
I Have A Notion blog and store have moved to:

the store can be found at

There is a much easier to navigate store, with new items. The blog has its own page as well... new content too.

The blog is now at

Please come and visit!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where in the World...Day 2....:)

I'm going to keep this charade going....just for today.
 Yes...I did crop the photo to remove the license plate....being menopausal is one thing...being stupid is another...LOL.

 After seeing this amazing view....I went here ...

 And it was closed today.  Sometimes it is important to check the hours of operation.  Then....there are those days/times when it doesn't matter that I traveled a long distance to see a place that is closed......because of the time spent with a special person along the way.   Have you ever had one of those days/experiences?
After noticing the Museum was closed.... I enjoyed a wonderful lunch with the lovely person who's reflection is in the Museum photo above this one.  Hmmmmm....can you guess who it was?  

Those are the only clues for today.  Tomorrow I'll reveal where I am ( I know I said on Sat...but trust me...there will be even more giveaways and it will be more fun this way :)

Giggles, Snickers, and Smiles,

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where in the world....

Is Carmen Sandiego?  Matt Lauer?  Nope....Where in the world is.... the IHAN ® clan? 

That's what I'm going to title this week's posts.   Each day I'll post a few photos and you can leave a comment guessing where we are.  Oh yeah...there is a "small" disclaimer...only a few close friends and family actually know where we are...and you folks can't participate....sorry :)

Let the clues begin .....

 These are your clues for today.  Leave your guess by leaving a comment below.  What fun would it be if there wasn't a great prize right?  Right! 

You can leave only one comment per day ....and you can guess each day until Aug. 25th.  You don't have to be right to be entered into the drawing to win these  great batik fabrics and pattern.  You don't necessarily have to make the "Spirit of the Bear" pattern....the fabrics in and of themselves are decide.

Warm Smiles,

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bowls with Borders Blog Hop and A Giveaway

Everywhere I look lately..... I either see bowls....or the mess I have made from making my Bowls with Borders If you've been following this blog hop then I'm sure you know where the pattern came from and who's idea this all was (who got me into this  If not, I'll put all the wonderful credits at the close of this post.

Suffice to say,  it has been years since I've done any paper piecing.   With my state of mind lately (menopause)  I'm surprised that I  remembered what foundation paper piecing is much less that I once knew how to do it.    What's a woman to do?  Call Waldo* of course!!!   One phone call and she was here within 30 minutes.  After Waldo*  refreshed her memory....she then refreshed mine...LOL.  

The ideas for this Blog Hop came fast and furious.  I thought about doing several in very different patters and calling it "Something for Everyone".  Then I thought about doing one where the bowls curled around and did a loop and I would call that one  "Time to do the Dishes."  Of course I thought about kids bowls...that would be fun...or ethnic bowls....and on and on and on.  Then lightening struck.....I need to have this done by Friday...Yikes!!! 

Here are a few of of the Bowls with Borders that I created .....

Although I liked both of the one's pictured above.......this is the one I decided to go with......
 (the photos below show the colors more accurately)

It was the first one I made and it was the one I liked the best.  It is not quilted or bound (yet) but what is a gal to do when she is finishing another quilt, making a table runner, running kids all over tarnation and packing for a trip?

Do you want to see some close ups? ya go:
Took the idea for these flowers from the book Blooming Possibilities by Abbey Lane Quilts.  I added some beads and buttons to the centers of the flowers.

To give the bowls some pizazz I added a few stitches, silk ribbon and some beads.
 My favorite were the iridescent beads on the purple fabric. 

A few more beads....and I was finished.  I have to say I was very surprised by how much fun I had making this piece.   I'm sure glad I chose to participate!!!

There are so many participants .....take a few minutes and click around and see the other Bowls with Borders ....I think you'll see some very fun ideas and meet some potential new friends.

Today's participants are :

Thanks Carol....Madame Samm and the pattern designer, Regina Grewe takes a great team to get this many bowls all stacked up.

To see all the Bowls with Borders...check out Madam Samm's Pinterest page HERE.
If you leave a comment on today's post and you are a follower of the IHAN ® blog,  you may be the lucky winner of a package of Carol Doak's foundation Paper for Paper Piecing.

The winner will be drawn by the random number generator and announced on the IHAN ® blogI at the end of the Blog Hop on Aug. 29th.  (The Bowls with Borders Blog Hop ends Aug.28th). 

Thanks for visiting !


 *Waldo is my girlfriend Rosemary.  She turns up in photos all the time so I call her Waldo...after the Waldo Book Series.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's Not Sewing....

