
I Have A Notion blog and store have moved to:

the store can be found at

There is a much easier to navigate store, with new items. The blog has its own page as well... new content too.

The blog is now at

Please come and visit!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Amy Butler Spanky Name Badge Challenge

Who is in? The deadline is nearing to enter the challenge. I want as many US folks who want to participate to e-mail me so you get a chance at some wonderful prizes. Don't know what I'm talking've been snoozing. Time for some caffeine and a cold washcloth on the face. Awake now....ok....hop on over and leave me your e-mail saying you are in. If you still don't know what I'm talking here....some folks need to be spoon fed :) LOL


Friday, August 21, 2009

A Clean House in Two Hours?

How do you get your house clean in 2 hours? Better yet, how do you get your house clean in 2 hours while you are laying on the sofa with a sinus headache?

You remind your husband his parents will be arriving tomorrow!!! Oh yea baby....I was on the sofa with a bad sinus headache and he ran around this house like a vicious tornado. Grandma and Grandpa arrive this afternoon and the laundry is caught up, the guest bedroom that was previously filled with tools from Rick's bathroom project is now empty (my bedroom however is now full of tools :) and the kitchen floor has been mopped.

I got so excited by watching Rick clean that I actually got up off the sofa and cleaned the carpet in the family room. Romance takes on many forms over the years doesn't it!!!

While his parents are here I'm going to have a discussion with them about their family genes. I have long suspected there is a liar somewhere in their family line. I finally have proof. See Aaron's offspring.....they have noses like Pinocchio must have come from Rick's side of the family....don't you think?
I think I'll talk with Grandpa about the genetic issue....Grandma might think I'm serious at first!!! Those poor folks....can you imagine having me as a Daughter-In-Law?
Naughty Smiles,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bias Tape Maker Machine By Simplicity Update

The excitement is building for the release of the new tips for the Bias Tape Maker Machine by Simplicity (69.99 on Sale NOW). I have ordered lots of tips in each of the sizes. Just as soon as I have those hot little babies in my hands I will post it on my blog and website.

Needle Arts Guild of Toledo Meeting

Last night the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met and the program was about a Biscornu Arm Chair Pin Keep.

Meet Karlyn Thompson. She gave the program last night and this is her Arm Chair Pin Keep. She gave directions and patterns to make our own Arm Chair Pin Keep, Caddy-Needle Case, Scissor Case and Scissor Fob. The one she made is absolutely beautiful. Many of us think she needs to put this one in the Annual Needle Work show.

Karlyn.....come can do it!!! Your work is absolutely beautiful and it will inspire other's to stitch and show their work too.

The colors and the beautiful stitches are just lovely. I liked the variegated thread used to make the alphabet.
The gals in this guild are so friendly and welcoming. If you like to stitch or would like to learn to stitch and live in the area join us for our next meeting on Sept. 9th at 6:30. Check out the guild website for directions to the new location for the meetings.
I met some of the ladies from this group a year ago when they had their Needlework Show at the Sanger Branch Library. I saw a woman doing punchneedle and that is what started me doing punchneedle embroidery.
On September 25th and 26th (Friday & Saturday) the Toledo Needle Arts Guild holds it's 34th Annual Needlework Show at the Sanger Branch Library. Come and see all the lovely needle arts projects. I will be there on Friday from 10am until 2:30....come by and say howdy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Amy Butler Spanky Name Badge Challenge

I have offered to give away 4 bag tags (one of my favorite MJE designs) to those who were willing to post to their blog about the Amy Butler Spanky Name Badge Challenge. This is like a press release in the bloggy-sphere (foggy-sphere for me right is 5 AM :).

One thing I so rudely overlooked is that there are many fine people out there, including Linda (who left me a friendly reminder) who don't have a blog. I apologize for my here you go Linda.....e-mail 5 friends who sew/stitch/create and tell them about this challenge and leave a comment saying you e-mailed 5 friends and I'll put your name in the drawing.

If there is anyone out there who does not have 5 friends on their e-mail me on my private line....this could be a sign you have a personal barrier I may be able to help you overcome :)

Apologetic Smiles,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Giveaway Alert : Amy Butler Bag Tags

Who wants to win 4 Bag Tags made from Amy Butler Fabric? I'll make you 4 Bag Tags that will look like this except they will be made in Amy Butler Fabric (my choice of pattern...using up my stash). How do you get them? All you have to do is blog about my "Amy Butler Spanky Name Badge Challenge."

This is the link:

Just copy and past it into your blog post!!!

You have to come back to this post and leave a comment that you did blog about the challenge and leave the link to your post.

