
I Have A Notion blog and store have moved to:

the store can be found at

There is a much easier to navigate store, with new items. The blog has its own page as well... new content too.

The blog is now at

Please come and visit!

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Wonderful Break

Hey there everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.  What I didn't tell anyone is that Mr. McSteamy took both co-workers to PA for a visit and I was at IHAN headquarters you know why I was so quite!!!  I've never been home alone for longer than a day so this was sooooo wonderful :)
Here are a few photos from the many I took over the holidays

Some monkeys received their first pair of roller blades for Christmas.  Zach was all over this gift....without much fear he insisted I put mine on and join him for a skate around the neighborhood. It has been so long since I had my roller blades on I couldn't believe my body knew what to do.  Yes, I did fall....square on my bum and I'm telling you it still hurts!

Zach decided he needed a bit more support while skating alone that first night in the driveway. 

Aaron was most afraid of the skates and it took him a few days to become friendly with them.  The wheelchair Mr. McSteamy used for his owie last month came in very handy. 

How to keep two very energetic monkeys busy during the cold winter months?  Yep, an indoor trampoline....oh yeah....and they both skate in the kitchen too.  It is like a regular zoo around here.
Our New Year's celebration included about 100 of those poppers that shoot curly paper every where....that was so much fun.  Then of course we had to beat pots and pans on the front porch at midnight....and if I remember correctly there were a few of us dancing on chairs to some late 60's and early 70's "The Cover of The Rollingstones" by Dr. Hook....oh that was a ball. 

Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

Have you heard about the Free Motion Quilting Challenge?  I am excited about this opportunity and thought I'd be sure to share the information with others that might be interested in joining too.

The 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge has started!

You can totally join us, because it's free! And, we hope you will learn and/or improve your FMQ skills in 2012.

To join the challenge click here. and fill out the pledge form.
This is going to be a lot of fun!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

5 Minute Count Down!!!!

Here in Ohio, we have 5 big minutes until we pull the party poppers and beat pots and pans on the front porch.

The IHAN Clan wishes each and every one of you a healthy and fun New Year!!!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Looking For The Reset Button

Yes, I can see the diagram above.....but I can't seem to find my own personal reset button.  I'm looking for it and when I find it...I'm going to push that button and pop back the meanwhile....just know I'm here and searching.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy? Merry?

What ever it is that you celebrate....and whom ever you celebrate wishes are that you are healthy, grateful and kind to everyone including yourself.

Sorry I've been out of touch...with having Mr. McSteamy down for most of the month of December, I've been running like a chicken with my head cut off....and I'm not finished yet....11:49 my time...yikes.

Our good news is that the surgeon said he didn't think McSteamy would need surgery on his back....oh we are so grateful!

Sleepy Smiles,

Monday, December 19, 2011


Yes....there are winners to be announced. 

My Increase Your E-Notion IQ  blog post on Seamingly Accurate Seam Guide did say I would be giving away TWO didn't it?

Yep!  That's what it says ....and the winners are:
Number 26 and number 15. 
Please send me your full name and address and I'll get those in the mail to you ...possibly today :)

AND then there was a really fun Blog Hop Party hosted by Quilting Gallery.

IHAN is giving away this Happy Holidays Panel, Wintersong by Cheryl Haynes of Prarie Grove Peddler for Benartex, and the embellishment kit that goes along with the panel.

And the winner is: Becky from the Quilting Book Lady Blog.   After I entered the numbers in the Random Number generator and came back to my blog to count all the way down the list...I got to the name of the winner and clicked on her blog and began reading.  Then I came back here to type in who won....and forgot the dog gone if you really want to know the go count down the list...I don't have time :)  LOL

So Becky, please e-mail me your full name and address and I'll get your beautiful Happy Holidays Panel with embellishments into the mail.


Are You A Curious Sort?

