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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Famore Scissors and Seam Rip

Day Three of IHAN's 30 Day Anniversary Celebration!!!  

Meet Brint...aka "The Scissor Man" from Famore Cuttlery (Specialty Products).

This is me attempting to steal Brint's Apron. I told him at Spring Quilt Market that he should handcuff himself  to his apron because one day I was going to steal it. By Fall Quilt Market,  I had gathered enough moxy and just reached out and grabbed it....unfortunately he had more help so he won....this round. (Trust me....I may have lost that battle....but I'm not down for the count....I can float like a butterfly and sting like a bee....I'm Kelly Ali)

Fortunately for me, both Brint and Michaelann, understand I have a thing for scissors and they are very forgiving. I call his apron "Scissor Porn." (They both agreed not to press charges if I were to seek help for my Porn Addiction...but I just have not found the appropriate group...anyone know of any resources for this type of recovery?") (Another Lie)

These are the Fine Point 4 1/2 " Scissors by Famore Cuttlery.  They are wonderful scissors.  The tips are fine and sharp so they are great for detail work, applique, and "un-sewing." 
With Sandy's permission I am publishing her unsolicited comment:

Hi Kelly,

I had my side of the family Christmas brunch yesterday and gave the nifty little scissors. My sister , the expert quilter of the family, gave them the once over when she opened them.When she got home she tried them out on a purse she had made and called raving about how great they were. IF they passed her test we scored.

Thank You again , Kelly
Sandy Johnson
I get this response from may customers who buy these scissors.  The Quality and Price can't be beat!!!

This baby is my most favorite seam rip of all time. The Famore Seam Ripper 5 1/2in comes with 3 replacement blades. Not 1, not 2, but 3 replacement blades!!! I have yet to replace a blade and I use mine for everything. I know some folks are afraid of the surgical steel blade....why? They use rotary cutters Right? Just give it the proper respect and mindful use and it is just as safe as a rotary cutter.  Price and Value....again....can't be beat!!

So, you probably want to know how you can win these Scissors and Seam Rip (Excellent Porn) right?  You need to leave a comment (no-reply bloggers won't be counted) telling me why you think you should have these scissors.  I want some real honesty here....not just because "I" say they are great.  I already know they ROCK....I want to hear why they sound interesting to you personally.

There have been some updates to the Anniversary Celebration (rules and regs. so to speak) so please check here for updates :)

Naughty Smiles,



  1. I would love to win these scissors because every pair I buy, they just aren't sharp enough to get a fine cut on thread. When I'm hand stitching this is extremely important and I have yet to find a really sharp pair of scissors.

  2. I'd like to try the scissors because every time I use a regular seam ripper, I end up poking my finger at least once, usually more. They may save a lot of bloodshed (mine).

  3. Happy Anniversary Kelly!!
    Well, I think I need these scissors and seam ripper because I am in great need of a new seam ripper. Somehow, my seam rippers disappear! Constantly! Even the people in our house who do not sew steal my seam rippers. And now that I have 2 daughters sewing, they are SHAMELESS in their thievery! But this seam ripper looks like a blade, so I may be able to threaten them away from stealing it, at least for a while. Sounds violent, or even desperate I know.
    I guess that is too many nights sewing for these girls, huh?

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  4. I would like these scissors because, frankly, I don't have any little scissors! I have only been sewing and quilting for a little bit of time and only able to buy a limited number of supplies and I am in dire need of some small scissors. The seam rip also sounds awesome, I do have one of those - and a good thing too cause I've had to rip a lot of seams. Would love to have a nice one and use my current one as backup :)

