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Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 14 of 30 Day GIVEAWAY Simpli-EZ Rulers by Simplicity Creative

IHAN's 30 Days of Giveaways
Anniversary Celebration
Day 13 Giveaway
For a quilter this looks like the flood gates of Quilt Heaven has opened up and dropped out some incredible rulers!!! did.  When the Simplicity Creative Group told me they were sending one of each of the Studio Line Rulers.....I asked them to dial 911 and send the fire department to pick me up off the floor.  I could not believe it until they arrived here at IHAN headquarters.  It is soooo tempting to keep them all for myself....but I have not given in to the Quilt She Devil that lurks within me....I will be giving these all away to very...did I say very....I mean incredibly lucky IHAN blog readers. 

Lets begin by showing you each of these beautiful rulers:
Simpli-EZ Bias Ruler  - Cut bias strips quickly and easily from fat quarters or 1/2 yard cut of fabric. Cut perfect bias strips from 1/4in wide to 2 1/2in wide.

Simpli-EZ Piping Wizard - Cut perfect seam allowances after covering piping cord. Use with multiple sizes of cording and seam allowance. Always a perfect seam allowance. Great for working with piping for quilts, garments and craft projects.

Simpli-EZ Flip n Set Ruler - Cut triangles to setting blocks on point. Folds open to cut triangles for 4in to 16in blocks. No math to figure. Also use to square corners on quilts.

Simpli-EZ Tri-Mate Ruler - Ideal for use with rotary cutter. Cuts triangles 4 times as long as they are tall. Cuts triangles with finished heights from 1/2in - 3in.
4.5" Easy Angle Anniversary Edition Ruler - Celebrating 20 years of Easy Angle with Sharon Hultgren. Cuts half square triangles from 1in to 4 1/2in. Built in seam allowance - no math to figure. Cut triangles from straight strips quickly and efficiently.

Simpli-EZ 30 degree Triangle Ruler - For Dresden Plates and Fans. Eliminates need for center applique. Can be finished with curved edges or points. Many sizes on one tool. Use even size strips.

Simpli-EZ 45 degree Triangle Ruler - Great for use with Kaleidoscope quilts. Many sizes on one tool.

Simpli-EZ Double Wedding Ring Ruler - Cut three different units with one tool-centers, melons, and squares. Inside curves are cut easily as outside curves. A and B units can be cut from strips or squares.
Simpli-EZ Pineapple Ruler - Make Pineapple blocks with no math, no trapezoids, no stress. Make blocks in almost unlimited range of sizes. Make both traditional and non-traditional Pineapple blocks. Makes log cabin, album style, and many other quilt blocks quickly and easily.

Simpli-EZ 4.5in x 4.5in Square Ruler  - Marked in black for right handed users and red for left handed users. Numbers read correctly ANY way the ruler is turned. 1/4in markings. 45 lines for centering when squaring up blocks. Useful for cutting squares and trimming blocks to size.
Simpli-EZ 6.5in x 6.5in Square Ruler - Marked in black for right handed users and red for left handed users. Numbers read correctly ANY way the ruler is turned. 1/4in markings. 45 lines for centering when squaring up blocks. Useful for cutting squares and trimming blocks to size.

 Simpli-EZ 9.5in x 9.5in Square Ruler - Marked in black for right handed users and red for left handed users. Numbers read correctly ANY way the ruler is turned. 1/4in markings. 45 lines for centering when squaring up blocks. Useful for cutting squares and trimming blocks to size.

 Simpli-EZ 12.5in x 12.5in Square Ruler - Marked in black for right handed users and red for left handed users. Numbers read correctly ANY way the ruler is turned. 1/4in markings. 45 lines for centering when squaring up blocks. Useful for cutting squares and trimming blocks to size.

Simpli-EZ Rule 6.5in x 12.5in - Marked in black for right handed users and red for left handed users. Numbers read correctly ANY way the ruler is turned. 1/8in and 1/4in markings. 45 and 60 degree markings. Large numbers foe easy reading.

