
I Have A Notion blog and store have moved to:

the store can be found at

There is a much easier to navigate store, with new items. The blog has its own page as well... new content too.

The blog is now at

Please come and visit!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

"IT'S A WRAP II" Now Available at I Have A Notion

Susan Breier's new book, "It's A Wrap II" is available NOW at IHAN (19.95).  If you loved, "It's A Wrap" you will be thrilled with her latest book.

Can you imagine Easter Baskets that get used every year because they were made special for your child or grandchild?  (co-workers in my case :)

What a statement this would make in a room. 

OK, everyone knows I love yes....this one really, really, really appeals to me.

Cheerful Green
How about this one at a picnic?

These bags and plates are really great too.  The instructions are clear and easy to understand (which is a lot for me to say because I have a tough time reading and understanding instructions). 

Another thing I think is really neat about Susan's designs is the clothesline she uses to wrap in fabric.  I much prefer this use of a clothes line!!

100 feet of Clothesline is only 3.75!!  And you can use your scraps, salvages, and even use the Simplicity Rotary Cutting Machine to cut strips for you.  With all the energy you'll save you will have some left over to jog to the store and get a few packages of Tim Tams!!!  Now you're talking :)

Naughty Smiles,

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Additions at

If you are traveling this Spring and Summer you might want to take advantage of this IHAN Special.  Fiber & Fabric Mania A Travel Guide 15.95 is NOW only 10.95 at IHAN.

This price will be good for one week only.  So if you want one Now is the time to order :)

Other new and fun things available at IHAN are Presencia Thread Collections.

To View Presencia Cotton Sewing Thread Sampler Crayon.  To view all of the Presencia Collections just click here and you will be magically transported to the IHAN Presencia Collection page :)

Also added to IHAN is the:

( I call this a focal point for decorating....however technically it is not.) 

*Ever notice I seem to have my own names for products?  I know the manufacturers and designers really do put a lot of effort into naming their products....and I guess on one hand I know why they don't ask me first for the name they should give their products.....but I have to say.....I think the names I give them are so much more fun.....just my opinion...and with 44cents you can buy a stamp I know :)


"Do The Crazy Dance Mamma"

Those are the words I last hear as my boys get on the school bus in the morning.  "Do The Crazy Dance Mamma" started when my first co-worker was in Kindergarten.  I would stand in the driveway and wave goodbye as my "baby" got on the big bus and he loved it when I would do a silly wave or shake my legs around.  He started calling it the "Crazy Dance." Mind you, I have bed head and I'm typically still wearing my jammies.  I figure if it bothers the neighbors they can always move :)

The last few weeks have been filled with "Peak Experiences" with my co-workers. So many activities and good times have been shared. If you've been wondering why I have not posted as regularly, that is why. I want to soak up every minute of this joy.

Aaron having a pizza lunch with "The Principal" at school.

Zach having a pizza lunch with his teacher at school

This was one of the Silent Auction items at their school last Friday night.  Wonder who's idea it was to have a silent auction for "Lunch With Teachers"?  Hmmmm.....the kids absolutely loved it and the folks at the school thought it was great too.  The pizzas were donated by "Marcos Pizza."  It was a great fundraiser and definitely a Win/Win/Win activity.

Zach stayed home one Monday due to his cough.  IHAN closed its doors and spent the day tending to co-workers.  He had to wait outside (climbing up and down in the trees) for Aaron to get off the bus after school.  It is so funny to watch them argue and fight.......then wait with such anticipation and joy for the other to return.
Aaron saw me taking pix of Zach in the tree as he got off the you know my monkey had to climb into the tree for his photo opp!!
Bowling last Sunday.....Zach strikes a pose.  My heart just sings with complete and total joy when I see them playing like this.  (What do you say.....should this be "the" photo at his wedding?  I am thinking it might just be the one!!!  LOL)
Aaron is so proud he can hold the bowling ball.  It is hysterical to watch him run up to the line and sort of roll/throw the ball down the alley.  Thankfully it is bumper bowling!!!


It is such a joy and pleasure to be able to work from home so I can soak up every second of this time.  Of course there are those days when I wish I worked on another planet just to get a break....but not recently :)

Joyful Smiles,

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Aurifil Threads Challenge with Pat Sloan's Meadow Breeze BOM

There is a medical alert warning on this post.  If you have heart issues....please take your medication NOW before it is too late.  Our lawyers tell us we are not liable for any pre-existing medical condition that you may have that flares up due to reading this post :) ( there are not lawyers here....but you can't blame me if you fall out)

Please DIAL 911 Immediately if you experience ANY of the following symptoms after viewing this prize for the winner of Aurifil's Challenge with Pat Sloan's Meadow Breeze BOM:

  • Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
  •  Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath. May occur with or without chest discomfort.
  • Other signs: These may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness

If you are still feeling well, click on Pat's link and print out a copy of her BOM pattern and get moving.  I know if I had that box of Aurifil in my house.....I would use it as a focal point in my decorating.  I might even get rid of Rick's "television" (drive in theater screen) and place the Aurifil threads on the Entertainment Center.