  5. Hi Kelly,
    I will respond to why the scissor's have caught my attention. First, I love the "Scissor Man's Apron". LOL Rather unique!
    Now seriously. I've never heard of Famore Cuttlery. I do a lot of applique and hand sewing. I like little pointed, sharp scissors's for small detail applique and sewing. I wouldn't mind seeing if they are better than what I already use.
    Secondly. I've never heard of a seam ripper with replacemenet blades. I use a regular seam ripper when I have to undo some of my threads. LOL I would like to try those also and see how they work comparison to the regular seam ripper's.
    I've been quilting for over 50 years, and try new gadgets every now and then, and would certainly like to try those.
    They do look nice, and I do believe you know what you're talking about. Some day you may get "Scissor Man's" apron. Have a nice day, Kelly. I enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Wow, again you have scored! What a great prize. And yes I can always use scissors, because you see I have this problem. I seem to have to re-do every project. Which calls in the SeAm RiPpeRs AND Scissors. I am famous for using both of these when I sew with my quilty friends. They always know they can come to me IF they run into a SeAm that needs undoing ;-)

  7. I am not sure if I am posting in the right place to be entered in the giveaway. But just in case, Yes I would love to win new scissors, the ones I am using are ones that I inherited from my Mom, they are OK but stick a little at times and they could be a little sharper.

  8. Oh boy! I need the seam ripper for sure...pulling out those extra threads with a pin take so long, cause I can't ever find a ripper... but if I had a new one :) big smile I will put it on a necklace so it can't be far away..

    Now for the scissors, I like you, Kelly, can't have enough scissors...
    I have scissors in the kitchen (5 pairs) each having their own job title of what they cut,
    the ones in the bathroom,
    one in garage,
    three in art/sewing room
    and of course there are the "walking scissors".

    I go to look for the Walking scissors and sure enough, they walked away and must of rounded up all the rest of the scissors to join in, for they all seem to disappear for the day. Did they go to the spa, the sharpener house, or just touring all the places I haven't looked yet for any pair of scissors?
    So if I would win these scissors, I would tie them to my purse with long rope ( called necklace) and never untie them to join the others "playing hide and seek on me".

    So Yes I would take special care, if I won either the ripper or the scissors to guard them with my life. Now where are my glasses....hmmm did they go wandering with my scissors today?

  9. You know, the longer I quilt, the more tedious I become with getting my seams exactly right. My little ripper has seen more use lately than I ever expected to use it. It's just a standard seam ripper, and it sure would be nice to rip away in style!

    Also, I am using the absolutely dullest pair of little tiny scissors - they're Fiskars, but I think they'd best be sharpened or thrown in the trash! And since I'd rather sew than sharpen scissors, the trash can is the most likely to win out on this one!

    Great featured items, and congratulations on your One Year Anniversary!

  10. Seeing I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, I am always looking for things that make quilting (or unquilting) easier. Also anyone who vacations in Wyalusing as got to be trustworthy! :-) Thanks for the give-aways!

  11. I dont' "think" I "know" I need these!! Do you know that it takes about 2 hours to un-stitch what it takes a person to stitch using my HQ? I am an expert at un-stitching!! I have never seen these before, so I need them, I do TONS of unstitching! I won't tell you that I have un-stitched two complete quilts!!

    Thanks for the fun!!

  12. I should have these items cause I have lots of scissors and a couple different seam rippers. And I never really like reaching for any of them - something wrong with every one.

    Both of these look perfect, right?

  13. I am always looking for better scissors. Mine are either chipped or too heavy. I would love to know what the best sharpener is, now that is a notion I would get a lot of use from.


  14. I have dropped my little scissors so much they are just a piece of junk.....they were expensive too...then my large ones, just one hit to the floor and no good....what is a gal to do?

  15. The tools for stitchery have always been fascinating to me. I especially like those that perform exceptionally well ... especially for the part of "unsewing". They would be most welcome additions to my sewing box.

  16. Doing more and more applique, I am learning that a really sharp scissors with a pointed tip is essential. This scissors has a fellow quilter endorsement and that's what I need to believe it's good. The seam ripper just makes sense. If it is surgical steel with replacement blades, I would know I always had the best tool available.