 Simpli-EZ Rule 6.5in x 24in - Marked in black for right handed users and red for left handed users. Numbers read correctly ANY way the ruler is turned. 1/8in and 1/4in markings. 45 and 60 degree markings. Large numbers foe easy reading.


Simpli-EZ Jelly Roll Ruler - Ruler size is 5in x 10in, perfect for cutting 10in Layer Cake into Jelly Rolls, Honey Buns, and Charm Packs.

I could write a review on these rulers....but Mom Gadget has already done it for me.  Click here to read their reviews on the Simplicity Studio Rulers and see their excellent photos of how to use the rulers successfully.
Some really great things about the Simplicity Rulers are:
  • numbers are easy to read (Bold black for right handed users and bright red for left handed quilters
  • black lines are solid and mark the ½” lines both horizontally and vertically
  • edges are marked at 1/8″ intervals with a short hash mark and at 1/4″ intervals a longer hash mark
  • each ruler is made of clear 1/8” thick sturdy acrylic and has a hole to hang on a hook or peg board
For this giveaway you will need to leave a comment telling us why you want to win one of these wonderful rulers.  Feel free to leave your own reviews if you own one or more of these rulers.

There are 16 Rulers here to be given away. Four will be put into the Grand Prize Drawing so we will draw 12 names for this giveaway.
Thank you Simplicity Creative Group for allowing IHAN to give away such wonderful rulers for our First Anniversary Celebration!!!

Please read over the Anniversary Giveaway Guidelines to learn about more chances to win during the 30 Days of Giveaways.



  1. I have the worst hand-me-down rulers, so I would love the chance to win a new one. Thanks for the great giveaways!

  2. I'd love to win these rulers as I don't have very many specialty rulers.

  3. I only own 1 ruler and would sure like to win one or more so I would have less trouble cutting out blocks.

  4. this is amazing! i would definitely like to try my hand at making some more intricate quilt patterns and these would definitely help!

  5. Wow! What an amazing assortment! I would love the flip-n-set ruler!

  6. Wow, what a great giveaway! I only have a three-inch ruler, a square and a triangle so I'd love to win another!

  7. I seem to have problems with my cutting, so use rulers for everything. I have a few, but really want to do a stacking blocks quilt, and I know the main rule is to have exact cuts. So that is why I could really use a few rulers.

  8. Oh my goodness, this is incredible! All of the rulers that I have are old, and the numbers and lettering is wearing off. It can be really difficult to see a good marking to make the cut, so I have to be extra careful when cutting into my fabric. Thank you Simplicity Creative Group for such a generous prize.

  9. Mercy me! I have two rulers and they are beginning to show their wear. Enter ME!

  10. Of course I want to be signed up!!!

  11. I have the EZ angle ruler and have used it for years. They are wonderful tools. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. Holy Moly this is a great prize. I was just looking at rulers really wishing I had another long one to help when I am cutting long lengths of fabric and oh would I love to have one of the square rulers to help when I am squaring up my quilt blocks(that I intend to make so that I can actually finish my resolution to make a full size quilt this year) thanks for the chance to win.

  13. Oh, wow. I have two very sad little rulers, and I've wanted to buy some more but haven't been able to justify the expense! Fantastic giveaway.

  14. I use a metal ruler that dulls my cutting blade when I hit it.

  15. OH YES PLEASE, rulers the bane of my life, you see I am a lefty and lots of rulers are made for the majority of the population of the world. So to have a whole set of new rulers would be wonderful!
    BTW thanks for the great giveaways this is fun.

  16. I'm a beginning quilter & just have a few basic rulers so would love to win one of these. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  17. I have 1 large ruler and one small one I just don't know which sizes would be the most useful. I'm thinking that the 6.5 x 24 in would be a good addition.

  18. I would love either the Easy Angle ruler (because I often have to pass over a cool pattern that requires one) or the 24" one (because mine is so old, the markings are worn off!). So I would be a happy new home for these wonderful Simplicity rulers!!

