
I Have A Notion blog and store have moved to:

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There is a much easier to navigate store, with new items. The blog has its own page as well... new content too.

The blog is now at

Please come and visit!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Open for feedback

Not much time today to sew as there was no other driver in the car pool.   Three hours in the car (typically only 2 but Aaron had a medical appointment this morning so that was twice to school)....yikes!

When I did finally arrive home I began studying my design wall.  I am in the process of using my coveted  Kaffe Fassett fabrics and I'm using the Big Ten pattern by Swirly Girls.

 The problem I'm having is choosing the border fabric for the 8 1/2 inch blocks.  The fabric below is a P&B Textiles Suede in Navy.  It looks like a dark ink in "real" life and not so stark as a black.  Hard to see in these photos.

The fabric is so bright and busy I feel the border fabric needs to give the eye a break....a pause in the dark to celebrate the bright lights that follow.   

Another choice.....

I have this purple and I don't know if it is a Kona but it feels like a Kona.  

A close up better shows the shade of purple a little better.

So, what do you think?  Is it the Navy or the Purple?  Or can you think of another color that would help break up the bright and fun and give our eyes a rest before we continue with the Kaffe party!

Thanks in advance for your thoughts :)


Friday, February 19, 2016

Have you ever noticed.....

Have you ever noticed that life is a little less colorful without props?  I was looking through pictures I've taken over the past several months and I noticed many of the photos I love have something to do with the fun props included in the photos.
While driving the boys to school one day I passed this little red sports car on the curb next to trash cans.  Apparently someone had used up all the joy in this little red sports car and now it had become trash.  My mind instantly went to The Flamingo Family.  There could be so much more joy in the cars future if it could play with the Flamingo Family.   Sooooo....I quickly dumped the kids at school and flipped down the seats in my car and hoisted this hot little car into my not so hot little car.  I have to admit I felt a bit embarrassed.....not while curb happened when I knocked on the Flamingo Families door and offered them this hot little number. What would I have done if they said, "no thank you"....THANKFULLY the man accepted this little red trash to treasure gem.  I look forward to the day I pass their house and see this hot little number sporting a few flamingos.

Here are a few more photos that crack me up....

 Mr. McSteamy received this chef coat and hat from his lovely Megan for Christmas.  I just need to embroider Chef Ree-Chard on the jacket (his real life name is Richard).

Zach's goggles....look closely....they were steamed up all but the centers....too funny.
Aaron found this scarf under a table while dining out.  He came up from under the table with the biggest smile...wrapped it around his neck...and made a evil squeal and said, "The Spoils of War."  I almost wet my pants laughing.

Last week I made the huge mistake of asking Mr. McSteamy to pick up some groceries from the market.  He came home with all sorts of wild azz food...little pies, Klondike bars, whip cream (not real whip cream but the plastic whiz in a can) and of course there was a sprinkling of real food in the bags somewhere.  After dinner dishes were done I had come into the living room and I heard someone in the kitchen....didn't we just have dinner....who is back in there eating (truthfully....I was thinking....who is in there making another mess)  Just as I entered the kitchen....what did I see?  Zach with is prop....a Klondike bar with  whip cream eyes and a smile....he was in greedy heaven...and I was instantly filled with joy.

Props....the things that make us smile and remember.  

While typing this it occurred to me to check the origin of the word is a definition:
something that is said to publicly thank and give special attention to someone for doing something : credit or recognition

Learn something new every day....clueless here...I thought it meant the stuff in the background.  Nope!  Apparently Props is just a shortened abbreviation for Theatrical Properties....the portable objects on a stage or set.  

If you are getting board reading this post....then ya better be getting back to that to do list.  For the rest of you...thanks for taking time out of your day to spend a few minutes with me while I entertain myself and share the things that I notice and observe about what makes life more joyful.