Want to use Pat's Aurifil Collection?  I Have A Notion just so happens to carry that too!!!  Just press down on your mouse (right side of that critter) here and you will magically be transported to IHAN's Aurifil Heaven :)

Lightheaded Smiles,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Synchronicity With Just Another Button Company

I'm sure this has happened to you before.  You are thinking of someone and the phone rings and it is the person you were thinking about. 

That happened to Cecile (Just Another Button Company) and I just the other day.  She was in the middle of typing a message to me when I was sending her an instant message.  We may send an e-mail every 3 or 4 months....but it is not like we chat frequently.  So this was really cool. 

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Cecile was writing to tell me she had just put a package in the mail to me and I was writing her to let her know about I Have A Notion's One Year Anniversary that is coming up.  (Stay tuned for some incredible things coming mid-March:)

The above photos are of the WONDERFUL Package Cecile sent to me.  I am in love with what she calls, "Just Pins" and I call....."Pretty Darn Spanky Embellished Wonderments". 

I had just been thinking about a question someone had asked me, "what do you collect?"  I don't really "collect" anything on a year round basis....because the more you own the more it owns you and I don't want to own the dust that will fall upon more "stuff."  However I do have a fancy for pin cushions.  I don't really "collect" them per se but I have a few and I love them....alot.  So just as I was revisiting the subject the box comes in the mail with patterns for pin cushions too.  (photos gently borrowed from JABC)

All I can say now is, they are owning me!!!  What wonderful pin cushions and who would not delight in seeing something so beautiful with "Pretty Darn Spanky Embellished Wonderments" sticking in them?  How many would be too many?  I think these are like Tim recommended dosage!!

Thank you Cecile from the bottom of my heart for the cheerful package.  I know just what to do with all these lovelies....and my readers know too.

Jocelyn just wrote asking if "Wonderments" are available at  YES....Click here.....I am not monitoring are on your own here as everyone already knows I know no limits with some things :)  LOL

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nancy Dill from Was Recognized by American Express!!!

Nancy Dill of Quilt Woman dot com  (one of the gals who saved my life (sort of) in Philly last May) was recognized by American Express.  Nancy participated in the "Make Mine A Million Dollar Business Competition" and she was one of 10 awardees at the American Express Open Women’s Business Summit in Houston, Texas.  You can read all the details on Nancy's blog.  I don't want to repeat everything that has already been written.

I read through some of the things Nancy did to participate and I'm telling you I am completely impressed.  What a woman!!!  Many of us would like to say....yes....Make Mine A Million Dollar Business but how many would do all the necessary things to make that happen?  Way to go Nancy!!! 

How exciting for Nancy.  See, you just never know who you may meet when you walk up to ladies on the street and say....I'm lost can you help me. 


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Golden Thyme Blog by Lacey Hill

Three of these beautiful gold butterflies were given to bloggers by Designer Lacey Hill on her Golden Thyme Blog.
Golden Butterfly Award

An award given for generosity of time, sharing of knowledge, inspiration, encouragement and charitable contribution to Quilting & Fiber Art.

Kim's Quilting Adventure  
I Have A Notion 

I must say I was completely shocked and thrilled that this award was for me.  I don't know who Kim is.....but you know I'll be reading her blog now (already subscribed to the feeds) and to be mentioned in the same sentence as Darlene from SewCalGal was really something for me.  I admire Darlene, so this is a real thrill for me.

I know....this is starting to sound like the academy awards or something....or you might be thinking....who cares, right?  But when someone takes the time to recognize what you have given your time and energy to in an authentic a true gift and I'm appreciative of the gift.

On another but similar note.....if you want to feel like you are part of the "Members of the Academy" you need to head on over to Darlene's blog because she is doing The Golden Quilter Awards
The really cool thing about being part of "this" Awards don't need to buy a dress that costs as much as feeding a family of 10 for a need to wear those cumbersome 10 carat diamonds on your does not matter that your husband does not look like Brad won't go blind from all those flash bulbs going off in your need to wear a girdle to suck in your size four puffiness......there won't be anyone hiding in your bushes and scaring you half to death when the jump out and snap your one will publish a photo of your worst stitching work and  act like "how could you" don't even need to get out of your ugliest house can just be who ever you are and feel pretty darn good about yourself because our blogging community values your spirit not your perky mammary glands :)

Spanky Smiles,
They were given to:

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Carnival Was A Success!!!! HURRAY

I've been blogging about being so busy with the boy's school carnival.  Thankfully it was last night and the weather did not seem to detour people from coming. 

