Do you find yourself starting a project and then you find yourself… doing something related or along the way… and that leads to another and another, and another… and pretty soon several hours have passed and you have not yet finished the first task?
I have finally finished or disentangled myself from several large projects and obligations. Yesterday and today were almost totally ready for my own stuff. But as I mentioned above… not so fast.

Today I had planned to put up a blog post, but you know what today is? May 25th, the deadline for the GDPR to take effect. While I know what it was and that for anyone reading from the EU would need to be notified about any data collection done on the blog and the store and what you do with it. Truth is I don’t collect anything. I can hardly keep track of me and my stuff I don’t need the added responsibility of someone elses stuff too.
This all started after reading a post written by Darlene of QuiltShopGal about the GDPR and Privacy and why we should care. That sent me on the chase down rabbit holes to define and create the I Have A Notions GDPR and Privacy Policy update. The short version is posted at the top of all the blog pages and there is a slightly longer version on the Dedicated Policy page, and there is an even longer all inclusive one at the store, which will also have some new verbiage soon (the other end of the rabbit hole).
We should all be concerned with where our information is and how it is being used by sites we visit, especially with the inability to control cookies, all the website data breaches/thefts and the demise of “Net Neutrality” (if you feel inclined let your legislators know that we want Net Neutrality back, but that is another rabbit hole.
So… while I had visions of getting things accomplished today… it took just about all day to get here!
What did you do today? Do you care about Privacy Policies, GDPR or Net Neutrality?
Sound off in the comments.
More Later- Beth