Treasures...yes...those are not two medicine bottles with fancy fabric stuck to the tops....those are absolute treasures.  They used to sit next to Mary Jane's sewing machine on a rotating tray.  That is her handwriting on the is for safety pins and the other is for discarded needles and pins.  It is the small things in life that tickle my I am so grateful for all these little things....the Props that make me smile when I stop to notice them.

Where are your Props today?   I'd love to hear a story or two (or as many as you care to share :)

Heart Smiles,


Thursday, February 18, 2016

It would be nice to drop a fat quarter

I'm not talking about giving away fabric....although I've recently given tons away....I'm referring to the "mo-jo breaks" I've been taking during my sewing.

Here are some of my favorites:
Uptown Funk
Double Dutch Bus
Brick House

After these three I was quickly reminded why I have refrained from busting a move in the last few left ankle was hurting big time.  Chronic pain is a very ugly reality not only in my life but in the lives of so many of the people I know.  No fun!

My broken ankle was the biggest reason I slowed my blogging and then stopped all together.  I'll share more about that soon.

After taking a long break from sewing I finished two projects in one week....can I get a high five....just one will do you can stop all the party dancing now...LOL.

This is the wall hanging I made for George, Mary Jane's brother.  He is in a nursing home recuperating and I thought it would add some color to his room.
 This is a cheater panel that I picked up from our guilds free table. (Thank you Barb for donating it :)

 I just stitched the outlines...simple.

The other project I finished is a tote bag for Cloe, a gal we are going to visit in France soon.

This is a lined tote bag and I don't like it when the lining goes up to the top so I stitched the outer fabric to the top of the lining fabric.

I did this because I don't like it when the lining fabric shows at the top of the tote.

Naturally my rotary blade was dull and this was denim I had to pull out my handy rotary blade sharpener.
This is the only sharpener I have found to really work on my rotary blades.  If you don't have one and need can find it by clicking HERE.  Since blades are expensive I do my best to sharpen and reuse the ones I have before purchasing new blades.

Hope your day is a dandy one!


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I discovered a few things today

Most days I discover things....I practice "noticing" frequently....and today....

I discovered that I want to accomplish something....I want to finish a wall hanging I am making for Mary Jane's brother George,  who has been ill.  I don't want to get up to eat or even get a bottle of water.  I just wanted to sew.  In and of itself...that is absolutely amazing for me because I've felt the need to be "quiet" and a desire to grow roots out my bum (a visual here: deep tree roots connecting me to a comfy spot with very little movement).

As I am sitting and sewing on George's wall hanging....I'm thinking....I need to move my body more....this body deserves some zest.  At the same time....I don't want to stop sewing.  Then it came to me....if every hour or so I put on a song that really gets my mo-jo up....I can turn it up loud and dance like no one's watching (and they aren't)....I bust a move for 3-4 minutes....then I can go back to my sewing.  Do you know how many minutes of aerobic exercise that adds up to be?  I don't know either....but I can tell is a hell of a lot more than I have been getting and I'm heading in the right direction :)

Photo Credit Click Here

You know what else I discovered?  While dancing like a wild woman I saw at least 6 pins I have dropped on the floor and never noticed before now.  I added some dance moves that included bending down and picking them up.  Now....I'm begging you....please don't tell my husband because he will suggest I play music upstairs and clean the house.  I must draw the line somewhere!!!

BTW....I can guarantee you with 100% certainty the only similarities between my dancing and the photo of the female dancing above (found by Google-ing wild dancing) is that I am a female with  two arms and two legs...oh yeah....and I was vertical.

Giggles and Smiles,

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases....if you celebrate Christmas

Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases....if you celebrate Christmas...if you don't....I wish you the Merriest of December 25th's that you've ever had :)

The Flamingo Santa is on his sleigh and ready to deliver gifts to all those who have behaved (which specifically means he is not coming to my house) I hope you have been nice and not naughty....giggles.

I wish for all of you the same I wish for myself and that is abundant gratitude, health, peace....and a good friend or friends with whom you can share your story!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Flamingo Update

It has been a while since I've given everyone an update about those happy Flamingos that live down the road.

