I met some very fun people while at Quilt Market. On Thursday when I arrived the garage at the convention center was full. So I drove about 5 blocks and parked in a lot. I figured 5 blocks would be no big deal to walk. What I did not think about was that I would be leaving after 10 PM and I had not written down the name of the street.
I left the convention center and started walking in the direction that I thought I had parked in. Mind you I have all the stuff I bought at Quilt Market in 2 bags over my shoulder. That fabric was heavy (not too heavy however....I would never have considered sitting it down!!!). I walked a few blocks to discover I did not recognize anything. I turned around and walked into a building that said transportation on it. I ran into three gals who had name tags on from the Quilt Market so I asked if they were familiar with the area. One tries to help me with her map and then the other gal said...."come with us we'll help you find your car." So I go with them.....for all I knew they wanted to take my stash....thankfully they didn't. Come to find out it was Lacey Hill and Carol and Nancy from Quilt Woman.com. They were soooo kind. They helped me find my van and waited until I was totally loaded and driving before they drove away.
I wish I had gotten these gals names. They are sisters and were sitting behind me in one of the Andover classes. I had not eaten since 8am and it was 5:30pm. I was so hungry but I'd be dipped if I was going to miss something just for food. I started chatting with these ladies and we were sharing our experiences. I mentioned I had not eaten and one of them offered me a package of Fruit Snacks and a bottle of water. You know I did not turn that down. All I had to offer in return was a pencil and a pad that was given to me by Brewer Sewing. I would say that was a excellent trade :)
I was fed then driven to my van. That was after I was given tons of gifts ....and I'm not dead or dreaming. It really happened.
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More Later-Beth