The boys had a ball.  They played carnival games, had caricatures of themselves drawn, made glass magnets, bopped around at the cake walk and thankfully did not play the gold fish game :)

This was a really neat project offered by the art teacher.  Parents paid $5 per child to make either a glass pendent or a glass magnet.  $3 covered the cost of materials and firing and $2 went to the Parent Boosters (who raise money for projects and educational materials for the students).  Zach loved making his glass magnet.  He got to wear cool glasses and select pieces of colored glass-score it and use the clamps to break it.....ohhhhhhh.....that was way cool for him.

Here is Aaron in the cafeteria sporting his latest prize-blue Dracula fangs!!!

The cake walk was a big hit so there was a long line most of the night.  When the night was winding down I encouraged the boys to go back and do the cake walk....oh yea....the each won a little cake to bring home.
Here are the caricatures Rick had done of the boys.....aren't they  cool?

If the records are correct we raised 5 times as much money this year in the silent auction and raffle as we did yesterday.  Now that's what I'm talking about.....and the bulk of that was done by two women.  Can you imagine what could be done by say.....6 women?  Hmmmmm.....
We had lots of snow overnight.  Rick and the boys made this very fun snowman in our front yard.  You ask...."Kelly why weren't you out there making that cool snowman too?"  My reply, "I would have been.....but the maid has been out working for the school carnival for the week and there is no food here either...yikes :)

Cotton Candy Smiles,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

GRABAROO'S NOW in BLACK...and my favorite JanetBasket

GrabARoo's now come in Black (xl only)!!! You may wonder whey I am excited about this. My brother stocks shelves and his hands are so rough that they could be used as sandpaper and I'm not exaggerating even a little bit. These gloves are wonderful for anyone who handles paper or cardboard. Those papers take the oil right out of your skin and leaves your hands so dry that they crack. Not any more....GrabARoo's to the rescue :) His birthday is coming and when he opens these gloves....he will be sooo thrilled. (he does not read my blog :)

I've had several e-mails from women asking me if I thought GrabARoo's would work for husbands with their jobs.  If they don't like about Black? 

You know what else I like about GrabARoo'sAudrey, Miriam, and Tracy.  GrabARoo's are their invention and I've had the great fortune to spend time with them at Quilt Market.  If you have any questions at all about GrabARoo's....just ask them....they are honest and very helpful.  You can visit them here.

I carry this bag with my punchneedle in it when I go to meetings or when I think I'm going to get an spare few minutes to punch.  I have been stopped a few times lately and asked where I got it.  Yes....I told them I have a store and I gave them my business card.  Can you blame me?  I was thinking about it and I remembered I never blogged about my wonderful new friend.
She is a  Red Floral Eco Bag by JanetBasket.  I have not given her a name yet....but I should. 
She is like a Marcus Welby MD's bag....but she is pretty and RED. 
I like the handle because I can cover the strap with the padded cover-it Velcro's closed.  The handle does not bite into my hand....I like that :)
Look how many pockets she has (too bad Polly Pockets is taken....that would have been a great name for this bag.  I can keep my punchneedle book and my writing tablet in one side....
and on the water (one for for Rosemary)
And if those were not enough pockets ....there are large pockets on each end.  I keep my punchneedle case in one end and my snacks in the other. (yes I carry food....what if I get lost/stranded/starve to death)
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Oh yea.....and because I'm neurotic and don't ever want to "need a thread" there is room for my two boxes of threads.  I don't always carry my threads....but if I think I many need them....I just pop them into the bag. you know what strangers know....I love my bag :)  Tomorrow is the boys Winter Carnival at their school.  I've worked on the Silent Auction and Raffle items and I'm hoping we have a wonderful turnout.  The boys are excited because we will have a jail there....they have to pay tickets to lock Mommy and Daddy up and Mommy and Daddy will have to pay tickets to get out.  Cute idea isn't it?  The boys love it.  Oh yea....did I mention the cake walk?  That too will be a huge hit.  Time for games?  I'm not guys love the cake walk and I know I'll have to tear them away from the raffle baskets too!  I'll take some pix and post should be lots of fun.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Whooooooaaaa That Was FAST!!! CANCELING APB and AMBER ALERT

APB and Amber Alert Canceled :)

(Photo gently and respectfully borrowed from The Daily Blog)

No Chicago Mob with Heat (Reliable Corp. Irons is what I was referring to....not guns....I would never use a gun when a Reliable Iron would do the trick :) were needed.  Look what bloggers did!!!  I guess United Airlines computers must have been pingged to death....and it worked :)  Ricky has been reunited with his Bohemian Rhapsody. 


What is next on our agenda Quilters?   Finding Jimmy Hoffa?  ok, ok, ok....honestly I was just kidding!!!

Right side up Smiles,


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