  19. I LOVE rulers!! I tend to cut the upper edge of mine with my rotery cutter so I have to replace them, but LOVE having them!!

    Rulers are my #1 tool!!

  20. I'd love to win a ruler,
    For one is not enough.
    Is 2 or 3 or 4 or 5?
    Us quilters love our stuff!

    I have some quilting rulers,
    but not the specialty ones -
    so if I win, I'll gladly thank
    Kelly's blog - I Have a Notion!

  21. What a great give away! Rulers Rule! Hope this doesn't get published twice!!!

  22. OH MY GOSH! I would love, love, love all of these rulers!!! Right now I have 3 or 4 but that is just not nearly enough.

  23. Boy, that 6 1/2 inch ruler would sure make my life easier... I am doing 121 - 61/2in paper pieced blocks for my Civil War Love Letters quilt...

  24. i can't believe i only just now found your blog! how fantastic this place is... :)

    and sadly, i'm also one of those quilters with only one ruler. i love it but it's huge and really, most often i needs something small and quick to move around.

  25. I love the square rulers. I could make my own charm packs and layer cakes!

  26. oh .. who wouldn't want to own one of these beauties!! I have only one ruler right now (a gigantic 16x16), and haven't bought any more because they are so much $$$$. I sure do hope I win!!

  27. I would love to win one of the rulers because, no one can have toooo many rulers (just like fabric - can't have to much).

  28. I would really love one of these rulers. I have so much trouble cutting accurately I am sure this would help.

    chris_quilting@yahoo dot com

  29. I'd love the ruler that allows you to cut triangles for I love to put blocks on point in my quilts. This is a very nice prize...that's for sure (but then....all the prizes have been terrific).

  30. What a nice collection of rulers! I have never wondered too far from straight lines and 90 degree angles in my quilting, so maybe one of these rulers would encourage me to broaden my horizons in quilting!


  31. Would love to win some specially rulers. I only have a few regular ones.


  32. oooooo rulers! I especially appreciate the flexibility of these rulers in being kind to both left and right handed people (I am left handed). It is, of course, possible to succeed without specialty rulers, but once you have used them you will never go back. They are VERY NICE to have and you will find yourself reaching for them again and again. Yea rulers!

  33. I would love one of those square rulers, the 9.5" or the 4.5"! I have been lucky to be a part of several virtual quilting bees/online block swaps and each month finds me making blocks in different sizes. I have started collecting square rulers to help me square up my blocks, and I don't have either of those two sizes. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

  34. RULERS!

    I have several but am always prowling for more!

    Please include me!


  35. I would love to win a ruler because I hate most of my rulers! I have one that I actually like... but I bought a package of another type when it was on sale somewhere and I just don't like it, so I need to buy different ones. I'd love to try one of these out to see if this is the brand I want to get.

  36. I love by the simple rule that one cannot own too many rulers. Please enter me in the drawing. My piecing, and I, offer our thanks!

  37. Hi, I would like any of the rulers! My one and only 4 by 22 inch ruler is about 25 years old and the numbers are coming off! All the rulers sound fantastic! Thanks Sharonj.

  38. Good rulers are the basic quilting tool. And one can never have enough rulers. I'd be happy if I were to be lucky enough to win any of these, but I'd be particularly excited to win the Simpli-EZ Piping Wizard or the Simpli-EZ 45 degree Triangle Ruler.


  39. I love quilting rulers! They really improve my accuracy. Would love to try one of the Simplicity rulers! Many thanks!

  40. Wow it would be great to win these. You can never have too many rulers...(yes, I am a quiltaholic) Thanks for the opportunity.

  41. My usual method of construction is to oversize my pieces and then square them up to the correct size with a ruler, so I'm a big fan of having the right size ruler to do a particular job. I'd love to win this assortment!
    Kathie L in Allentown

  42. Wow! What a giveaway. I have most basic rulers that all quilters have, but I've drooled over the pineapple ruler, and some of the other specialty rulers.