  17. As a quilting and embroidery enthusiast, I certainly love quality scissors and seam rippers. Please count me in your giveaway and I'd love to try Famore Scissors and Seam Rippers. But, they are alreay high on my wish list as I fully trust IHAN's recommendations. They've introduced me to so many great products. I'm sure whomever wins these scissors and seam rippers will treasure them!


  18. I'd love to win either the scissors or seam ripper...I don't have a decent pair of small scissors...they never seem to cut great at the tips...and my seam rippers are ANCIENT! Great giveaway and Happy Anniversary...I love your blog, always something new and great here.

  19. I'd love to win either the scissors or the seam ripper...I don't own a pair of small scissors that cut at the point, and my seam rippers are ANCIENT! Happy Anniversary and I love reading your blog...always something new and useful!

  20. I've noticed that the smaller "fine work" scissors never have finger holes large enough. These scissors look like they were made to fit MY hand! A good fine point is so important. And, even though I think seam ripper is a four letter word, I still do need the use of a good one! Unfortunately, I have not yet reached the goal of being godly and perfect! Lynne

  21. I'll admit the ugly truth: I make mistakes on my sewing. A LOT of them. Another true confession: the scissors I use are crappy. IHAN, I really could use these Famore scissors and seam rip, and I promise to put them to REAL and FREQUENT use!! Thanks for your birthday entertainment and contests!!

  22. I am starting to learn to quilt with others (classes and meetings and such) and would love to have a "home set" and a "traveling set" of tools. If these are as great as you say they are, they would be my home set and my older ones would be for traveling. WHat a convenience it would be to have a pre-packed traveling quilting bag. Thanks for the chance.

  23. Never enough scissors, I have the Jack Pot scissors and they are great. Would like to win another pair...each project requires it's own tools so I can just pick up the tote and go.
    Of course you know I need the ripper, if I don't do something at least twice something is wrong.
    Have a wonderful day seeing it is your birthday.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY friend!!!!!!

  24. Ok, here's my reason. I like the scissors and the seam ripper because you say they're really sharp. Mr. Scissors porn man is cute...

    Now for the seam ripper, I can chase hubby around the house making him do what I want him to do... You know, kind of like that Tony Perkins movie? Bwahahahahahahahaha. I think it'll get him moving more on that to-do list when I have that in hand... bwahahahahahahaha!

    Seriously, I clip little threads and make lots of mistakes. My stork scissors aren't cutting it, and my seam ripper and I aren't speaking since it stabbed me in the hand the other day. It knows I called a lawyer and am pressing charges...

  25. I just lost a pair of small, sharp scissors during the set-up for my daughter's wedding and these look like an even higher quality pair than the ones I lost. I do a lot of applique and reverse applique and need scissors that cut accurately. And since my seam ripper gets more use than any other tool I own and I quilt all over the house, I really need a second good seam ripper so I am not always searching for that one.

  26. Well, I feel I deserve these as today is my birthday. :-) I do a lot of quilting and hand work and every pair of scissors and seam ripper I buy, I wear out. Thank you for the opportunity to win these. Take care and God bless, Cory

  27. I'm intrigued by the seam ripper! Mine is about 20yrs. old and it is not as sharp as it once was. It would be great to have a tool that made the dreaded unpicking chore faster. The scissors look wonderful and mine are always disapearing, can never have enough of them. Happy anniversary and thank you for having a give away! Sharonj.

  28. I have a scissor addiction. I don't just want scissors. I NEED them. I have scissors everywhere; one pair on the ironing board, two by the sewing machine, one for the serger, four pair in my office, two pair in the kitchen, three pair in the bathroom, one pair in my 'handwork on the go' bag, and a special pair for cutting fabric only . . . and a new sharp pair of scissors would be heaven. I take my scissors to get them sharpened all the time, but there is nothing like a fresh-from-the-package-sharp pair of scissors. Yes. I NEED new scissors. The seam ripper would just be gravy.

