I have had a good laugh reading the comments on where folks thought I had gone fishin'.
My youngest co-worker and I headed to Victoria, Texas. We went fishing for new experiences :) Did you know there are Angels living in Victoria? It's true.
We had not been at
Mrs. Karin and Mr. Dick's house for more than 30 minutes, as I recall, when Zach wanted to sew something on her beautiful embroidery machine. Can you believe it was Zach who asked to sew and not me? After Karin got the
luggage tag handle wrap hooped....she let Zach do the rest.
This fishing trip was an experience in being reminded about what is important in life and enjoying the angels along the way. Several peak experiences for me....so restorative to my soul.
WARNING: Photo heavy post below with a quilt related segment in the middle....you've been warned :)
Mrs. Karin and Mr. Dick are volunteers at the Texas Zoo so we were the first guests at the Zoo.
The next day the Angels transported us on their wings to the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi.
The Victoria Angels and the IHAN Rat Fink :) |
What? I don't look like Mr. Miyagi has trained me? | | |
That's OK....because I was meditating on this thought:
My feeble attempt at a sand quilt :)
This photo below represents my experience of Texas.....very BIG! Between towns....when I say there is almost nothing...I'm not kidding. Hope you don't need gas or food!
On of my favorite movies.Lonesome Dove..you know I could not miss this Ranch! I have no idea weather this ranch has anything to do with the movie or not...by the way.
This was a small town I drove through on my way to San Antonio. It looks like a movie set doesn't it? Smiley Texas....hmmmm.
Found this nasty character along the route. A real rootin tootin shootin sort of fella.
1/2 of the
IHAN clan at the Alamo.
River Walk in San Antonio...if you ever have the opportunity to go....don't miss it!!!
Texas Ranger Museum, I didn't find even one photo of Augustus McCrae or Woodrow Call : (
(please don't e-mail saying they were just characters in a movie....my brain knows that but my heart doesn't)
Was surprised to find Bonnie and Clyde's car at the Museum, wasn't surprised to find this little out law standing next to their car.
I took this photo at the
San Antonio Museum of Art where I found the Dale Chihuly Persian Ceiling. It is actually a reflection in a window you are looking at.....amazing isn't it?
These are the margaritas in Texas!!! And for the record....this was not mine...lol.
After San Antonio, we headed to
Bandara, Texas....the Cowboy Capital of the World. Where was our first stop?
Gone Quiltin' owner Debra Pavelka. What a wonderful store....and the saying "when you are traveling and need help...don't dial 911....call a quilter" was completely accurate in my experience. I needed to find a pharmacy....Debra knew just where to direct me.
You know I couldn't leave without some souvenirs :)
Bandara's diner is where I was directed to possibly find a real cowboy mid week. No luck....but we did find three Texas Rangers having lunch.
Having a 7 year old on Spring Break and driving all the way to Bandara Texas....you know this Momma was not leaving until we found a real cowboy!!! Midweek or not! While in the diner, I explained my dilemma to the Rangerse and they suggested I might find a real cowboy at the
2E Twin Elm Ranch. All I knew was that if I had to drive that rental car far into the fields...I was going to find a real cowboy for Zach!
I think I'm going to put a noose in my back yard too. Zach was on his best behavior the entire time...LOL.
(another way you know you are in Texas? Almost every residence/ranch/RV has two posts and a gate....only slightly kidding!!)
Meet Justin....the FIRST "Real Cowboy" we found at the Twin Elm Ranch. |
Justin was real all the way down to his spurs! We had not planned on staying at the Ranch but Justin was so welcoming and kind to Zach that this Momma had no problem saying yes to whatever price they were planning on charging us.
Oh yeah....and it didn't hurt one bit that another family with three little boys were there on Spring Break as well. Zach made fast friends with Luke and Jack from Wisconsin.
Justin's confidence was key to my agreeing to let Zachary go on a trail ride the next morning. Typically Zach would be afraid of the horse....but Justin knew just what to do and so did "Spot" the horse Zach rode.
The rootin tootin shootin cowboy riding a horse across a stream....all by himself :) |
It was tough tearing ourselves away from the Twin Elm Ranch, but Shamu was waiting.
Back to Victoria to spend another day with the Victoria Angels....which includes Miss Bailey, Zach's dear friend.
You may be asking yourself, where is the other 1/2 of the
IHAN clan? This Momma had no interest in spending a week listening to a 7 and 9 year old boys bicker. We decided to divide and conquer :) The other 1/2 went to see Grandma and Grandpa in PA, then to Philly and on to Washington DC. They had a wonderful time too!
If you are still with me....I'm shocked!
Texas Size Smiles,