  43. Ooh, I would love to have one of the angle rulers to try my hand at some kaleidoscopes!

  44. I would love to win - why? You can never have enough rulers.

    Patty D

  45. I don't have many rulers so it would be great to win some because right now I make templates when I need different shapes to cut.

  46. These rulers are wonderful! I have been really wanting to make a dresden plate block, but don't have the right ruler for it, or money to buy one right now. I so want to win this!!!

  47. I have that Flip n Set for the setting triangles, and it works a treat. I'd LOVE to have those squares with the quarter-inch mark on them. Would keep me from cutting too much off a piece.

    What would I do? I'd give thanks to the Quilt Goddess in Quilting Heaven if I won some of these........*S*

  48. I currently have 3 specialty rulers. Everytime I save my pennies to get new ones, something else comes up and I have to start all over again! This would be like a Christmas present at my house!!!

  49. I only own 1 ruler, so winning this giveaway would be such a treat for me! Thanks for this great giveaway!

  50. i would love to win any of those rulers, because all mine are made of cardboard, usually the inserts that come inside a fat quarter. sad, i know

  51. I would love the any of the specialty rulers. I have one long ruler and a couple square rulers, but I am dying to try some dresden plates!

  52. This must be quilt heaven? What would you do without rulers? Not sure - would love to add one for future projects. And best of all: it doesn't count against my (fabric) stash! Love it - thank you!

  53. What a great assortment of rulers. I love to be precise when cutting out quilt pieces and I love to try new things. One of these rulers would be awesome to win! Thanks for the chance.

  54. OH MY GOSH, I would LOVE to win these! One simple reason--I SUCK at cutting anything straight! I am pretty much a beginner and I'm now realizing that I need more than just one big, long ruler to cut...well pretty much anything to make a quilt. I could definitely do a much better job with some of these rulers. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  55. i only have one ruler!!!! help!!!

  56. I have very few rulers, so could almost be certain that I don't have one already!

  57. Holy Moly, thank you for giving these up!! It would be very hard for me. I would love to win the 4.5Easy Angle Anniversary Edition Ruler I have such a hard time with 1/2 square triangles, and this would help!! Thank you for the chance!

  58. These look to be great rulers, especially the bias rulers. My brain sometimes puts my cuts backwards so this would be great!

  59. I have 3 rulers and my favorite is wearing out. I have had it for over 10 years and some of the lines are wearing off. It would be great to get a new one!

  60. Wow what a prize. I have been quilting/sewing for a long time and some of the edges of my rulers are looking a bit worse for wear. Would love to win of these.

  61. I can remember math classes and get out the ruler and I would have a panic attack.

    Now I lust for these rulers. So funny.

    I would like to try the pineapple ruler first. Seems like the word WOW just doesn't do it, but WOW!

  62. Those rulers are amazing!! I would have squarer blocks, perfect half square triangles and terrific triangles of all sizes!

    I would be unstoppable :)


  63. Long long ago, my mother bought a 24 inch quilters ruler. At first she used it without a rotary cutter. Then, upgraded from scissors and tearing to a rotary. Now, both of us use that same ruler. Well, the acrylic must have weakened after decades of use, because today Mom (she is 79 years young) cut it. So, now we can only use one side of the ruler. It would be so nice if we won a new ruler. Thanks. mlwright29 {at} hotmail {dot} com

  64. Winning one of these rulers would add to the limited amount of rulers I own at this time. I have made some great quilts but more rulers means more possiblities!

  65. I LOVE RULERS! I am slowly building a ruler library. Your blog give-away tutorial about how to use a blog is great! learned alot from it! I did not know about Google Reader. That is a wonderful tool to know about and use. Thank you!

  66. I saw your blog referenced on Quilt Dad and thought I would come and take a look. Imagine my surprise when I saw the Simplicity rulers here! I was just at Jo-Ann today and I saw the Tri-mate ruler. I am making a charm quilt out of 45 degree diamonds (you can see info and a photo of the first charms at: and was wondering if that particular ruler would help me do the setting triangles. I made an Eye spy quilt and just kind of winged it. A ruler would make it a lot easier!