  29. Hi Kelly,
    I love those scissors and they are definitely getting a workout as we are making 25 table runners for my daughters wedding. Another friend of mine who is an expert seamstress was sewing with us and grabbed my pair of nifty scissors and raved about them so I could really use another pair. I just bought a new seam ripper from a nationally well known company and the steel snapped in half as my daughter was using it. Have a great day ,Kelly.
    Always ,
    Sandy Johnson

  30. I definately need these scissors! I have recently taken up applique and could really use a good pair of detail scissors. And that seam die for! Mine sucks and I always forget to pick up a new one!

  31. happy birthday and happy anniversary:(! Luv scissors. I would love a pair of scissors with a fine point that actually cuts. Would you belive the pair I used to cut thread-frayed the thread ? LEM

  32. As a new quilter, I have to take out a few mistakes :)
    These new scissors would help me make that chore a little less painful!
    They seem like one of those tools that I can't live without! :)


  33. I love sewing tools, any tool I just have to own them all:) I never have enough scissors and seam rippers, the more the merrier! Besides, March 17th is my Birthday...HA:) Thanks Kelly!

  34. I'd LOVE to ahve these!!! I just started sewing and got my seam ripper at wal-mart. They do NOT work...

    Enter to win a women's Orient watch!

  35. I am a frequent "unsewer" both of the seam kind and of the machine quilting kind. These tools look like they would really help me out. I actually have a quilt in the closet that I need to pick machine quilting out of that I just put away because I couldn't manage it. Maybe these scissors would help! Couldn't hurt! Thanks for the chance.

  36. I need these scissors (and seam ripper) because I do a LOT of unsewing!

  37. I definitely need the scissors and ripper! I got to go to NH to visit Joanne someday soon and she always need help unstitching! lol

  38. These look great, here in OZ we have our own scissorman, he is great too. I love scissors and as a lefty am always on the lookout for good ones

  39. Because I have a bazillion different scissors and yet haven't found a pair that feels "right" in my hands yet. Maybe it is because I have small hands, or maybe the right scissor is as elusive as a unicorn

  40. Scissors look really interesting and I love new scissors! Looks like they would be really helpful when doing some of those embroidery projects.

    Look Kelly, I got on and can post! I got up before Internet Explorer so they let me in this morning! LOL


  41. I would love to try these, as a quilter never has too many scissors. The seam ripper especially looks interesting.

  42. I really need these scissors because I am just starting to learn how to quilt and I can use all the help I can get!

  43. Nothing makes sewing easier than good tools. I have a pair of scissors from my great grandmother I use, but they are getting dull and do not have that super small tip for very fine work. I would love a seam ripper that works and does not work once in a while or when it does, slices the fabric! thank you for this chance.

  44. I'm finding that my nicer tools are more than worth the $$ spent on them - they make the job so much simpler! thanks for the chance Kelly :)

  45. Somebody around here used my Gingher scissors for something other than fabric. boo-hoo. Our local sewing machine shop closed so I don't have a local spot for scissor sharpening. Instead I bought some new scissors, not good. Some other new scissors, better, but not great.
    I cut a lot of patterns out and don't use my rotary cutter for that, I also like that scissors are more portable than a rotary cutter and mat. All that to say, these scissors would be loved over here. And the seam ripper, talk about an excellent bonus! I got this terrific, sharp, seam ripper when I took a serger class about 15 years ago, it has since lost its sharpness and I miss it. Those in the chain fabric stores don't measure up, I bet this one would. :-)

  46. I am new to quilting, so mistakes are a big part of sewing ~ a fabulous seamripper would be a big help. And itty bitty scissors? why, I'd never have straggly thread. Plus, I'd be able to thread my needles better too, with the thread all sharply cut

  47. I really want to give thsoe scissors a try. I like to do alot of precise applique work and those look like they will get the job done. I most definitely want to try out that seam ripper (don't ask!) those cheap little ones that I have don't really seem to work very well. That surgical steel blade sounds like it will cut through my threads like butter! Maybe it will help keep distortion to a minimum when i have to (ahem) rip out a seam or 2 or 3!

