On March 19th, Edyta Sitar (Laundry Basket Quilts) came to speak to the Gathering of Quilters in Toledo, OH. When she asked for volunteers to help hold up her quilts while she was speaking I jumped to my feet. Being 6 feet tall with long arms is an advantage when holding up quilts. I was able to see her work up close and touch all those lovely fabrics. Ohhhh I had a ball. I think I may have been drooling, eek. I got to chat with her husband while we held up some of the larger quilts. I suggested that perhaps after all this hard work I could select a quilt to take home.....I'm so glad he laughed....well....maybe not so glad....but it was nice that he had a great sense of humor.
I could not believe how many quilts Edyta brought. There must have been 50 or more. Edyta's tallent is evident. I love the colors she has selected (did I mention she designs fabrics and patterns?) for her quilts. This was the first time I had seen batiks mixed with other fabrics.
After her lecture I asked Edyta if I could post some of her work on my blog and she agreed. This is an exerpt from her website:
Every time I begin a new quilt, it is normally because of a person or event that has inspired me. Sometimes it can be for a loved one in need, birth of a child, a thank you or simply a tribute to a natural beauty that I have experienced, such as a lovely sunset. The first person that inspired me in quilting was my husband's grandmother - Anna Sitar. Her love and patience that was invested into quilts will forever remain imprinted in my mind. Great quilters have taught, inspired, and challenged me to develop a love for quilting and I hope to be able to share some of the beauty of quilting with you.
Elegant Garden Blocks:

After the lecture I went over and studied some of her patterns. Specifically the Elegant Garden Applique blocks. I think these would be beautiful in Punchneedle as well. If anyone would like to punch one of her patterns I'd love to have it posted on my blog. Please let me know if you do one of them. I will at some time get to punching one myself. As you have gathered by reading my posts.....I have great ambitions for a woman with two young children. I guess I'm an optimist :)
Edyta's New Book:

Edyta's New Book:

Available at: http://www.ihavea-notion.com/ along with many of Edyta's patterns. I plan to list all of her patterns however I have not had time to list them all in my store. If there is one you want and don't see it, please let me know.
I've got to run cook dinner. I have had the worst time trying to figure out how to move photos around a blog. If you have expertise....please...PLEASE....pretty please e-mail me at IHaveANotion@yahoo.com so I too can learn how to move these pix aound. I will eventually find the time to google the "how to" about moving photos....but not tonight!!
I've got to run cook dinner. I have had the worst time trying to figure out how to move photos around a blog. If you have expertise....please...PLEASE....pretty please e-mail me at IHaveANotion@yahoo.com so I too can learn how to move these pix aound. I will eventually find the time to google the "how to" about moving photos....but not tonight!!
Have a great night.
The floral raw edge applique quilt designs are gorgeous, no wonder you were drooling, LOL. Might have to consider treating myself, slightly modified the designs might work on clothing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a treat seeing this up close and personal must have been. Thanks for sharing pictures of them and your experience.
ReplyDeleteI think they would be great on clothing if they were adjusted to fit. I think a copy machine that can adjust the size would work just fine. If you do that please send me a pix so I can show it. How fun!!