I'll do the ole random number thing and select a winner. Thanks a million-bazillion-gillion-trazerazillion :)
Giveaway Smiles,
PS: The bag tag shown at the top was not made or distributed by Old Navy. I re-purposed a piece of fabric that had this tag on it and I put it on there because my sense of humor told me to.

Details For The Fun :)

3 x 4 inches

I had to put the boys down for a nap. As I'm laying there trying to get them to quiet down....I'm thinking to might be nice if I let people know the exact size of the name badges they give us at Quilt Market. Helpful information ay?

Lame Brain Smiles,

More Fun at I Have A Notion?

Yes sir-e-Bob....more fun here at I Have A Notion. While at Quilt Market in Pittsburgh this Spring I met Amy Butler.

When I saw Amy's booth it was exactly what I expected, bright, beautiful, fresh and full of AB fabrics and creations. I did not know what Amy Butler actually looked like because I had never met her. It was a fun surprise to see how tall she was/is and what a warm welcoming smile she had. Amy did not know me from Adam/Stella but she took the time to say hello and take a photo with her. Her staff were so friendly....what a fun bunch of gals.

What I did not expect to see was a plastic name badge on an elastic cord hanging around Amy's neck. Everyone who attends Quilt Market needs to wear their name badge of course.....and these are what the conference provides....plastic with an elastic cord. Mind you I'm not complaining..... however I see many of these people as the front edge of the Quilting/Fabric/Designing/Creative textile world.

This is the plastic name badge holder provided. I'm not sending pix of mine so you won't have "pre-disposed" ideas create something new and different :)

The four of us from I Have A Notion were sporting our spanky name badges and I thought Amy Butler needed a spanky one too. So in my usual style....I asked why a girl like her with "it all go-in on" was sporting a plastic name badge. Thankfully she did not ask me to leave her booth...LOL. Then it dawned on me....these folks spend all their time prep-ing to just get to Market with all their lines and displays....who has time to make spanky name badges.

Problem solved.

I Have A Notion is hosting a challenge.....You get to design Amy Butler and her teams name badges. Yes you!!! How fun is that? All you have to do is design one, a prototype and submit a photo or photos to me. I'll forward all photos to Amy and she will decide which she likes the best. Then you will be sent fabric from her latest line to make 6 identical badges. Everyone in the AB booth will be wearing your personally designed name badges. Oh yea baby!!!

What is in it for you?

One, the pride in seeing your name badges on Amy Butler and her staff. (I plan on taking lots of pix in Houston) Two, your name posted here on I Have A Notion as a "Spanked Out Designer." These four patterns, Stationary and some surprise goodies from Amy.

Are you in?

Here's the skinny:

Design one name badge using any fabric you have in your stash. The design is what she is looking for....not the fabric at this point. Submit photos to by Thursday Aug. 27th at 9:00 AM. For your prototype you do not need to put the plastic window in the badge holder. I will forward all the photos to Amy and her staff. The winner will be announced on Monday Aug. 31st right here on IHAN blog. Amy Butler's staff will ship out fabric from her latest line and you will have until Sept. 25th to complete the 6 name badges (all the same using the AB fabric sent to you) and return them to ABDesigns. (return postage will be covered) I know it is a tight time line already. What I know is the more time a person has to do something....the more thinking goes into the process. Don't stress, "Just Do It."

This challenge is only open to US residents. Wipe your tears Khris....I'm sorry.....but given the tight time line shipping fabric back and forth won't allow time to get everything ready in time for these fun gals to be sporting their badges in Houston in October.

Who's in? E-mail me with your name, address and phone number if you want to be included in the challenge. In the title of your e-mail please write: Amy Butler Spanky Name Badge Challenge :)
How about you tell others about this challenge? Blog about it....go ahead....I double dog dare you:)

Smiles, Kelly

PS....if you are selected to make the 6 Spanky Name Badge Holders I will send you the vinyl if you can not find some.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Roc-Lon Challenge Update : Challenge is Closed

We have 30 people who have committed to participating in the Roc-Lon Multi-Purpose Cloth challenge. Your cloth will be sent on Aug. 18 and as soon as you receive can start your creation. No rules....just make anything you desire with the 8 1/2 x 11 inch cloth you will receive!!!

I've been in contact with some pretty awesome people for those prizes.....if I told you who they might guess what you are I'm not going to spill the beans. You already know Roc-Lon is giving lots of really awesome fabrics....but you don't know about the Surprise Gift Package from I Have A Notion. Actually, I lied. Some of the things will be from me....but lots of wonderful things will be coming from people and companies I've contacted and asked for some lovely stuff. (I'd ask the Pope for his problems asking for just about anything...LOL)

I know something you don't da....I know something you don't da do da day!!!