Are You A Curious Sort?
Are you of those who wants to know what other people are getting as gifts?  Do you want to know what they are doing?  I know I certainly am and I am not one least bit embarrassed to talk to people standing in the check out lines about who they are giving their purchases too.  I sneak in a little question or two as well...."so what do you secretly wish you will get as a gift?"  Yep....that used to be called "NOSEY" ....I have a kinder - gentler way to describe it....I call it Curious :)

I'd be happy to show you some of the amazing things I've received in the mail....just in case you are one of "those curious" types too :)
 I received this beautiful kitchen towel from Karin from Sew Write Creations along with a note that said, "doing dishes doesn't have to (the noise a baby makes when nursing).  Isn't that just too funny?  I love green so these penguins keep my spirits up....even tough I'm not gonna be doing any cookin'...cuz I don't like to cook! :)  Thank you Karin!  :)
 I received this gorgeous punchneedle snow man coat pin from my girlfriend Starr....Punchneedle and Me Blog.  Starr was my very first guest artist at the IHAN blog.  If you have not seen those posts and Starr's amazing HERE, HERE, and HERE and prepare for yourself to feel pure awe.  Thank you Starr!!!  You are one amazingly talented artist :)
WHO is this popping up in the middle of my blog post?  Hmmmm....oh yeah....this is the guy who was running through the house yesterday wearing this hat...."I'm a Russian King" he kept repeating as he ran through.   Well....I never knew I had given birth to a Russian King...but now I do.  When he was a baby I called him, "Sir Fussius Maxiums, Last of the Great Fussiesests" ...who knew that was Russian?  Do you ever wonder who you gave birth to? (the question is for the ladies...of course:)

Last evening when I had gathered some of the items I needed to wrap to ship today I had a thought.  The thought was, "I wonder if other people wonder what other folks order for gifts and for themselves?"  So if you are a curious is a photo of just some of the things I wrapped to ship today.  If you have any of things on your wish list and someone bought them for you....don't write asking if any of it was addressed to you...cuz I AINT TELLIN'!!!  I'm soooo bad :)

IHAN Holiday Specials

I thought I'd let everyone know I have two of each of these IHAN Holiday Specials left in stock.  Only TWO so if you want one or both....ya better order quick because when they are gone...they will be removed from the IHAN website.

Ok....returning to some fun things.  I have TWO IHAN Holiday Specials that end on Dec. 24th or when they sell out.  The first one is:

The Floriani Christmas Gift Set includes:
10 spools of Floriani Premium Polyester and 5 spools of Floriani Premium Metalic Threads, Florani Christmas Embroidery Design CD and "Stabilizing Solutions" DVD by Kay Brooks.
$340 Retail Value Only $130 AND you also get a FREE Greetings! CD by Smith Street Designs....compliments of IHAN :)
Total Retail Value: $364 all for $135...where else but IHAN can you find such wonderful deals? (Don't answer that...LOL)
There are only 2 Sets Available so order Now!
Offer Ends Dec. 24, 2011 or before if sold out. (this item will be removed from the IHAN website when sold out)

This is the Greetings! Embroidery CD by Smith Street Designs that is being given away FREE with these two specials. 
Floriani Embroiderers Starter Kit includes the absolute necessity stabilizers every embroidery must start with. 1 roll Heat N Sta Fusible Tearaway, 1 roll Tearaway Medium, 1 roll No-Sho Fusible Mesh, 1 roll Perfect Stick , 1 Roll Heat N Gone  PLUS 6 spools of Floriani Embroidery Thread in Basic colors: Red, Black, White, Green, Brown and Green.
This IHAN Holiday Special also includes a Greetings! Embroidery CD by Smith Street Designs.
Retail value: $163.99
IHAN Special $105
You Save $58.99

AND A little something for myself :)

I could not resist these Decals ....I bought two to give to enclose in a card for two friends.  I thought they were so cheerful ....

I also got one for myself to put on my I weak or what?

Thanks for visiting and reading.  A quick update on Mr. McSteamy (thanks for all the e-mails with prayers and thoughts and enquiries).  He had a MRI on Friday and he has a bulging disc.  We are waiting to see a neurosurgeon and we'll go from there.

Hope your day is full of moments of joy!


Thursday, December 15, 2011


Floriani is having a Year End Sell Out Event and I thought everyone who loves thread or does machine embroidery would definitely want to know.  I'm telling you there are some incredible deals....I mean really incredible deals.

