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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!

Do you want to know how it feels to go from this ....
(me age 6)

To This? 
(Me at 46)

I Love it and I'm Getting Jiggy With It :)
You must play this video while reading the rest of this post
to get the full message as it is intended.

Just in case I've never said this before.....I love Will Smith's attitude and smile.....I'd invite Jada and Will to my Birthday Party, if only I knew where to send the invite.  While I'm doing the invites....I'd invite Carole Burnett too!!!  Oh yeah....and Dolly Parton.....and Michael Hedges (his spirit anyway).....

Then of course all my blogging buddies....and I'd have the party in the Bellagio in Vegas under Dale Chihuly's glass ceiling.....and.....we'd all eat lots of wonderful cake and ice cream.....small pieces all cut up and put on pretty plates with little scoops of ice cream. (I are wondering why I say small right?  So we can try a lots and lots of varieties....and eat more:)

That's my kind of PARTAHY.....and my co-workers would be right there with me dancing like James Brown (they do and they've never seen him dance....soooo funny).
We would all stay in the hotel and be treated like Royalty....and we would have slippers to match our robes...they would smell spring fresh and the house shoes would fit perfectly.  Warren Buffett would be invited too....and he would graciously pick up the tab....oh yeah baby!!! (Oh yeah....I forgot to tell everyone....I really admire Warren Buffett.....and not for the reasons you may think.)

When it was time to come back home....Rick would be wearing a Tux like he wore at our wedding....and I'd melt into the Limo seat for the trip home.

Now....I need a nap....that was a very fun trip....but now....I get tired a little quicker than I did when I was 6 :)

Big Smiles,


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday Kelly. Pop over to my blog. Today I posted about YOU!

  2. Well a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, KELLY!! Hope you have a wonderful were a real cutie pie...then and NOW...ENJOY!

  3. I'm chair dancing as I wish you a happy birthday. Would you please invite me to your parTay? Whoooooooo.
    40 years is a long time, but I'm sure you are like me and in your mind are still 29. For real.

  4. Happy Birthday, Kelly! I just celebrated my 48th birthday on March 12th. Have a wonderful day.

  5. That is one seriously jiggy party! I love it! Happy Birthday and may all your wishes come true!

  6. Happy, happy birthday! I hope it's a day filled with all the people you love and lots of wonderful surprises!

  7. Happy Birthday Kelly. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! 46 is a great age and they just get better year after year!


  8. Happy Birthday!!! You have the same sweet smile and sparkling eyes that you had when you were 6.

  9. Happy 46 Kelly Jo. I am one of the few that have known you since you were born. One of favorite memories of you is when you would crawl over the rail of your crib and come get in bed with me - very early in the AM.

    You are the best sister, confidant, and friend anyone could hope for. It's a shame that the celebs you invited to your birthday don't know you. You would make all the difference in their lives.

    I am getting jiggy today, in celebration of your birth.

    Love your sista - Tracy xoxoxox

  10. Happy Birthday Dahling!
    You look fabulous!


  11. I'll get jiggy and party till the morning to help celebrate your birthday!! You're just one year younger than me, well two in November. When Will and Jada get to your party, I think I'll slip in also - I love Will Smith :)

    Happy, happy birthday to someone that always makes me smile! Hope you are able to smile all the day through!!

  12. Happy Birthday, girl! Thanks for the video and wonderful imaginary birthday party. I had fun!

  13. Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope that you are having a great day!

  14. Happy Birthday Kelly! Yes, having a parthay at the Bellagio in Vegas under Dale Chihuly's glass ceiling would be perfect!!

  15. Happy Birthday Kelly girl!!!
    I still see that lil gal twinkle in them peepers of yours!!
    Hope it was a WANDAMUS DAY!

  16. Hi Kelly,
    Hope that you are having a wonderful birthday and enjoying every minute. If you were here I would bake you a cake.

  17. Happy birthday chickie-poo... and thanks for sharing the cake and party! Here's to at least 46 more!

  18. Happy Birthday again! You are a fun gal that makes me smile:) I hope you had a GREAT day! Jenny

  19. Can you tell I'm behind on reading????

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I'd come to your party (if I were invited..) And what a little cutie you were!! As usualy love the post, you crazy woman, but that's why your parties would be the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Happy Birthday Kelly!! You are so cute! I hope you had a wonderful day. And your idea of a party sounds perfect to me!

  21. Happy belated birthday! You are so cute!

  22. LOL can I be invited too?! I Love Will Smith's songs and I can't help but dance along!

  23. happy belated birthday--what an awesome thing: go out and party on St. Patty's then get up and do it again for yourself. Aye! Bring me the triple- distilled!

  24. Happy Belated Birthday... and the party was a blast... LOL

    Cath's Blog

    Cath Ü

  25. happy belated birthday!
    mine's on sunday!

  26. Happy Birthday to YOU!.
    Love it so fun

  27. Happy Late Birthday. I hope it was special. All birthdays should be!

  28. Oh are my kind of people....that is a perfect party :0) and guest list. Is there a man alive that isn't more fantastic in a TUX??? Yummy........

    Happy are still a little cutie just like your 6 year old picture :0).

    Happy Sewing

  29. Happy (belated) birthday Kelly! Hope you had a wonderful time!

  30. Happy Belated Birthday!!! I love your ideas and am a big fan of Dale Chihuly and loved the ceiling at the Bellagio. It was dreamy, I didn't get to see the rooms though the walk thru the garden area was stunning.

  31. That first grade (?)picture smile is so cute. I can remember the photographer just lining up kids, sitting them down, saying smile, flash, okay, next kid. And we all had goofy smiles because telling a little kid to smile just works that way!!!

    Happy birthday a little bit late. About Warren Buffett -- I've always admired him, too. He lives right down the interstate from me in Omaha. I always wanted to play bridge with him (but darn it, if he plays around here he brings Bill Gates with him). You may have to bid on him at a celebrity auction for (I can't remember) and he'll take you and a dozen or so of your closest friends to lunch. Of course, it may be the most expensive lunch you've ever had even though he's picking up the ticket. Maybe somebody will get you that for your birthday next year.

    Love the video. Want his multi-colored outfit. Wouldn't mind him either! Is he your prize to be awarded for the day??


    P.S. I WAS unwinding for bed, but now I have to listen to the video again!! And then maybe once more after that.

  32. Oh crap, I got so involved with the video I forgot to "publish" my comment before I moved on. So here's the rewrite!

    Happy belated birthday. I'm a real Warren Buffet fan also. He lives about 60 miles down the interstate in Omaha, in the same house he's lived in forever. He's a bridge player and I always wanted to play a game in a tournament with him, but if he plays in this area he usually brings Bill Gates.

    You know that you can bid on and buy him for lunch (that came out kind of funny) --buy a luncheon date with him for you and a dozen or so of your closest friends (I can't remember who the auction benefits). He'll pick up the tab, but it will still be the most expensive lunch you ever had!!

    Put it on your birthday list for next year.

    BTW, love the first grade picture. All the kids had those kind of goofy smiles. We'd stand in line, the photographer would grab a kid, sit them down in the chair, say "smile," bright flash, and then he'd say, "Next." All in 60 seconds. And of course when you tell a kid to smile . . .

    Great great video choice. I'm going to have to listen to it a time or two more here before I move on. And I WAS relaxing before going to bed. I want Will's colored outfit (and him, too!!) for MY birthday (July 18, everybody), now get together and work it out, would you?

    B -

  33. Gosh, I missed your bday, I'm sorry!, I'm glad you had fun :)


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