  67. What a great bunch of rulers! I'd like to win one to add to my quilting accessories. I haven't been quilting all that long, so don't have many specialty rulers.

  68. I "have a notion" that one day I am going to make the most beautiful double wedding ring quilt and boy would the ruler come in handy:) I love all these rulers and would be proud to own them:) They make quilting so easy and efficient. Hugs,
    Jenna Louise

  69. Oh wow!! What a great giveaway! I would love to win one of these rulers. I don't have many rulers. Just the basics. Having the right tools, always makes it easier to make your quilts. Thanks for the chance to win.

  70. I've been quilting for almost 2 years and have two quilting rulers and one already has cuts in it! Guess I won't buy that kind again. It isn't this brand. I'd love to get any size as two sizes just aren't enough.

  71. 6.5 x 12.5 FINALLY someone made the right size ruler! I would kill, er, I mean love to have that ruler.

  72. Oh wow!! I have a couple of rulers that I use, but would love to get some more to play around with and see what creative ideas I can come up with :)

  73. I would love to win Simpli-EZ 30 degree Triangle Ruler or Simpli-EZ 45 degree Triangle Ruler or Simpli-EZ Double Wedding Ring Ruler. I need them!

  74. I would love to have a new ruler! One of the two I have recently cracked so I'd be happy to win one to replace it!

  75. I would love to win because I only have four rulers that I use for my quilting. I need that pineapple ruler, but any of them would be great to add to my tool collection. PLUS I would LOVE to try a ruler from the Simplicity Creative Group! Here is hoping I am INCREDIBLY LUCKY!

  76. I would like to have anyone of these rulers, I am so happy that us left-handed quilters have been considered.

  77. Please throw my name in for the rulers. Would love to add them to the 4 that I have. Thank you ,Kelly.

  78. Wow - that's alotta rulers! I've always wanted to do a wedding ring quilt, so it would be really great to win that one! Thanks for the chance!

  79. I'd love to have a new ruler. Mine are ancient. Well, not quite, but they are pretty dinged up looking and they could be retired easily.

  80. i dito the last rulers are becoming old and worn and have seen their better days!

    would love to win these....along with all the other cool items you are posting about daily!

  81. I have one of these rulers and they are awesome. I love the black markings on them. I would like to try the Simpli-EZ Flip n Set Ruler. I, too, would have been on the floor after receiving these. Can we EVER have enough rulers????

  82. Please enter me -- you can never have too many rulers!

  83. I have about four basic rulers and the one I use all the time has a chewed corner, don't you love puppies?. I would love to have any of those.

  84. Wow, rulers that have numbers specifically for us lefties. I'd love to win one of those.
    quiltlady59 at fuse dot net

  85. What a great idea to have different colored numbers for right-handed and left-handed people! I do my sewing with a left-handed friend, and this would definitely make it easier to share supplies!

  86. Winning these would be ruler heaven! What a prize.

  87. I would love to win these rulers! You can never have too many rulers!

  88. Oh wow! You aren't kidding heaven sent and generous!!
    Crossing my fingers on this one! LOL!! I am a year old quilting newbie, so haven't developed a great stash of tools yet - mostly because i am a lefty, and have never found tools that count from right to left! LOL I have my 5" lip edge and my mat, and am doing enough math just to cut regular strips that I don't even attemped it with others! haha!

  89. My friend needs a 12.5" square ruler. If I won that I would give it to her. She purchased something recently that is not working - too flimsy and can't find a good ruler around here.

  90. I only have two rulers, and sometimes find myself using random objects such as notebooks as rulers. Especially when it's for something smallish. That's why I'd love to win a ruler. And thanks for the whole giveaway event, even if I don't win, it's such a fun and generous thing to do!

