Calendars such as these from I Have A Notion:
Last year, my girlfriend and I decided to restrict gifts to things that have been previously used, purchased from a garage sale or rummage sale, re-purposed items, handmade/homemade things and things we got free. We had the best time thinking of wonderful gifts like these. I know it is not the best thing for the economy right now....but why not try it for yourself?
I gave Rachel a beautiful was really pretty. She opened the gift and was just thrilled....then I much do you think I paid for that....(she is like me....gets a huge charge out of paying almost nothing for something wonderful)? I paid 1.00 at a church rummage sale and the tags were still on it. I could have and would have easily paid 40.00 for the nightgown....but I loved giving it to her and I paid 1.00. This makes the gift giving adventure more thoughtful....because you have to search high and low to make sure your gift fits into the category.
I'd love to hear your experiences like these....or if you decide to do this as well....please leave a comment and if there are enough....I'll publish a chapter on fun gift giving ideas.
Thrifty Smiles,
PS....did you know I Have A Notion has a gift registery and gift certificates? We do!!!
Very cute. Lovely selection of calendars. I have a friend that is really into roosters so I'll share with her insights on the cute rooster calendar.
My husband and I love to re-gift. Our definition of re-gifting is that it has to be something we have used ourselves and are passing along to someone else; or, it is something we have found at a yard sale or thrift shop to give as a gift. Unfortunately, a lot of people in our extended family don't appreciate that it is the thought that counts--they want gifts that are new and expensive or they make fun or are completely rude to the giver. So, we stopped giving gifts to those people, and only give gifts of love to people who really appreciate what we give as tokens of our love for them.
ReplyDeleteI also make a lot of things to give as gifts, and was both shocked and hurt to find that some people don't appreciate hand made gifts, either. I truly do not understand the attitude.