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Monday, October 17, 2011

Creative Grids Rulers and Coordinating Patterns

I read this today in the  Checker Distributor Newsletter and I thought it was so good I asked to reproduce their post here on the IHAN blog.  I'm so glad they said yes...THANKS Checker!!!

Creative Grids Double Strip Rulers Shine

Oct 17th, 2011 by Penny Haren (the post below is an edited version of Penny's original post)

The strip rulers are simply brilliant designs – but until we got them into the hands of brilliant designers, we didn’t know how truly special they are! We knew the basic concept was a winner – but didn’t realize the versatility of the tools….Check these out!

All of these quilts were made with this same ruler....

Kaleido-Strips 8 by Rita Fishel of Creations Sew Clever
This ‘double strip” version of a kaleidoscope makes short work of the tedious task of rotary cutting these quilts….
Joan Ford – Scrap Therapy
Joan has used this ruler in several quilts – and they all look totally different!

Around Town…
This ‘double strip” version of a kaleidoscope makes short work of the tedious task of rotary cutting these quilts….

Without a Paddle….

Trade Winds….
In this quilt, Joan combines the Creative Grids Double Strip Kaleidoscope with the Creative Grids Template Whirligig Charming 5 " Square.

1001 Peeps by Lizzy House
Lizzy combined these two rulers, the 45 Degree Double Strip Ruler and the Lazy Angle Ruler,  to produce the cover quilt in her new book….

The Double Strip 60 Degree Ruler
Rita Fishel of Creations Sew Clever has done it again – this 60 degree version of a kaleidoscope quilt….

Kelido-Strips by Rita Fishel

The Storm at Sea Ruler….

All of the cuts for this Storm at Sea by Rita Fishel, are made with this one ruler…

The Corner to Corner Curve Strip Ruler….
What a fun way to work with positive and negatives….

Some of these patterns will not be available until next month – but you may want to pre-order now so you'll be sure to have the one you want before the first shipments sell out.

See...I told you it is a cool post to the Checker Newsletter.


Wonderful News about DEPLOY That Fabric Winner

I just received an e-mail from Robin...the winner.  This is what she said:

Kelly that's wonderful news but could you please draw another winner? I won a copy over at Tall Grass Prairie Studios and actually received my book this morning. I flipped through it quickly and I love it! I see several projects that I would like to make.
Very kind of you Robin!!!! 
Now, I'll go do the random number generator again and see who is the new right back.
Lucky number 35 is our new winner..
Pam from Dover PA
Congratulations Pam!  Please send me  your full name, address and phone number so your prize can be shipped to you.  My e-mail is
Talk about a wonderful day....while sending and reading e-mails about the winner of this book I found an e-mail from Susan at Hanging On By Needle And Thread Blog....I won a book titled From Incurable To Incredible by Tami Boeher.  I'm thrilled and can't wait to read this inspiring story.  Come to find out...Tami lives in Cincinatti OH...just three hours from me....such a small world!
Extra Big Smiles,

DEPLOY That Fabric Book and Messenger Bag Winner

Oh what a wonderful way to start the week....announcing the winner of the Deploy That Fabric book and Messenger Bag!  The winner is number 4 aka

Robin (RslslandCrafts)!!!

Congratulations Robin.....please send me your full name, address and phone number so your wonderful book and bag can be shipped to you.

THANK YOU to everyone who left a comment and THANK YOU Jen are a wonderful author and an even more wonderful person!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything

**Edited 10/16/11

Beautiful Autumn in Ohio

I walked around the corner and saw my co-workers standing on the back of the sofa...hmmmm?
As I got closer I understood why they were glued to the window...check this out:
How on earth did that grasshopper get up in that spiders web?  This is over 6 feet above the ground.  Sort of gross I know....but cool at the same time.
I dropped by Waldo's house and this is what she has on her design wall.  These blocks stopped me in my tracks.  The stripes, polka dots and solids (sm prints that read solid) just work so well together....and who would have thought?
(for all you new followers-Waldo is Mrs. Rosemary my friend and neighbor..I call her Waldo because she pops up in lots of photos so it is like a Where is Waldo books)

I had to do a close up of this block....I just love it.  It has both Kaffe Fassett fabrics and Marcia Derse fabrics in there.  The is Tuscan Windmills by Kaye England.  The funny thing is Waldo's blocks look nothing like the quilt on the cover of the pattern because she chose such different completely changes the look of the quilt all together. 