  91. Wow! I have not seen these rulers. The piping ruler is an amazing idea and I love the bias and squaring up rulers. Rulers that are easy to read and useful with the different angles we use sometimes makes for more accurate seams and blocks. I would use these for beautiful quilts :-)
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. Those are great rulers. The 9 1/2" square is one that is on my must-have list. They look to be very user friendly, easy to read.

  93. One can never have too many rulers! This is the jackpot here!!

  94. I've kept things simple around here, and just have a few basic - a fancy new one would be put to good use! Thank you :)

  95. I want to make a double wedding ring quilt but keep putting it off because I'm looking for an easy way to do it. I'd really like to try their ruler for one.

  96. Oh how wonderful! I would love to be considered for this give-away! I have a few rulers, but look how many and what wonderful uses. I think I might just have a hay-day playing with all these possibilities. I LOVE my 6" square one and use it all the time. So I am sure, if introduced to their uses, that I would put EVERY ONE to good use. Thanks for this great offer.

  97. I'm new to quilting winning any of these would be a great start.

  98. I have one, yes one, ruler! I would love to win another!

  99. I would like to win one of these rulers because they seem much easier to read than the ones I have (from when I started quilting some 20 years ago). . .the eyes are starting to go.

  100. These rulers would make cutting fabric for my quilts a breeze! I'm all for EASY!

  101. I inherited my mom's rulers but there wasn't that many and Oh my how I would love to win MY VERY OWN SET.

  102. Rulers, rulers, rulers, which one would I choose? I could always find a use for any of them so put my name in the pot.

  103. I only have 3 rulers so winning these would make a great addition. Thank you for the chance Kelly.

  104. Why do I want another ruler? Simple. She who dies with the most rulers...wins!

  105. Wow! I'd love to win a ruler because not just ten minutes ago I was hinting at my boyfriend that a quilting ruler would be a great gift for me! I am only just discovering quilting, and I don't have any type of ruler at all.

  106. I have never tried any of these rulers. I would like to win one so I can try it before I buy it kind of thing. I am always looking for great rulers!

  107. What a great giveaway, I'd love to be entered.


  108. oooh...I haven't heard of these rulers before! I like the idea of red and black...

    I'd like to win a ruler because I'm a lefty and we usually always get the short end of the stick!
    If I win, I'll no longer be short! :)

  109. New tools are always a welcome addition to a sewing room! It would be great to have the chance to try them all out.

  110. I have 2 of these rulers and they are fantastic! I love the EZ Jelly Roll is my FAVORITE!

  111. I can't quilt without lots of rulers. I'm too dumb to make generic sizes work, so I need all the specialty ones!

  112. Rulers are one of my fantasies, I'd love to always have the right tool for the job. I could especially use the 45 degree angle or any of the square ups. Thanks so much.

  113. Rulers! Did you say rulers! What girl doesn't love a new ruler! I've used the Easy Angle. Love that one. Never used any of the others.

  114. i am new to quilting and own 1 boring straight ruler. these would really help me make some fancy quilts! thanks!

  115. i never knew there were so many different rulers - i've never come across them in the uk

  116. Hi all,
    Kelly thanks for a great 30 giveaway. Is awesome!!!!!!!
    Well, answering your question... I'm a new quilter and I only have one ruler, so it will be great to have this collection. Rulers are basic for quilting, they do your life easy :D

  117. You are very right, I looked at that picture and started drooling and though I was in heaven!!! One can never have too many rulers

  118. OMG, I've been looking at these wonderful rulers and don't know which one to get first. A winner would be wonderful. Thanks

  119. What a fantastic haul of rulers! Awesome! I would love to win those SO MUCH!

  120. I would love to win one of these rulers, because both of my long rulers are broken. I've been using them that way, but I REALLY need a new one.

  121. wow1 What a GREAT set of rulers. I have one of their rulers and LOVE it. Will definitely be adding more to my collection.