For all of you who don't subscribe to the IHAN Newsletter (sign up is on the right hand side bar) I posted the information in the newsletter on the IHAN blog under it's own page...look up and you'll see tabs for pages and you can click there or HERE.
Here is a big hug for all of you who have taken the time to respond to my question, Why do you or don't you Shop at I Have A Notion (IHAN).

There has been so much thoughtful feedback...THANK YOU!!!  I have already changed so many things. 

Here is an update with what I've done so far with the information:

1.  You know have the choice of how to have your order shipped? 

You can now choose to have your order shipped USPS or Fed Ex.

2.  No Need to Price Shop
Are you a Smart Shopper?  Do you price compare and choose the best price?  Did you know IHAN will price match?  Yes, we will price match a competitors price when it doesn't mean I lose money.  Sometimes other stores get incredible discounts because they buy in enormous quantities...IHAN doesn't do that.  All you have to do is click the Contact Us at the top of the IHAN website and request a price match.  Please include the link to where you found the price less. 
3.  Hard time finding what you are looking for at IHAN?
I'm still working on an option for changing the categories so people can find what they are looking for faster.  Did you know there is a SEARCH WINDOW on the bottom left of the IHAN website?  You can always search a word or product there. 

I have not replied to most e-mails because I wanted to sit and reply one at a time and give you the same courtesy you extended to me.  You will hear from me :)

I did offer a Gift for leaving a comment.  After reading all of them...I was totally bowled over so I have added 2 additional Gifts.
Gift #1 contains the same items as before but I've added more! 
And the winner is:
Congratulations Allie!!!


I put together another gift and this one was won by:

Congratulations Perry!

And the winner of the third gift is:

Congratulations Madame Samm!

All three winners need to send an e-mail to with our full names and address.

Wow....I'm so glad I asked the has been a very helpful process :)

Before I close....I just so happened to see Patsy Thompson's blog post today....if you haven't seen it yet...Click Here!  I'm telling you Patsy is always creating beauty.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Increase Your E-Notion IQ - Seamingly Accurate Seam Guide I'm catering to the Ozzies by posting so late (late for US...early for OZ :)....sorry...can't help it...McSteamy is still having issues and I couldn't get to my bot sooner.

Today's post includes a fun giveaway thanks to Jen Eskridge of Reanna Lily Designs, creator of the Seamingly Accurate Seam Guide.

This is Jen's booth at Quilt Market in Houston....Yes...she's the same gal who wrote the book, Deploy That Fabric....good memory!

Hi Jen :)
 A booth only shot....

 And of course....a photo of Jen's book in her booth :)

Jen gave me a few Seamingly Accurate Seam Guides so I could give them away on my blog....isn't she sweet?  I think so :)
I do realize this template goes on a sewing machine and not on a table....however...the way my new machine is set up I could not put on on yet so I decided to let Jen show you how cool of a tool they are.  Keep in mind I've felt them...used one...just not on my new I do know of what I speak :)

Great guide isn't it?  I want one don't ya?  I don't blame you one bit...and to have a chance to receive one gratis....just be a IHAN blog follower and leave a comment on this post telling me why you want's that easy. 

I'll let the random number generator choose two winners on Sunday, December 18, 2011.  Well...that is if I remember...I sometimes have a problem with that I've had a doorbell installed on my forehead...ya'all can just push on the door bell and I'll be reminded of who I am and what in the heck I'm doin'!!!!

THANKS JEN!!!  For the wonderful Seam Guides :)

Before I close I thought I'd share a photo with you that I took this morning.

I was walking through the living room headed to the kitchen when I glanced outside and this is what I saw.  A moment of pure joy....and I've carried it in my mind all day.  Joy can happen in a moment...or only last a moment...and when I carry it with me....I feel happier on the inside.  I hope you enjoy the photo too.  (I wonder what it would look like in thread painting?)


Ding Dong- Someone say something!!

I thought we were all friends here...helping one another out....but someone forgot to ring the bell....