Here is what they are doing today:
A few days ago the Flamingos were gathered around a large green bin that looked like they were preparing to put up Christmas decorations....then the scene changed and the tree and decorations are up and out for everyone to see.

I realize I didn't post Thanksgiving....there was actually a feast at the Flamingo Home....but all I caught on camera was the football game prior...sorry I didn't get the entire Thanksgiving meal too!

I know those folks are having a ball arranging those Flamingos and I've learned recently there is a woman who discovered my blog because of those Flamingos.  True story!  She e-mailed me to thank me for posting about the Flamingos because she drives past and enjoys seeing them too. 

I don't dress up Flamingos...but I am guilty of dressing up two little boys!


Friday, December 4, 2015

What do Drones have to do with Sewing, Quilting and Machine Embroidery?

After reading that drones are used to drop off drugs, porn and phones to prisons (currently against the law for the guards to shoot down the drones)...

I thought to myself.....what is wrong with this???

Then I realized I was just jealous!

So if ya can't beat em....lets join em!  How about each time we need just the right color of thread, need more fabric, or  just the right notion.......we dial 1800-Need-Our-Fix NOW or 1 800 Lets-Get-Our-Fix ON....(LMBO)  and a drown flies to our front doors and delivers just the right color of thread, needle or fabric.  How amazingly cool would that be?  Perhaps the packages could be tied with a lovely ribbon and a sweet treat too.

Hope this makes you laugh cuz laughter is what keeps me going!

BTW....IHAN doesn't currently own a drone....but if you need to "Get Your Fix ON" feel free to e-mail me or shop IHAN....if you live close....I'm willing to toss your order over your fence and into your yard...if you can't laugh....just is good for what ever is ailing ya.


Monday, November 30, 2015

Simple - That's how I roll

My eyeballs are raw from all the on-line shopping advertisements that lure me in only to find out the 70% off was on a pair of pants intended for a 1 legged frog!

That’s how I roll

Simple Sale at I Have A Notion is for those of us who crave the good old days of what you see is what you get!

40% off all IN STOCK Aurifil Threads and you can find them by clicking HERE.

40% off all IN STOCK Wonderfil Threads and you can find them by clicking HERE.

Tons of $4.00 books are still available, click HERE.  Postage will be calculated separately at Book Rate for books.

To make things even easier for you, if there is something you see on my website and you would like to inquire about a great sale price...just e-mail me at and we can negotiate :)  Doesn't get easier than that!


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Snow Very Thankful

To see snow before Thanksgiving.....

is a great treat for me.   

Gratitude for feeling joy when I witness beauty...I'm so very Thankful.

 Happiest and Healthiest of Thanksgivings to all of us who live in the US and celebrate Thanksgiving.  To everyone else, I wish for you to experience gratitude this day and savor the joy in the small things that make this life  precious.

Gobble Gobble Smiles,

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Just Doin' My Best

Momma always said, "just do the best you can" that is what I've been doing.  Not writing a lot....but for now...that's my best! Saddest part is I miss chatting with the friends I've met through blogging. 

Ok, I have to give up before I even begin.  Why?  Because my laptop that I typically use is with the Geek Squad being repaired (for the second time and it was purchased in March 2015) I decide to use my Mac and download photos from the new IPhone I got.  What happened?  It updated my phone (loosing all but two of the voice mails I have saved of my mother's voice) and put the photos into iphoto.  I can't seem to get them into Picasa, which I what I typically use.

Clearly....I'm having issues and each day I get to find out what the new mechanical issue of the day is!

Sorry...and Hello....and I give up trying to post today.

Upside down smiles to Mechanical Devices and Right Side Up Smiles to all my friends!


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lady Eleanor Needs Our Healing Thoughts and Prayers

I'm sending a prayer that Lady Eleanor and all of her loved ones are experiencing the greatest joy, gratitude, love and healing.

Godspeed to your healing and health Lady Eleanor. 