  122. OOOOhhhh - I've got me some ruler love! What a great give away.

  123. I would like the 12.5 square up ruler because it would make squaring up applique blocks a lot easier. And I could use it for fussycutting fabrics and lots of other things. It's a useful one on my list of gagdets to get. Thanks for the chance!

  124. These rulers would give me a better selection to work with in my quilting. I only have one 3X18 inch ruler and have started to notice that it is not enough for somethings and is way to big for others!

  125. I would soooo covet this collection of rulers. Mine have been eaten and nicked at by my rotary cutter and are in desperate need of replacement.

  126. I could really use some more rulers. I'd like to have one of the triangle ones because I only have one straight ruler.

  127. I really would like to win one of these nifty rulers. All of my rulers are cracked, chipped, or scratched up because my kids love to borrow them for toy car ramps and my hubby like to borrow them for projects!

  128. I just saw a Demo on "Mary's triangles". This uses the Easy Angle Ruler and is a zippity-doo-dah way to make triangle blocks without ever sewing one. I have these on my shopping list right now!!

  129. Of course I want in on this! All those many options. Wow..
    kbsteuber at yahoo dot com

  130. Hi, I have the 6.5 by 12.5 which I use for almost everything, unless I am cutting very small or very big. It is my ruler 'of choice' - not too big and not too small. I also have the jelly roll ruler which is great for jelly rolls - surprise :) I would love to win the 30 or 45 degree ruler as I don't have anything like that, but look longingly at the pictures of the quilts using them... maybe one day... and if I had the ruler, maybe that day will be sooner. thanks so much for all the lovely goodies. Sam (Sandra)

  131. Oh how creative I could be
    if for this win you picked me!

  132. Oh. my. gravy. Rulers. I love rulers!

    And they gave you 16 of them? That's *THUD* worthy! Wow. Thanks Simplicity!

    I would love to win a ruler. I'm finally taking stabs at learning more ruler skills and a new toy would be a great teacher!

  133. These rulers look really neat.

  134. A bias cutting ruler, how awesome, would love to have it. I cant resist a good ruler. Thanks for the giveaway.

  135. I would love to have any one of these rulers. I never say no to help and a good ruler that helps you do a job well is valuable. I hope I win a ruler in your generous giveaway. Thank you for doing it.

  136. Oh!!! Ruler heaven! With four kids, I cannot afford to buy one of these nifty gadgets! I'm stuck using an old school wooden ruler right now, lol. Make my sewing easier, pick me!


  137. I need a heart is racing....this is an awesome giveaway!!!

  138. I would love to win one of these rulers! They make cutting fabric so easy and anything easy is great! Thanks to Simplicity Creative Group for being so generous.

  139. What a great giveaway! My DD is learning to quilt and my rulers are no longer my own. What a great way to include lefties in the markings.

  140. I have decided that one can NEVER have too many rulers - because (it never fails) you NEVER seem to have THE ONE that you need for a new project you are trying out/wanting to try, and it takes forever to run down a retailer who actually has the ruler you need in stock!! Please count me in! :) Thank you!

  141. I really want to win a ruler because I am not a good cutter. I am so nervous cutting into fabric, maybe a new ruler would help?

  142. love rulers.. would collect them all if i could and had room..

  143. I just have one question. What can you NOT do with these rulers. Lucky winners

  144. It is so convenient that each ruler is sturdy acrylic and has a hole to hang it by! I'd love any one of these rulers!

  145. I have one ruler that I do all my cutting with and I've had moments where I've growled "I wish I had a square ruler".
    Thank you for the chance to win.


  146. As a new quilter, I have very few rulers, this would be wonderful!

  147. I'd love to win one, maybe one of the squares, so handy!

  148. Great selection of rulers - would love to win any of them. Have learned that the specialty rulers really help with the type of project they are made for.

  149. Rulers! Ruuulers!!! Why wouldn't I want to win any one of them? I love all kinds of rulers. Thank you!

  150. I have one quilt ruler so I could really, really use any one of those in the giveaway. Really, really. Thanks for the chance.