Back to the co-workers.....Zach was a bit lost because he didn't know what he wanted to do this morning.  I made a few suggestions and as we were passing through the kitchen he said, "Momma, I think I was born to cook."  Who knew?  So we took out some fun stuff from the cupboard.  As he was looking for the beaters he came across a little plastic bowl cover.  He asked, "Momma, is this from when I was a baby?"  LOL....ummmm is a plastic bowl cover.  Zach promptly put it on his head like it was a you wonder where he gets this stuff from?  I just had to grab my camera and take his picture.

Chef Zach....waring an apron his Momma made and his baret' aka...plastic bowl cover :)

Here you can see what we call, "cooking from scratch"....ROFL

This kid is going places....I just know it!

Back to sewing now....I have been learning Machine Embroidery and this is a kitchen towel I made using a ME Design I purchased recently...Whimsical Flowers by Mary Gartner.  The design is absolutely beautiful and I wanted it to go in my green kitchen.  Who learns to do ME and chooses a pattern that requires 21 thread changes?  I'm nuts....but I loved the pattern and dog-gone-it I was going to have it.  Unfortunately I got all the threads in the wrong order and some I substituted so I think it looks like a cloth from a Caribbean trinket gift shop...LOL.'s mine and it is now hanging in my kitchen and I love it.

Now, on to Thursday night's Black Swamp Quilt Guild Meeting.  We had several guests and one of them is from Australia. 
This is Lyn Gladwin from Southern Australia.  She is in town for her son's wedding.  She brought this beautiful quilt to show all of us.  The bottom of the quilt represents the farm fields and the top left is the Australian Outback and the upper right represents Queensland (tropical climate). 
It was made for her soon to be daughter-in-law.  The title is, "My Australia."  I was thrilled to meet Lyn and Nancy and  hear a little about their lives.  Lovely women and definitely a highpoint of  the evening.
Another highpoint of the guild meeting was the 4 Corners Show and Share....or what ever it was called?  I didn't take enough photos so I'll just share this one with you.

This is Mary Lee and she demonstrated how she makes her free form quilts.  She is definitely an art quilter and she is in the "zone" when she is slicing, sewing and dicing.   Mary Lee gave a full demonstration of the process and then shared her quilt in progress that uses the methods she uses.  She used Marcia Derse fabrics .... another quilt I want to steal. 

Edit below
Each month we acknowledge those with birthdays that month.  One of the gals, Cindy, turns fifty this month and in honor of her 50th birthday....she has finished her 50th quilt this month.  I had my facts wrong, I had said Cindy made 50 quilts in one month.  YES that is 50 quilts in one month.  Now, she looked somewhat rested and didn't look like she was starving to death....I have no clue how she managed the feat...but she did.  You may remember Cindy and Mary Lee took first place in the Iron Quilter Challenge a few months ago.  In an hour and 15 minutes they made and finished a wall quilt.  If you missed that here.  Perhaps that's how she managed 50 quilts....a few times a day she put her hat on and assumed the mindset of the Iron Quilter.  You can only wonder :)

These are the charity quilts that were donated this month.  Yes, this is one months....not 6 months...but one month of donated quilts.  Each month I'm amazed at how quickly this table fills up and the good fortune I have to be a part of a group of women who are so talented and generous.

That is pretty much a run down of my week....other than running a business, being a mother to the two IHAN co-workers and a wife.....ok...I'm going to rest now....don't expect a post tomorrow...I may just want to zone out :)

Hope you had a wonderful week!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Madalene Murphy Co-Founder of the MLQG -Quilt Show Part II

Welcome back!!!  Today is part 2 of the Co-Founders of the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild.   If by chance you missed Part I, click here to read that post.

After reading about Mary Jane's traditional quilts it is interesting that the other co-founder, Madalene Murphy,  is an Art Quilter.  She has found fascinating ways to translate her thoughts, feelings, and  joys to her quilting.  