I'm not don't even pressure me....I won't break matter what!!! Not even if I'm given truth serum....nope....not even if you threaten to with hold chocolate from the entire state of Ohio. Not going to happen. Give clues...maybe...I'll think about it :)

I need a photo or photos of your completed work by Friday, Sept. 4th at 9:00 AM. I think it would be nice to include a few sentences describing your work too....that is always nice, don't you think?

Tight Lipped Smiles,

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Roc-Lon Multi-Purpose Cloth Challenge-Deadline Sunday at Midnight

Last chance to get into the challenge. It is going to be lots of fun. If by chance you have not heard about the challenge on the photo above and it will take you to all the juicy details.

Midnight tonight is the last opportunity to toss your name in the hat to be part of the challenge. It is not some high-fluten (no clue how to spell that word...but high gluten I do know!) is a welcoming...lets have a bit....commit to doing something creative sort of challenge. You won't be featured on Dancing with the Stars or 48 Hours or anything like will be much better....cuz you'll be featured here....a kinder, gentler sort of place.....ahhhh feel the Cottonelle now.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Green Fairy Quilt Charity Update Saturday Edition

It sure was hot here in Ohio today. I am hot and stinky. By chance I've not eaten since this morning. I'm so hungry I could eat almost anything right now. Amazing perspective gained for what it must be like day after day for those in Romania that Judi and her husband are going to feed. I did not intend to do this....but it sure is a lesson.
I'm sure you are tired of hearing me want to know the amount raised today don't you? I knew it. Are you ready for this? No you are not....sit down....(you're probably sitting the total was Two Hundred Forty Two dollars and Fifty Seven cents. Grand total: that I can get excited about. 500 Hundred just three days!!! Amazing isn't it.
I want to say to everyone who has commented or e-mailed me about what a great thing I've contribution was some elbow grease, I sent out two sets of e-mails, and I had 30 copies made (my husband actually did this) to hand out at the garage sale. I did donate some of my things to the sale....but not nearly as much as others donated. It is not me....not Kelly that is amazing...I promise you that. It is the generous donations of others that made this all possible. It was my neighbor who came on Thursday night to unload a pick-up truck because my husband and I both were away. It was my girlfriends neighbor who donated an entire truck load of wonderful belongings to the sale. It was my Mother who drove down to help look after my boys so I could do the sale. It was every customer who came and purchased something. Please don't tell others or even comment that it was me.....I was a part of the event....that is all...nothing more or less. I certainly am excited about what was accomplished and I'm overjoyed that Judi and Clint Madsen, Green Fairy Quilts, are going to Romania to take quilts and feed hungry people with the money that a group of us in Ohio are donating.
Most days I have 100 - 150 visitors to this blog. I was thinking as I was writing this post.....what if everyone who reads this blog would go to Judi and Clint's website and donate just 3.40. I checked paypal and for Judi to receive the full 3.00 you would have to send the extra 40 cents....less than the price of a stamp. That would be an additional 300.00. Please consider clicking on the Green Fairy Quilts link above in blue and donating 3.40.
I'm off to eat a big dinner....I'm starvin marvin.

EQ 6 Presentation for the Black Swamp Quilt Guild

Andrea Bishop from the Electric Quilt Company was the guest speaker for my Quilt Guild (Black Swamp Quilters). Every picture that I snapped of Andrea was either blurry or got her blinking. So I "borrowed" a much more representative photo of Andrea to post here.

Doesn't hurt to be beautiful if you have to be on TV I guess. She shared that she worked at a video store in Bowling Green, OH. One day she got into a conversation with Penny McMorris and wah she is with a wonderful career. See what happens when you talk to everyone you meet. You just never know where a conversation will lead.

Andrea is the Webmaster and Software Educator for the Electric Quilt Company. It is clear to see when she pops through all the pages and buttons that she could do this blindfolded. It is wonderfully entertaining to watch. I had to remind myself to take a breath. I was just mesmerized by all the cool things that can be done with this software.

I don't own the EQ6 software but I have lots of customers who do. I wanted to learn about how it worked so I could speak somewhat intelligently about the product when people ask. Now at least I can say I'm more informed about all I don't know. I guess its good to know what you don't know. Is that knowing?

However, I can tell you I was fascinated with all that can be done with this software. I'm not a visual person when it comes to creating. I can not just look at a stack of fabrics and tell you what will look great together or how moving one color may change the entire feel of a piece. Perhaps just moving the blocks in another orientation might just make a nice quilt a real interesting quilt. I can't see those things when I work. For those of you who are like me....this could be an amazing tool. The patterns you make can be printed on your home printer too.