  151. I only have two cutting rulers and I have so many projects in mind that I can'y do without the right tool!
    Thank you Simplicity Creative Group!

  152. I'd love to win as I only have one big ruler right now and am just making it work!

  153. I never knew there were so many different rulers.I would love to try the 45 degree triangle ruler or the double wedding ring ruler.Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.

  154. I've worked with one ruler for 8 years ... yes, please! Your prizes are just fantastic. Thank you!

  155. I find measuring and cutting fabric the most tedious task in sewing, so I would love one of these to help!

  156. This looks like a great line of rulers. I "need" an Easy Angle, because Bonnie Hunter recommends it and uses it for her patterns. The Flip & Set one is a great idea too - I love on-point settings! Thank you for the giveaways!

  157. I would love to win any of the rulers...
    Cath's Blog
    Cath Ü

  158. I would like to have a Simpli-EZ 45 degree Triangle Ruler. I saw a similar ruler being used on a video, and it look really exciting!

  159. I only have just the one ruler and do everything with that (24"x6.5"). It sure would be good to make life easier with a speciality ruler!

  160. Thanks for the chance to win some new rulers. I have never tried the Simplicity rulers, and mine are old, and chipped and scratched. This would be wonderful to replace some of my old rulers.

  161. How tempting to see all these rulers. I love rulers with clear thin lines and would be delighted to win one

  162. I am learning new quilting and sewing and am always on the lookout for a new tool. I would love to be one of your winners! Thanks.

  163. I would love to own the 6.5 X 12.5 ruler. Not only do I not have one, I now tear my fabric to make my little art quilts. It's the only way I can get them straight. With this ruler, they would be straight the first time and every time.

  164. My newest ruler is older than dirt, so you see, I really do need these tools. Pick me, please. It is an emergency.

  165. I am just building my assortment of rulers ...your help is appreciated.

  166. Rulers are godsend in quilting, and I would love to win these!

  167. Oh gosh!!!!; I'd love to win the rulers, because my ruler's almost passing away, it isn't in good condition, I need to buy another, but now I'd be happy to have them with me, I'd die to have a triagle ruler now for an example, so if you don't want to see me in that way, then pick my name, lol

  168. I had never heard of Simplicity rulers before.. wow - what a great prize!!! and so many - lots of people are gonna get lucky! ;)

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  169. i love to try new stuff and these would be wonderful to win.

  170. It would be great to add one of the speciality rulers to my collection.

  171. I really, REALLY need rulers! I only have one, my 6x24. I wish we had the money to get some more, but we're dealing with just one income for now (he's a mechanic and has been laid off :( ) so no fancy new rulers for me, unless I win them.

  172. I would love to win these rulers - all of my current rulers are like me, getting old and worn out so I could definitely use some new ones. Thank you for the opportunity.

  173. Well simply put I have a ruler addiction and so of course I want any or all of these rulers!!!!! I probably need a 12 step program for rulers but hey I will just take one of these rulers or all of them instead ROFL ROFL :O)

  174. Thanks to the Simplicity Creative Group for so generously sharing the Studio Line Rulers!

    That Double Wedding Ring 3-in-1 Ruler could be what gets me to follow in my Grandma's footsteps. Her name was Edith Pearl!! She would have love the markings for lefties, too!

    Day 14 Rules!

  175. Most of the rulers I own are those plain yellow lines rulers. It would be very nice to try out one of these special rulers!

  176. I love a new tool and have seen the bias ruler and would love to try it! (and don't you just hate to wear out the sides of a good ruler?)

  177. I've never used one of these rulers, but I would love this one. Simpli-EZ 12.5in x 12.5in Square Ruler.



Thank you for reading the IHAN Blog. I love getting and reading every comment that is left here; however I may not be able to respond to all comments left during giveaways. There are times when I am juggling many tasks at one time and may not reply to all comments. Please e-mail me at if you need a reply quickly. I thank you for your understanding and-
More Later-Beth


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