This sampler was Madalene's first large quilt.  It was funny to see because this may very well be the only "traditional" quilt Madalene has made. 
Madalene wanted to take a quilting class and the one being offered was a Christmas sampler.  She wasn't interested making a Christmas theme quilt so instead of just waiting for the next class (something I might have done) Madalene contacted the instructor and arranged to make some changes.  She made the class work for her and designed some of the blocks to suit her tastes. 
The quilt is beautiful and I really enjoyed listening to Madalene talk about how much she learned in that class.
"Moment of Clarity" is a quilt Madalene made for her daughter's graduation.  The photo above is a picture of a power point presentation screen...not the real quilt. 

As Madalene was contemplating a theme for the gift quilt she remembered her daughter loved making paper snowflakes.  Then she went into the box of treasures and pulled out the paper snowflakes her daughter made when she was young and turned those patterns into a quilt.  Reverse applique and applique was the method Madalene chose to construct this beautiful treasure. 

Can you imagine how loved her daughter must have felt when she received this quilt?  What a treasure!!!

"Thus Spoke Emily" was made as another graduation for her daughter, this time she earned her MA.  I sware this picture does absolutely no justice to this wonderful quilt. 

Emily had studied and written about wagon makers in north central PA while working on her MA.

Are you picking up an overall theme to Madalene's quilting yet?  Let me clue you into something about her.  Madalene was a professor at a local University and what do you think she taught?  No, not sex education...come on now.  I'll give you just one more guess.  Yes, you got it that time, she taught English.  

Communication, words, feelings, thoughts and metaphors are the prism Madalene is looking through as she approaches a quilt project.  I find her style fascinating, don't you?

The title of this quilt is "Yes!"  Madalene had taken a class from Rosalie Dace, a teacher from South Africa.   There are two meanings behind the title of this quilt.

The first "Yes" came when she learned it would hang on the wall straight.  It was the first quilt Madalene designed without any structure...she sort of designed it "off the wall."

The second "Yes" came on the day she was finishing the quilt, September 11, 2011.  That morning she received a call from one of her daughters living in New York City and she learned her daughter was safe.  Another call came in from her son who lived near the Pentagon - he was also safe.  This was the quilt she hung onto as a symbol that there is something positive left, it was not all horror, devastation and fear everyone was having at that time.

The next quilt is one of my favorites, "Celtic Meditation."

The Celtic Knot work is serves as the metaphor for  interconnectedness.  It is very congruent with Madalene's beliefs that everything is interconnected.

Look how beautiful the center is....I just love it.

Next is, "Celtic Hybrid.  It is an sample for a class Madalene teaches on Celtic Knot work.  I'm thinking I need/want this class!!  How about you?
The smaller blocks are examples of what can be done with Celtic Knot work and she made this quilt as a sample to show her students.
I think this picture really shows the colors a bit more accurately.

(I know this is a crummy photo....but it was a picture of a use your wonderful is really wonderful)

Madalene made "Treetise" a queen size quilt for her her son and daughter-in-law's wedding gift. Both her son and daughter-in-law love nature and the quilt symbolizes the interconnectedness between two separate but equal people. You don't see the roots of the trees very well in this slide, but the roots are done in Celtic Knot work. The traditional elements on this quilt include blocks, triangles and they change size to make more movement in the quilt and to outline the big leaf shape in the middle. She used Electric Quilt Software to design the quilt.