  48. This truly is a wonderful giveaway....thanks so much!!

  49. It seams I am always ripping something out. The little scissors might make the whole process a bit easier for me.

  50. I think I need these because I have no idea what either one does. I have never missed a stitch. really. I bring them to quilting sew-ins and they disappear so I'm convinced that they are some type of Sigfried and Roy props. oh, and I have some lovely shaded land with exotic reptiles for sale in Florida if you're interested.

  51. I have never heard of these scissors before.. but I am intrigued... I love the shape of them and if they are sharp like you say... then I would love to win them... and they would have a lovely home in one of our wooden scissor boxes so they would be kept in good condition for many years use.....
    The seam ripper looks wonderful as well and three blades.. how good is that..???

    Cath's Blog

    Cath Ü

  52. I need these scissors and seam ripper because I haven't sewn in years and starting to delve into it again, we're getting a new sewing machine, and I am upgrading my old sewing box. It's been about 25 MY "sewing scissors, were the original orange handled fiskars. and that's it, so knowing these have a fine cutting point is awesome!
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  53. I need to win these scissors as I don't have a small scissor. Well I do but they are my travelling scissors that I keep in my travelling bag to take along with my hand sewing or embroidery or whatever I am working on when I travel. I hate to take them out of my travel bag because then I might forget to put them back in before I travel. So this great scissor could live beside my sewing machine where it would come in very handy for clipping threads or little seams or other little things that want clipping when my scissors are on the other side of the room and my travelling scissors are in my travelling bag. I don't really need the seam ripper but hey I won't say no if I win a really good seam ripper. Good seam rippers are hard to come by!

  54. I love the pic of you trying to steal his apron!

    I could really use the scissors because I have yet to find a really good pair to cut the tiny threads from the backs of my quilts. Sadly, I have had a couple quilts fall victim to bigger, clumsy pairs that leave little holes in the fabric.. and really is there anything worse than finishing a quilt and screwing it up because you cut a hole in the back?

  55. I go through scissors like water. Either I lose them, (I have no idea where they go) or they get dull and just aren't worth the price of getting them sharpened. I just lost my favorite pair of Gingher scissors on vacation and I need new scissors! My kitchen shears just are not "cutting" it. A seam ripper is something I have never owned, I bet it would be wicked handy.

  56. Let's try this again. I think my comment just got swallowed, if not, I apologize for the duplicate.

    I need new scissors because I lose mine all the time, and my favorite pair are hanging out somewhere in Colorado while I am here in Maine. I would love to try a new brand of scissors, because mine always get dull so fast.
    I have never owned a seam ripper and would love to try one out. I bet it would make my life much much easier.
    Happy Anniversary!

  57. I think the scissors would be a nice replacement for me because the pair that I use now? Are 18 years old, and are from my Biology 103 dissecting kit when I was in college. They've cut fine fabrics, many threads, and frog intestines.
    (betcha didn't expect that one, eh?) :o)

  58. Kelly, you crack me up with your scissor porn! I have to secretly admit that i am an office supply 'ho... and a good scissor junky! So i am surprised I haven't heard of Famore scissors!!? OR this cool seam ripper!? Oh man, my curiosity is definitely UP!! :)
    I rely on good sharp scissors - I do a lot of hand applique, I sew everyday, and do a lot of reverse sewing! LOL And it drives me nuts when my little scissors tips dont make a nice clean cut! I am currently using little ginghers, and applique ginghers for my hand sewing... and somehow the little ones got warped? So if Mr. Famore wants a customer for life, now's the chance!! LOL
    And I'm sure my little generic seam ripper has nothing on this one! :D

  59. I would love to win these sissors and seam rippers for my crazy quilting. I have gone through at least 3 seam rippers in thr last 2 months . I take apart clothing all the time for the fabric for my Crazy Quilts. I live in a small town and believe it or not there nis no one here who sharpens sissors.
    Thank you Karol

  60. Happy Anniversary!

    I think I own a dozen or more seam rippers, because they get dull so fast. Then instead of throwing them away, I keep them because they might have a bit more use in them. They all look alike, and then I don't know which is the newest and sharpest.