I guess I need to install a door bell on my computer...or perhaps my forehead (do you know I can't find a single pix of a person with a doorbell on their forehead?  Am I really the only person who ever had this strange thought?  If so...I'm cashing in big time on my first original idea!!!  Hurray....finally genius has struck)

Wholey schmokin....I said I was going to giveaway Edyta's book, Reasons for Quilts, on the 9th....and it is the 13th and not a single one of ya have said a word.  Gene must be in Aruba....cuz he always helps me out with this sort of stuff....LOL

I guess I'll have to lean on Mr. Random Number Generator and see who he says wins....

Joanne.....Congratulations Joanne!  Please send me your address and I'll get your book in the mail to you.

Worse one said anything about Sandi Blackwell's book,  Square-agonals or Sandi's patterns. 
And the winners are:
PinsandNeedles wins Sandi's book, Square-agonals. 

Lee and Moe West get some wonderful patterns from Sandi Blackwell.

Congratulations all!!! Now to get your gifts you have to e-mail me with your full name and address and make it soon before I forget to do that too!!! I think of it...I have had a lot on my mind (get a good visual of that one...:)

 There were some monkeys in a holiday concert...some homework....meals.

A non-ambulatory Mr. McSteamy to cart to the monkey's holiday concert.   Since I'm so friendly....I'll forgive you for not reminding me if you'll forgive me for forgetting...hows that?  Now we're even!


Monday, December 12, 2011


Greetings fellow earthlings....I don't feel like I've  been on earth for several days...but I think I might be back.  Mr. McSteamy has been out of steam all together.  A sciatic nerve problem apparently has knocked him from 6'6" vertical to 6"6" horizontal.  Not a pretty picture...but he is on the mend so thanks to everyone who send notes of care and concern. 

While I'm on the topic of Greetings!  You have to check out these Greetings

No, your eyes are not failing you....that is fabric and aren't they?

I think these are so much fun and you can choose any color thread and fabric that suits your fancy :)

I think this is my favorite....but the jury is still out!
Bet you're wondering if I have improved my free motion quilting skills so much so that I can just whip these out in a matter of a few minutes ay?
Nope!!  I wish it were true...but it isn't....these cards were made using a Smith Street Designs software, Greetings!  I like the Thanks and the Congrats too....I've just discovered these and I'm telling ya they sure are fun.

Back to holding down the fort and dispensing medications....moist heating pads and fending off the rest of the dragons!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Quilt Gallery's Blog Hop Party-Spreading Some Cheer

Blog Hop Party

December 9-17, 2011

I hope all of you know Michelle from The Quilting Gallery....if you don' is as good of a time as any to become familiar with Michelle and The Quilting Gallery!  She has put together this wonderful event as well as so many other great events...visit The Quilting Gallery and check out all the wonderful events and resources she offers.

IHAN is participating....who could resist a fun Blog Hop that includes Giveaways especially during the Holidays....Not me!!  There are well over 200 participants from 20 countries participating. 

For all of you have never been to the IHAN Blog...WELCOME :)  My name is Kelly Jackson and I am the author of this Blog as well as the owner of I Have A Notion (aka IHAN) a web-based Quilting, Machine Embroidery and Needle Art Supply shop.  The focus of my blog is reviewing quilting, machine embroidery, and needle art notions, books and patterns.  If that sounds interesting to you, feel free to click the "follow" button on the sidebar and you'll be able to keep up with the adventures of the IHAN clan! 

We are giving away this Happy Holidays Panel, Wintersong by Cheryl Haynes of Prarie Grove Peddler for Benartex, and the embellishment kit that goes along with the panel.
The Wintersong Embellishment Kit is by Hillcreek Mills and includes instructions, linen thread to embellish the Wintersong panel, hand dyed buttons, beads and beautiful bells. 

I thought this would be a wonderful giveaway during the Holiday Season.  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post with one holiday wish you have this year.  On the the 17th of December, Mr. Random Number Generator will choose a winner.  This giveaway is open to anyone and everyone all over the world :)

I can't thank you enough for visiting and I wish everyone, everywhere joy, gratitude and health.



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