Big Warm Hugs,

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


It has been three...yes 3...months since my last post. I know that sounds like an admission in a 12 step group there a 12 step group for bloggers?  I'm not and was not trying to stop blogging....I so desperately needed a break and time to attend to my business. 

 IHAN isn't my only Biggest and Best  Business is raising 2 sons to become great men, friends, employees and spouses.  Oh yes, one more thing..... taking care of myself so as not to spend any more time with medical professionals that are not related to me or friends.

You want to see all the sewing I've done in the past three months?  I'll show you if you promise not to have to promise FIRST.   I didn't hear you....louder please.... (now your family in the other room thinks your nuts for yelling at a computer screen and I'm laughing my bum off :)

Embroidered key chains to hold the boys thumb drives for was so time consuming and difficult...NOT.  Twenty minute quickie and I'm hoping this helps them to locate and not loose their thumb drives. 

First Day of School 2015 
The boys and I also have done some needle felting this summer....
Zachary made a snake....
and gave it a leash...wasn't sure if he planned on walking the snake or dragging it... but he had fun making it.

Aaron made a little character with fun eyes....our first attempts at needle felting.

The base of mine was started at the 577 Fiber Arts Show in June and I brought it home and finished it with the boys.
Can you tell what it is?  Use your imagination....and squint a little if necessary... .I wanted it to look like a fairy looking up in the night sky at a glowing moon.  I gave her a red pony tail and a multi-colored wing.  Are you asking yourself...what is the white and blue?  In my imagination....those are her legs stretched out and she is wearing leggings.  If you can't see it well....squint more...a whole lot more....until you can't see it at all and can only remember what I "said" it was....giggles.

Play Time is at the Toledo Museum of Art and we certainly played! 
There is quite an amazing piece of art that has been crocheted and isn't actually considered art until humans interact with it.  It was SOOOOO much fun!

 Swinging in the clouds.

They played so hard they needed a drink of water.  Clearly Zach played the hardest....after all he split out the seat of his pants!

No fancy quilting to show off....just some of what I've been up to in the last three months.  Now the boys are back in school, I've got my fingers crossed and I'm hoping to get back to the joys of stitching.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Did I Mention.....

A new family member?  It's true....we have another son-in-law as of this past Saturday.

Madeline and Cody were married on a beautiful sunny day and the wedding was everything we had hoped it would be.  May I just say....Catherine and William have nothing on Madeline and Cody!!!  Giggles

Our daughters center to left: Madeline, Megan, Krista....followed by friends.

Bride and Groom with one of three sets of parents.

I was so very grateful to feel well enough to attend the wedding and felt such immense  gratitude to be in the presence of so many family members and friends.

There was only one moment in the day when I thought I just might fall over.  It was time for the toasts and Aaron and Zach were missing.  I looked outside and found them.....they had sweet talked someone out of their phone so as to play a game.  Once interrupted....Aaron jumped up and headed for the door.
 I asked him if he was ready to head in for the toast....his reply...a resounding yes!  I asked if he was sure...he said yes again.  Then I said...."REALLY?"
This is what happens to children who play games on phones!!!  They don't realize they are not properly dressed.  I laughed so hard I almost fell over.  All I can say is at least the girls were fully dressed!

Proud Smiles,

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

So Sorry....

I dropped out of sight.  Contrary to the word  on the streets, I have not entered any witness protection programs!

I could have been and there......

In Ghirandelli Square with my nephew
At the California Academy of Sciences perhaps.....

 Or maybe in Monterey, CA with my daughter and son-in-law.......

Under a Redwood Tree ????
Could have been between a rock and a hard spot in Yosimite National Park?
Or just hanging with my chronies.....

Oh....there is the top of my head....proof of life!  ROFL

Truthfully....I've been both physically and mentally
 .......................................under re-construction!

Alive and well....I promise!  Something about an infection entering one's blood stream makes one very sick and then very tired.... things are looking up now!!!



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