    What a great invention to just have replaceable blades!

    The scissors are intriguing. I think I could use those for embroidery along with all the other stitching I do, what a wonderful invention.

    I would like to win these, because I do LOTS of sewing, hand and machine and I make many mistakes. Lots of my time is spent picking my seams out.

    I learned, many years ago in 4-H how to be brave and take it out when you make a mistake. Now as I face those times, I don't feel badly, it is part of the process. Get out a good movie and enjoy the break.

    A wonderful seam ripper and scissors would make it so much more fun!


  61. I need these scissors because I have a scissor fetish and LOVE little pairs of scissors! I blame my mother. When I was a kid, we only had a couple of pairs of scissors in the house and, without fail, I would lose them and have to buy new ones with my allowance. If I didn't have enough money (which was often), I didn't have any scissors to use! Now that I'm an adult, I keep scissors everywhere I go so that I'm never without a pair!

  62. I need these scissors because I have a scissor fetish. I blame my mother. When I was a kid, we had one pair of scissors that lived in a drawer in the kitchen. I used them for all my creative projects and lost them fairly frequently. When they got lost, I had to buy new ones with my allowance and if I didn't have enough money (which was frequently), I didn't have any scissors to use!

    Now that I'm an adult, I have scissors in just about every room in the house so that I'm never without a pair.

  63. I need these scissors because I need something small that I can stick in my back pocket...I have 3 kids under 3 years old and they love to "help"...I would love to be able to put my scissors in my pocket and know that my kids'll be safe!!
    And, who DOESN'T need an extra seam ripper?!?!

  64. I have not heard of these scissors or seam ripper. I would be more than happy to try them since I have to "unsew" more than I would like!

  65. I would like to win the scissors and ripper because I am nuts for quality cutting tools, and find that I always have room for just one more! I buy good quality and take care of them. This line is new to me, and I'd love to give them a try!!

  66. I would like to win these because honestly I have never heard of either of these. I do lots of hand sewing & I think the little scissor would be a great addition. Can get rid of the big clunky one. I just use a regular seam ripper and would love to try out this one.

  67. I believe that I am the champion ripper of all time. I also seem to try just ebout every type of ripper I come across. The idea of the replaceable blades sounds fantastic.

  68. Thank you for this giveaway. My "seam unsewer" is used way too much and it's cap won't stay on. So, this would be a great replacement. Also, I "invested" in a pair of small scissors and they stopped cutting well after a month. I have a box of tiny handsewn LeMoyne stars that need to be handstitched into a quilt. Sharp, pointed, tiny scissors would be perfect for this intimidating project.

  69. I would love to try out these items. I am always looking of a great seam ripper.

  70. I have recently begun sewing again after a couple of decades of not doing so. I am making clothes, bags, and toys ... and one of the big things I've learned since my teenage sewing years is not to be afraid to rip out seams and redo, and that accuracy (in cutting especially) is very important. So these tools would be put to very good use in my sewing!

  71. i'd love to win these scissors because every pair i buy never seem to cut right to the tips


  72. I dropped my pretty little pair of scissors...on the hard, cold, loud tile floor. No, the cold and loud did not hurt them, but the poor wee thing landed point down on the tile. Sigh

    I can NEVER find my seam ripper. It's missing again.

  73. I do a lot of machine embroidery and find that most scissors aren't fine enough to cut the tiny little jump stitches (especially between letters in a word). The seam rip - besides being excellent for normal ripping - is like what I've seen for ripping out machine embroidery gone wrong! You scratch the bobbin threads with it on the back (on top of the stabiliser!!) and the top threads pull out rather easily without damaging the fabric. I've always wanted to try that!

  74. I want to try these scissors because I get to go to an applique class with Nancy Brown and am so excited I'm already putting together my supplies for it! We are making a picture of a giraffe what better use for scissors than pictures of animals :-)

  75. I hate the seam rippers that come with the sewing machines and never remember to look for a decent one when I am out shopping, a nice new one like this would be awesome. And to find a sharp pair of scissors in our house is a joke(we live with my DD,SIL and 4 kids).