"Canon in Green and Blue" is one of Madalene's commissioned pieces.  It was made for a couple who were building a Bed and Breakfast.   In an effort to get some design ideas, Madalene went to the B&B and spent some time looking at the hillside.  She saw trees, sky, fields, leaves and stars.  As she was looking, she realized it was the whole picture that captured the essence of the place.  She wanted to create-the interconnectedness of the sweeping sky and the beauty of the words and fields that was the strength and inner core of the scene.  She used Electric Quilt Software to design the quilt. 
Madalene made this quilt to represent the one moment that is always slipping out of our grasp as soon as we realize it's there.  I'm in love with this is a wonderful physical representation of a mental process.  For me it is a very clear translation...I just get it and can feel it on a visceral level.
Madalene used her own hand dyed fabrics to make this quilt :)
A close up of the beautiful quilting.
"Mountain Sunset" is an example of a bit of tradition but with a twist.  Madalene made this quilt using a rectangular log cabin and played around with the fabrics to create the look she wanted.
Playing around with the drunkards path pattern, Madalene wondered if she could make a tree.  The fabrics are all hand dyes and she only had a fat quarter for the leaves.  I guess you can do amazing things when you challenge yourself!
Madalene said she was very pleased with the trunk of the tree.  She cut some strips of her dyed fabric and sewed them down and it created a neat texture.  There is a lot of heavy quilting too.  Excellent way to practice while making a lovely wall hanging.
Madalene briefly held up this fun quilt while she was talking about the quilt above.  She clearly loves trees and nature.
Eliot is Madalene's 2 1/2 year old grandson.  She made this wall hanging for him when he was born and it hangs over his crib.  Madalene had a lot of fun designing and making the frog and the turtle.  Ahhh, to be loved by one's grandma...a wonderful joy indeed.

The fabric used in this wall hanging was snow dyed.  The fabric hung on Madalene's working wall (also the title of her blog) for a long time.  She really liked it but didn't know what to do with it, so there it hung.  One day she noticed there was the shape of a butterfly right in the middle of the fabric. If you look closely towards the upper quarter of the quilt, you can see the butterfly that has been quilted. 
A few days later, Madalene looked at the fabric again and wondered why it was that she saw the butterfly and wanted to emphasize that instead of the other areas of the fabric with it's beautiful color and textures. The contest between the abstract vs. the representational got her thinking about why we are drawn to one and not the other.  The quilt is titled, "Dialog: Pattern or Picture" There is movement from the representational to the abstract shapes.  When those shapes are turned upside down your brain reads leaf and before it is flipped it is just an abstract shape.   (Yes, I have the entire evening on video tape and I'm reviewing the memory is not this

The "What If" quilts.....

Madalene wondered to herself, "what if I wanted to add some elements of nature to my quilts, can I even do it, physically?"  The colors from the background came to her while going on a walk in nature.
Madalene had just done a  reverse applique quilt and when she started making "Happenstance." She wondered, "what if the reverse applique doesn't reveal what is underneath...what if it reveals a fabric with texture and not just color."  She chose a snow dye and the only fabric she found to go with it was the purple silk.  She added some texture with the silk and then she saw 3 blobs in front of her.  The piece remained on her working wall for quite some time. 
One day while putting some things away, Madalene discovered some heavy silk threads that had made from Saris (Indian women's dresses).  It felt wonderful so she decided to outline the blobs.  Madalene was ready to give up on this had been on the working wall incubating for so long.  Then one day she was playing and made a squiggle with the silk thread and thought it looked like a tree.  There was then three places her eyes could wander to and she liked the meandering sort of serendipity, a wondering...coming upon one place after another.  She wanted to emphasize that movement and she was going to do it with quilting lines and then decided to do it with another shape...she chose triangles.  Then she machine quilted it and added some pearl cotton by hand and finished the quilt.  Talk about a long birthing process!!!

"Text in Context" ....what a fun name!  This quilt came out of a sample piece Madalene was doing with paints.  She had painted some fabrics and the paint bled as it dried.  She looked at it and saw a manuscript (more from her teaching career) and to emphasize that she quilted the lines.  It also looks like a landscape...with the blue sky's and green grasses. 
When Madalene started to make her art quilts she decided she wanted to keep a journal of her process.  Her journal is "Working Wall" her wonderful blog.  I'm a follower....I think you would love reading her posts might just want to be a follower too :)
I know this was another long post.  I hope you find it as fascinating as I found Madalene's presentation.

Quick Follow Up on Scissor Post

I'm running out the I gotta make this quick.  The reason so many people had not heard of Famore Cutlery is because they have been making scissors for other companies and stamping those company names on them.  One quick example, the Jackpot Scissors by Simplitity were made by Famore.

Famore Cutlery's website has been down for a few days because they are changing servers...their site is back up and running....phew...I was getting worried.

Ok...I'll be back soon to post Part II of the Quilt Show by the Co-Founders of the Mountain Laural Quilt won't want to miss seeing Madalene's quilts.



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