It's thread painting...or so I told my 17 year old nephew this morning.  His new job doesn't start until the end of next week and I figured he needed something to  fill his time.  This morning I suggested he learn to use a sewing machine.  To make it a little more appealing...I called it thread painting.

I gave Nick a short lesson and set the machine up for free motion quilting and let him go.  Here is his first piece:
 He's getting the hang of it....
I even saw something that looked like a bird.
Once he got the feeling for the machine....he just took off...
 There was no need for that "suggested glass of wine" to relax....he was cool as a cucumber...zipping along...
While I was upstairs working this is what he made.....
He's not even finished yet...but I had to recommend he stop sewing for awhile....the machine had been going for a few hours and I thought it might need a break!  I've never sat with my BSR going for 2 or 3 hours.....I'm so jealous!

I do want to encourage him and his art....but I may have to consider dipping into his college funds to replace some of my thread....I still can't believe how many times I had to wind bobbins for him.  He was using my Aurifil thread ....I guess I'm a pretty nice Aunt :)  

What he needs is more he can make a quilt.  I think I'm going to hook him up with a collection of fabrics and let him his words, "I'm just  "improvising."  I wish I had learned to sew with his method....he seems so much more relaxed that I ever was.

All the while he was creating his art....this is what I made:
 A mess...that's all....just a mess.  Paper piecing is not a very clean sport ya know.  

What?  Did I hear someone ask about what the Flamingos are up to today?  Well....just by chance I did see them...
I think they are relaxing and discussing what their next adventure will be.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Bowling Anyone?

 It's a Bowling Party....well....sort's really more of a Hop than a Party :)

No balls necessary...although I did use pins.
(yes I mean bowling have a terrible mind I tell ya!)  

Bowls with Borders Blog Hop starts today and I'm telling you I've already seen so much variety and fun...what a joy to see what others have been making.

On August 17th you'll be able to see the Bowls I've been working on.  Here is just a little sneak peak for ya......
I'm not very good at surprises anyway....I'm the one who always wants to know.  If you have not already been Bowling today...just Click Here to begin your Bowling Trip.

For those of you who are hooked on the is the latest update:

A Flamingo Olympic Soccer Game on Saturday.
Silly me...the last time I saw this I thought it was a parade....
It was not a was the opening ceremony for the Olympics and this was the closing ceremony.  Some of us are not quite a sharp as they'd like to be :)

Flamingos wearing hats....are these folks wonderful or what?

Hope this leaves you with a smile....if not....


Sunday, August 12, 2012

IHAN® Trademark is Now Official

Has anyone noticed the IHAN®  banner has changed on the I Have A Notion  ® website.

Yes, IHAN ® is now a Registered Trademark :)
(for anyone wishing to have the exact numbers I am more than willing to send you a copy of the registration)

We are now in the process of having all of the buttons changed for those of you who have them on your websites (I shutter to think where I would be today without all of my friends...hugs to all of you...big hugs too :)

Nothing else has changed and for those with inquiring minds....I did not stamp the Elves foreheads with the ® symbol...LOL


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thats Why They Call It Patchwork :)

Before I get to the Patchwork part....I think many of you will want get some Olympic Updates.

I'm not sure if these are "Official Olympic Results" ...I'm just reporting what I saw!

Yesterday morning brought an awards ceremony. I stopped to congratulate the winners.  I'm guessing these are the Olympians from the weight lifting and gymnastics team ...from last report.

Fierce Flamingo Fencing

A mini-Dream Team

Flamingo Beach Volleyball....isn't this incredible?

I'm so grateful to the couple who put so much time, effort and money into giving us a smile each day.


I just figured out why quilting is referred to as patchwork.  Some of us are not as sharp as others sometimes....LOL  I finished the UK quilt top yesterday and this is what it looks like:
It needs to be pressed etc....but it is finished and it doesn't look all that complicated does it?  A quilter would just draw out a scale and write down the dimensions, cut the fabric, sew the pieces together...right?   This quilter just so happened to draw up no less than 8 pattern options....then draw out the dimensions....I measured and measured and measured....cut.  Wrong....the blocks were not the same size.  After a few more attmepts...I call in the National Guard....Mr. McSteamy.  Yep....he had to do it twice too!  ROFL

Then I changed where I put the one border and it was therefore not long I did some PATCHWORK :)

How this happened is beyond me.  This was supposed to be a quick little project for my son-in-law as a sofa throw.  Now the border looks nothing like my plan....but hey....the top is finished and I'm guessing no one on earth will really give a hoot.  Now to baste it ....wish me luck.

By the way....I've decided I do have an expertise.  I'm going to give graduate level courses at the Quilt University.  The title of the class?  Un-Sewing....only for experts....are you going to take the class?  I'll need to know because there is a limited number of seats available.  ROFL



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