  76. I love, love, love scissors (although I must admit, never considered any form of scissor porn - that's a new one!!!). My Bernina 'sharp to the tip' embroidery scissors are not doing the job as well as they have and I'd love to try these little honeys out. Embroidery is my thing and I also love applique - sharp to the tip is where it's at!

  77. I am in LOVE with that seam ripper!! I am always buying a new one that is sharp, this would be perfect for me! THanks for the chance to win!

  78. I do a lot of crazy quilting and embroidery and these scissors and the seam ripper would be a lot of help clipping threads and ripping out the mistakes or 9practice stitches and there is never a mistake in a block or embroidery just practice stitches. They would get a lot of use here with me.

  79. Wow, that is some seam ripper! I've never seen one with replaceable blades! I would love to have that and the scissors since I am a champion unsewer! And a workman is only as good as her tools!

  80. I am always looking for better scissors. Thanks for the chance to win!

  81. It seems when I need new scissors, it happens on a week when I can't afford good ones, so I buy junk ones...again...and then get frustrated when they don't cut I would like a good pair of scissors for once in my life!

  82. Oooh, I would love to win these scissors/ripper!!! There's nothing quite like having wonderful tools to do the job. I have been know to have to "frog" occasionally (rip-it, rip-it), and I know these tools would be just the ticket!

  83. As a new quilter, there is much to learn, and there are many tools that make projects easier. A great little pair of scissors, what a great tool! Snipping threads,and the little ears off the corners of quilt blocks, and close little shapes for applique; oh, those little scissors look wonderful. And having just taken apart a quilt top I didn't like, I know a quality seam ripper would have kept me from ruining a few blocks, and from pulling out my hair a few times! My goodness, I'd like to win this give-away!

  84. I have a lot of little frog stitches, as the Famore web site calls them, and I need to rip-it, rip-it, rip-it! Send me these scissors and seam ripper, please, so I can tame the frogs!!

  85. Happy Blogiversary!! My seam ripper is pretty lame so I could sure use a new one. Those scissors look great for applique with their very sharp points. Thanks for the chance to win.

  86. I love scissors and seam rippers...please enter me for this one Kelly. Hugs Naomi

  87. I would like to win this giveaway because I don't have a sharp pair of small scissors. Also the seam ripper looks very interesting. I can't quite figure out how to use it just by looking at the picture - would have to try it out in person.

    Susan R.

  88. I love that face!! Where you are trying to take the apron... I don't blame you, it's awesome!

  89. These looks so awesome! Thanks for the many chances to win!

  90. I would love to have a 'real' pair of scissors rather than settling for a 'discount' pair.

    My family 'borrows' my scissors without asking and I have always hesitated to buy really good ones. Maybe I could hide these!

  91. Those little scissors would be great for needlework too! I'd love to win them!

  92. I NEED the scissors because my 9,7, and 4 year olds find mine no matter how well hidden they are and do heinous things like cut pipe cleaners with them. If I had just one nice pair, I could carry them with me 24 hours a day and keep them safe and sharp and wonderful.

  93. Of course, I need more scissors. Don't we all?

  94. I think I should have these scissors to help me when I have to unsew! Ha!

  95. I am a fairly new quilter, so have tried out several scissors. I do a lot of paper piecing and like a small pair of scissors for this. I have yet to find a pair that I love.
    I have several small pairs, but they just don`t cut the way they should. I also embroider a lot, and so far every scissors I own do a fair job. I would love to find a pair that work the way I want them too. Also, I could always use a new ripper, I do a lot of that!!

  96. I would like to be considered for your give away - I cut lots of fabric and threads when I quilt.

    Robert Kent in northern Iowa - (rjkent at netamumail dot com)

  97. scissor and tweezers..

    great give-aways..