Those who love to personally design their own quilts this would be a mind blowing too. From what I could see, the sky is the limit with what you can do.

Andrea clicked a few times on her mouse and came up with this design. She added flowers between the baskets...and a completely new look.

She added a boarder....there were lots to choose from. I thought it was neat to preview many different colors and borders to change the feel of the virtual quilt.

See how she changed the roof of the house to another design? Very cool stuff.

Someone like me could never look at lines like these and see what is created below. Not in one million years could I see what was created just by looking at lines.

And here is what those lines translated to in a beautiful quilt. I was amazed.

Here is another quilt top Andrea is working on. Absolutely stunning!!! The back was fun to look at too.
(One back space too many and I just deleted the photo of the back...XXXX....starting with a D and ending with a N. OK, lets not sweat the small stuff right? ) If anyone wants to see it...e-mail me.

There are video tutorials associated with the software....I think that was an excellent idea. I'm a visual learner. When I see someone do something and hear the directions....I'm much much much more likely to remember what is being said and then able to replicate the process at another time.
If you are considering purchasing the EQ software I suggest you look at their website. There is a ton....well OK....I'll be honest....three tons of information there for you to review and investigate. Evaluate what type of quilter you are and how you like to work. Afterwards I think you will know weather this is a good investment for you or not.
Where to buy your software....a no here!!!
Hope that helps (a little bit anyway). If you want real help....better talk with Andrea....she's the expert.
Thinking to myself: I want to be a Master of Something...Andrea is a Webmaster....I have a Master's Degree....but I don't have a cool title like Webmaster. These days being a Webmaster is like being the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz. I'm not even the master of my dust bunnies. I think Webmasters and those who are very knowledgeable about computers are amazing people with great talent.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Roc-Lon Challenge Update :)

There are 30...yes Thirty entrants already for the challenge. The deadline is not until Sunday at Midnight. So if you have not joined in....JUST DO IT (stealing Nike's advertisement....just borrowing really).

A few people said they were afraid to enter something because of the "art" quilters. Well guess what.....has anyone seen Pollack's work? Art is only in the eyes of the beholder. Do what ever you like.....make anything you like. If you blot your lipstick on the cloth....that counts. Not too interesting really....but you created something. Let your fears/concerns/thoughts go.....breath that lots of times....recall your happy childhood times playing blissfully (pretend you had times like this if you didn't....the physical response will still be positive even if it is an imagination).....ahhhhhhhh NOW GO SIGN UP !!!

Don't forget to tell your friends too....or just sign them up and make them do it with you.

Creative Wishes and Silly Smiles,

Green Fairy Quilt Charity Update Friday Edition

Last night when I was tucking in the boys I asked Zachary if he would help me with the garage sale in the morning. He said, "Mommy do you think Daddy could us a window so I could sell cupcakes and lemonade?" I smiled and told him I would ask Daddy. Inside I was laughing. He sees the cartoons and they always have one of those Lemonade stands that have an awning and an opening to put the lemonade through. How sweet. He was so excited.

So I get up at 6:00 this morning and made cupcakes. We did not have lemonade so I made some Green Tea mix I had. By 8:00 I had two boys screaming they wanted cupcakes for breakfast. Where did my sweet Zachary and Aaron go?
Last night while I was at the Black Swamp Quilters meeting, my girlfriend delivered an entire truck load of things for the sale. Her neighbor had all these things left from their garage sale a week earlier. She dropped of a dining room table, 4 chairs, this love seat, 2 large bags of clothes, kids toys and electronics. I was floored.

Then this afternoon I had the woman come back who donated the pick up truck full from the day before the sale with another truck load. Two pick-up truck loads of As if that were not enough, I had another friend who is moving out of state deliver yet another pick-up truck full of things.
I am elbow high in miscellaneous stuff!!! There were very few customers this morning. At 11:00 I went out and checked on the signs. They all needed to be straightened or put back up. Afterwards things picked up a little. Even though it was a slow day....we earned One Hundred Thirty Three dollars and Twelve cents. That makes a grand total of Two Hundred Fifty-Seven dollars and Eighty-seven cents. Wooooo Hooooo Diddlllllleeeeyyyyy Doooooooo and Ye Haw Too :)
Lets pray tomorrow is a flood of people so I can have all this stuff off my driveway and into new homes.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Green Fairy Quilt Charity Update

9:00 AM

1:30 Thursday
Day One of the garage sale is now over. I asked friends and neighbors to drop off their unwanted belongings so I could add them to my garage sale. I was having a garage sale anyway and thought doing a fundraiser for Green Fairy Quilts at the same time would be an easy way to raise money to help those in Romania. I became interested in helping them fundraise because 100% of the money goes directly to those in need. Nothing is skimmed off to pay for a CEO's salary or for postage to request more funds. I'm kind of funny about that stuff.
So, do you want to know how much was raised in 4 1/2 hours? I knew you did....why did I bother to ask? One Hundred Twenty Four dollars and Seventy Five cents. Why did I write it out and not use numbers???? So those who just want to check the amount would have to work for it!!! LOL....I'm soooo bad.
I have another friend bringing a sofa and some more things tonight. I'll keep everyone posted.

