kick me" lol)  She smiled and promptly pulled out the pattern and gave it to me.  She calls it "Not a Rocket Science Bag."  That is perfect for me, because I only do those things unrelated to Rocket Science (know what I mean Vern?).  Her blog is Modern Quilt Relish but I did not get her name.  I'll have to hop over and get to know her better.  Us "Un-Rocket Science" Gals need to have a retreat.  I'd suggest the I Dream of Jeannie Bottle....but I think Jeannie is still in there.  Any other suggestions?

I'm now off to work the First Grade Class have their end of the year Ice Cream Social.  Have a wonderful day.  I'll post more Market Products soon....I'm doing my research now and I'll have one by tonight or first thing in the morning.

Silly Smiles,


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