  98. Ok I've already found my scissor hiding place JUST in case I win. Good scissors are not something you just leave laying around.

  99. I love to do Hardanger embroidery, which requires sharp, fine scissors so you only cut the right threads! Would love to try out these scissors to see how they'd do (and it would force me to get back to actually doing hardanger!)

  100. I would love to win these scissors, for the simple fact that I yet found a good pair! I do a lot of hand-stitching and applique and some of the 'nice' looking ones start on cutting single threads after awhile! I want a Good pair of Scissors! :) and I hate having to rip seams... hate it! Help!

  101. I "need" sharp scissors for doing applique and the sharp points help with those tiny cuts. I "need" a really good sharp seam ripper for the obvious reason - I have to rip a lot. I am somewhat of a perfectionist and seem to rip and re-stitch a lot to get those perfect points.

  102. A seam ripper with replacements? That is what I need. I must be the only one in the world who needs to use her strength to rip out her seams, maybe because I do it so often I dull my ripper. The scissors would be used for my cross stitch embroidery thread. A sharp cut makes the thread smoother and easier to thread the needle. Thanks for the giveaway.

  103. I need these scissors and seam ripper because I have two floors in my house...and hate to go up and down when I need to unsew or sharply snip something! It would be great to have a snazzy second set of unsewers and scissor porn at my disposal. So please pick me!

  104. I am using nail sciscors at the moment as the 'embroidery' ones I have just cannot cut fine enough at the point for small applique. I'd love to try these!!

  105. I would like to win a pair because I buy several pairs and have many around because they don't stay sharp long enough. I like smooth curves and points to work with and would be happy to have one brand that consistently works. (Apron Porn, too funny!)

  106. I need them so that I can look like I'm really classy when I go to a workshop or quilt gathering!! I'll put them on one of those pin type holders with the pull out cord and make sure I walk around with my chest out so that everyone notices them. When I need to use them I'll pull that little cord out to the max, up in the air, waving them around. Then . . . I can tell them to get them from I Have A Notion.

    Of course, I never, ever, ever have to unsew (HA), so I can keep them nice and sharp to use as a weapon against anyone who tries to steal them (or fondle me!!).

    I think I'm catching something from you Kelly.

    Big grin back at ya!

  107. I do way too much "unsewing" to not get a pair of these. They sound like they would be put to constant use here.

    Thanks for the chance for these and the pornographic rippers!

  108. I have NO and I mean NO sharp scissors in my house. Some will cut paper OK, others will cut metal, but NONE that cut fabric. Sad, but true. Even my friends bring their own scissors when they come to my house.

    Since I deconstruct a lot of clothing in order to get fabric to play with, a seam ripper would be the perfect solution to the hours I spend removing factory machine stitching. Believe me, I would give it a run for its money.

  109. We quilters know it is a necessary evil to have to 'take out' seams, and this tool would surely make someone's life alot easier-mine. Pick me please, oh, the frustration is catching up....hurry!

  110. I've not owned a special pair of scissors so can't see where these would become the top of the pack, but I have owned some raunchy seam rippers, so I'll know if these are to die for! I'm sure they will be....I never heard of seam rippers coming with extra blades..I have only ever used and seen the disposible kind and they are pretty nasty and dull! Would love to learn otherwise about my quilting tools!

  111. This would be the perfect scissors for my sewing and machine embroidery!

  112. I was told small scissors are great for quilting projects, I have a story, because once I had a small scissor and it was stolen, I was really mad because it were cute, now I can't replace it, because the store isn't longer available :'(

  113. I like the idea of small scissors for my applique projects, which I am doing a lot more of now. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  114. I would love to own a pair of quality scissors ...esp when I've made a mistake to have something nice to use would be wonderful.


Thank you for reading the IHAN Blog. I love getting and reading every comment that is left here; however I may not be able to respond to all comments left during giveaways. There are times when I am juggling many tasks at one time and may not reply to all comments. Please e-mail me at if you need a reply quickly. I thank you for your understanding and-
More Later-Beth


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