What Is Free Today?


Lots of it too.

Number one: when planning a garage sale:
  • Don't go to the gym and lift weights prior to setting up. That makes carrying tables a bit more challenging!!!

  • Make your signs in advance so you don't have to get up at 6:00 AM.

  • Have plenty of carbs and sugar that morning with a heaping serving of coffee/caffeine of choice. Sugar and Carbs should be called "Rocket Fuel."

Stay tuned for updates. If I had a camera crew....we'd have live feeds from the Green Fairy Charity Garage Sale hosted in Perrysburg, OH. I'd have Dick Clark as my MC too :)

After all, if your going to dream.....dream big right?

Wise Smiles,

PS...back rat your hair to cover the gray that is showing through the hair color. Chrome Dome is not exactly the latest in Couture.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Free Buttons...Get Your Free Buttons

Here it is...thanks to AU Connection....not to be confused with my Mob Connections or the French Bread Connection....this is my own personal AU Connection :)

Khris made this button so I could share it with anyone who would like to take it and use it to let others know about the Roc-Lon Multi-Purpose Cloth Challenge. I know the extra - between Multi and Purpose has been left out....but I bet Rockland Industries forgives us right? Right :)

Thanks a million, trillion, kabaillionzillionmosterlillian Khris :)


Ott Lights Galore

You may ask yourself, so how does one very frugal gal end up with 4 Ott Lights? You know she did not go out and pay full price for 4 Ott Lights. Here is the knew there would be a story right?

Meet Ottra Lotta. She stands to my right when I sew and my machine. Ottra can be moved over my cutting table with a quick lift and twist wrist motion. She came from Needles Quilt Shop in Wellsboro, PA. I won her in a drawing. I was just as shocked as anyone to learn I had won.

Now here is Ott-Owie. I actually bought him (not at full price mind you) while living in South Carolina. He was my first Ott Light. I forget how he got broken but he did. Did I throw him away? No way. I cut off his broken appendages and re-attached his male parts to the base of the light. See close up below.

This is Ott-Clipsondatablea . She she is clipped to my left at my sewing machine. Yes I have a Bendable Bright Light too. If I had a spot light I probably would want more light. Ott-Clipsondatablea had to be purchased when living in PA. Ott-Owie was in storage when we left SC for PA. We had no idea we would be in PA for 11 months. We thought we would be there for 6 weeks. Lucky for many ways....there was a NEED to buy another light so I could see while I stitched. So I convinced my husband a 50% off sale would mean I actually saved money (no mention of the other 50% I spent right?) I bought Ott-Clipsondatablea before I won Ottra-Lotta. Now that makes 3 Ott Lights for one girl. Yes I are probably thinking why on GGE did she not give one away. Well, I needed one next to my sewing machine and one next to where I was doing hand stitching.

Last but not least....please meet Ott-OhhhhLotteria. I saved the best story for last.
I frequently visit certain dumpsters around town. I get my boxes for shipping and my bubble wrap free. I know where they use the boxes I like/need and where the bubble wrap free haven is located. (That is how I am able to keep my prices low....typically it costs a company up to 3.00 per shipment for packaging alone!!!) One day while visiting my free stations....I noticed a dumpster that looked like it was overflowing with bubble wrap and boxes. So I flipped the lid....and what did I see: This Ott Light in a box in the dumpster. I blinked....blinked....and blinked again. I thought for sure I was seeing things. Quietly I snatched that baby up and put her in my van. I got lots of great bubble wrap too.
When I got home I took her out of her box and plugged her in. Much to my amazement....she worked just fine. The only problem was the threading on the stand was broken. Boo Hoo....guess the store manager has no appreciation for small repairs. I had the handy hubby put a metal rod that we just so happened to have in the basement on that baby and she just glows and glows. Can you imagine Ott OhhhLotteria in a landfill? Me either.

There is her repaired leg. She stands strong and tall....shining when ever I ask her to.
Ya just never know what you will find ay?


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