We stitched and caught up on all the latest news. We shared stories of our children and grandchildren. Here are some goodies I just had to share:
Leona's granddaughter (apx. 4 yrs old) was getting ready for pre-school and learning to use the potty independently. She was with grandma and used the potty. She asked grandma to wipe her and Leona told her that she was getting to be a big girl now and she needed to wipe herself. The granddaughter replied, "but grandma if you wipe I won't have to wash my hands."
Another story about Leona's granddaughter. She came up to Grandma and asked her if she wanted to buy a pine cone. Leona asked her how much money she wanted for it. She said, "how about $3.00. Leona said, "Grammy does not have $3.00." Granddaughter says, "how about $2.00?" Leona says, "I don't have $2.00." Then she asked for $1.00. So Leona gave her a dollar and then one to her other sister. The granddaughter says, "Grandma, you did have $2.00." All of this from a 4 year old. Math starts early in their family I guess!!
Eleanor's granddaughter (apx 11) visited last summer. Eleanor suggested they make cookies one afternoon. Her granddaughter said, "Grandma, we can't make cookies, we don't have any dough." I guess this little girl thinks all cookies come out of a refrigerated section of the grocery store!!!
I can't remember what story I shared about the boys. I have so many. Another funny one on vacation came from Zach. He had found a little shell by the river. He brought it to me and asked me to save it for him. I put it into a little zip lock bag and gave it back to him to carry around. He wanted to hunt for more shells later. The next day he came to me and told me he had 3 more shells and he wanted his little zip lock bag. He handed me the shells.....they were pistachio shells....he had found them by someones campfire. He was very confused when I tried to explain that these were not shells from the water they were from nuts. To him....they were indeed shells and we were going to save them no matter what!!
It is late and I'm very tired. I spent my day wrapping up packages for the winners of the giveaway. I needed to get groceries and get to the post office. So I sat in the parking lot of the grocery store writing out note cards and addressing packages so I could hurry into the post office to ship them without my frozen items melting. Multi-tasking makes me nuts.....but without a full time maid and nanny what is a girl to do? Multi-task with roller skates on baby :)
Hey, Kelly, what's a nice girl like you doing hanging around those troublemakers?... :)