Doesn't hurt to be beautiful if you have to be on TV I guess. She shared that she worked at a video store in Bowling Green, OH. One day she got into a conversation with Penny McMorris and wah she is with a wonderful career. See what happens when you talk to everyone you meet. You just never know where a conversation will lead.
Andrea is the Webmaster and Software Educator for the Electric Quilt Company. It is clear to see when she pops through all the pages and buttons that she could do this blindfolded. It is wonderfully entertaining to watch. I had to remind myself to take a breath. I was just mesmerized by all the cool things that can be done with this software.
I don't own the EQ6 software but I have lots of customers who do. I wanted to learn about how it worked so I could speak somewhat intelligently about the product when people ask. Now at least I can say I'm more informed about all I don't know. I guess its good to know what you don't know. Is that knowing?
However, I can tell you I was fascinated with all that can be done with this software. I'm not a visual person when it comes to creating. I can not just look at a stack of fabrics and tell you what will look great together or how moving one color may change the entire feel of a piece. Perhaps just moving the blocks in another orientation might just make a nice quilt a real interesting quilt. I can't see those things when I work. For those of you who are like me....this could be an amazing tool. The patterns you make can be printed on your home printer too.
Those who love to personally design their own quilts this would be a mind blowing too. From what I could see, the sky is the limit with what you can do.
There are video tutorials associated with the software....I think that was an excellent idea. I'm a visual learner. When I see someone do something and hear the directions....I'm much much much more likely to remember what is being said and then able to replicate the process at another time.